
"Summer Operation"┃ The girl from other places was lost at night, and the police escorted her home

author:Ping An Tongbai
"Summer Operation"┃ The girl from other places was lost at night, and the police escorted her home

The people are in need, and the police are doing something

Uphold the feelings of the people

With a piece of heart-warming practical things

Continue to improve the masses

A sense of gain, happiness, and security

On the evening of June 27

Tongbai Public Security Police

Timely rescue a rented girl from another place to return home safely

Won high praise from the girl's mother

At about 20:56 that night, the Yuehe Police Station of the Tongbai County Public Security Bureau received a 110 order, saying that near the lotus pond in Xuzhai Village, Yuehe Town, there was a girl who could not find her way home and asked to be dealt with. After receiving the report, the police on duty quickly arrived at the scene and found a young girl standing there in a daze and helpless. After police inquiry, it was learned that the girl Hu, 16 years old, came to Tongbai County from Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province half a month ago to study traditional Chinese medicine, and is currently living in a rented house near Xuzhai Village with her mother. That night, she returned to her residence from Tongbai County, but lost her way when she walked near the lotus pond. Because the girl was unfamiliar with the place and her personality was very introverted, she did not dare to ask the surrounding villagers for directions, and when she used her mobile phone to contact her mother, she was unable to get through. After the passers-by found out, they helped them call the police for help.

"Summer Operation"┃ The girl from other places was lost at night, and the police escorted her home

After being asked about the situation, the police first psychologically comforted the girl, and then searched for her rented accommodation based on the information provided by her. After the police contacted the cadres of the village group, they finally found the rented house at 21:17 and handed the girl over to her mother safely. The girl's mother was very grateful to the police for their highly responsible work attitude, and she said excitedly: "I originally thought that I was too far away from home, and no one took care of us if I didn't know the place well, and I didn't think that the people's police were our relatives. Thank you so much." The police reminded her to pay attention to the smooth flow of her mobile phone and strengthen the escort and care of her daughter, and the girl's mother said that she must keep it in mind. After everything was in place, the police were relieved to leave.

"Summer Operation"┃ The girl from other places was lost at night, and the police escorted her home
"Summer Operation"┃ The girl from other places was lost at night, and the police escorted her home

Go out to a new strange place

To prevent getting lost

It can be positioned and saved in advance

Facilitates subsequent navigation back to the original location

In case of difficulty

You can ask the police on duty nearby or call the police for help
