
"The Verge"! Quell the "woe"!

author:Ping An Tongbai
"The Verge"! Quell the "woe"!

Contradictions and disputes are like a chain of peace

One by one, "knots"

Resolve the risk of contradictions at the grassroots level

Protect peace and happiness by the side of the masses

Find the "Contradictory Key"

Open the "Heart Knot Lock"

Turn "contradictory knots" into "harmonious buckles"

Add luster to the peaceful and happy life of the masses

June 30th

Tongbai Public Security Police

Resolve together in a timely manner

Conflicts between neighbors cutting down saplings

Untie the knots in the hearts of the two villagers

"The Verge"! Quell the "woe"!

At about 8 o'clock in the morning of the same day, the Maoji Police Station of the Tongbai County Public Security Bureau received a report from Zhou, a resident of a group of Xinzhuang Village in the jurisdiction, saying that the two poplar saplings he planted on the stalk were cut down by Wang from the same village. After receiving the report, the police on duty quickly rushed to the scene, and learned that Zhou's cultivated land was located directly behind Wang's yard, and the terrain was high. A few days ago, Zhou planted 2 small poplar trees on the ridge. That morning, Wang cut down the two small poplar trees without informing Zhou. After Zhou found out, he questioned Wang and demanded compensation, and Wang said that the two poplar trees would affect the lighting of his yard when they grew up, and the two parties had a fierce dispute.

"The Verge"! Quell the "woe"!

After inquiring about the situation, in order to prevent the contradiction between the two sides from expanding, the people's police, in line with the principle of nipped the problem in the bud, immediately activated the diversified resolution mechanism, notified the parties on both sides to the village department of Xinzhuang Village, and united the village cadres to mediate the matter between the two parties. The police explained the law reasonably, pointing out that Wang's practice of cutting down poplar trees without the consent of others was wrong, and at the same time guiding Zhou to plant poplars behind other people's houses, and also to solicit the opinions of the other party. After the patient mediation of the police and village cadres, the two sides finally reached an agreement, Wang apologized to Zhou, and agreed to plant 2 poplar saplings in the season of planting saplings next year, which will be counted as compensation for Zhou, and Zhou will no longer pursue any responsibility for Wang cutting saplings. The two shook hands and made peace and signed a mediation agreement on the spot.

"The Verge"! Quell the "woe"!
"The Verge"! Quell the "woe"!
"The Verge"! Quell the "woe"!

Without the permission of another person

Do not damage it without permission

Other people's items or violate the rights of others

This can be resolved by seeking help from the relevant authorities

If necessary, report to the police and ask the public security organs to handle it
