
"Summer Operation"┃ Scalpers are not in a hurry, and the police are quick to find solutions to problems

author:Ping An Tongbai
"Summer Operation"┃ Scalpers are not in a hurry, and the police are quick to find solutions to problems

In the countryside countryside

Cattle are considered to be an important asset of the family

If the cattle are accidentally lost

This is a big loss for farmers

June 29th

Tongbai Public Security Police

staged a "cattle hunt"

Helped farmers recover lost cattle

Timely recovery of economic losses

At about 6 o'clock in the morning of the same day, the Xinji Police Station of the Tongbai County Public Security Bureau received a 110 order, saying that the cattle of a group of people in Wanglou Village, Xinji Township were missing, and asked for help. After receiving the police, the police on duty rushed to the scene as soon as possible, and while appeasing the anxious emotions of the lost owner Gao, they inquired about the specific situation in detail. It is understood that on the evening of June 28, on the way home from Gao's cattle, he went to the woods on the side of the road and broke a branch to drive the cattle, and found that the cattle could not be found after coming out of the woods, so Gao summoned his family to help find it, but after looking for it all night to no avail, he had no choice but to call the police the next morning to ask for help from the public security organs.

In order to help Gao find the lost scalper as soon as possible, the police quickly divided into two groups, one group mobilized the village cadres and the surrounding people to carry out the search work; A group visited the surrounding villagers to understand the situation, asked if anyone had seen the lost scalper, and told the villagers to contact the police station in time if they found it. At the same time, take the location where the scalper is lost as the axis, check the video surveillance of the surrounding intersections, and expand the scope of search.

"Summer Operation"┃ Scalpers are not in a hurry, and the police are quick to find solutions to problems

After the work, the police found no trace of the cattle in the surrounding video surveillance, and deduced that the cattle should still be in the woods, so they led the village cadres and the masses to carry out a "carpet" search work in the nearby hillsides, woods, and ditches, and did not let go of any place where the cattle might live. One hour later, the police finally found the cattle in a relatively hidden mountain forest outside the village, so they took the cattle out of the woods and returned it to the owner, Gao.

"Summer Operation"┃ Scalpers are not in a hurry, and the police are quick to find solutions to problems

The scalper was lost and recovered, Gao was excited, held the hand of the police and said: "Comrade police, thank you so much, we didn't find it all night, you came and found it quickly, the cow lost you are more anxious than me, immediately help to find it, now the cow has been found, the people's police are really 'cow'!" ”。 The police told Gao to pay attention in the future to avoid similar situations from happening again, and then left with confidence and returned to the police station.

"Summer Operation"┃ Scalpers are not in a hurry, and the police are quick to find solutions to problems
"Summer Operation"┃ Scalpers are not in a hurry, and the police are quick to find solutions to problems

Free-range or captive livestock

Attention should be paid to strengthening supervision

Hang the necessary bells on it

It is convenient to follow the sound to find and find the target

Prevent getting lost or stolen from being out of sight

This in turn leads to property damage

The broad masses of people are like ownerless livestock

Help should be provided in a timely manner

Do your best to be tethered and guarded, and zealous to help

When necessary, call the police for help from the public security organs
