
The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

author:Dujia Technology
Without a cold bone, how to get the plum blossom fragrance.

Wu Yanni is a rare high-level athlete in mainland track and field.

At first, she didn't get good grades, but she set one set.

During the game, she "pointed to the sky and the earth", shook her head, and people always criticized her.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

At that stage, people's eyes were on her sports panties, on her "hand dancing" at the start, on her "abnormal" speech after the race, but few people were on her results.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

On the Internet, there was a lot of criticism of her, and there were many negative reports, but she still chose to become stronger and stronger, and spoke through her achievements.

Now, her achievements are enough to be proud of the field of women's hurdles, and she has the meaning of "standing out".

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

During the recent competition training, Wu Yanni and Xia Sining were rarely in the same frame, but Xia Sining couldn't hold back her joy in the video, and the kind of eyes that she wanted to see but didn't dare to look at it did die of laughter.


As we can see from the video, this is a pre-match training video.

At first, it was Xia Sining who was "gesturing" on the track and planning to start.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

Bend over and step on the starting gear to make a series of preparations.

As soon as she got up, Wu Yanni came over, "squeezed Xia Sining" away, and threw Xia Sining's starting gear behind very domineeringly.

It's not an exaggeration to say "domineering", this action of throwing the starting gear is not muddy at all, it seems to be really disgusted, and it is thrown directly behind him.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

After getting up, Wu Yanni stretched out her hand in front of her and "pulled" it on herself, Xia Sining couldn't help but smile when she saw it.

Sensing that she was laughing wrong, Xia Sining looked down at her watch, sorted out her facial expressions, and began to look ahead.

As a result, Wu Yanni, who was about to start, opened a "big" for Xia Sining and started her "relaxed" starting action, pointing to the sky and shaking her head is people's opinion of this set of actions.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

At this time, Xia Sining could obviously look at the laughter, wanting to laugh but embarrassed, very uncomfortable, and finally couldn't hold her lips directly, so that she wouldn't laugh.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

The screenshot of netizens vividly interpreted Xia Sining's smile that she wanted to laugh and was embarrassed.

Indeed, with such an expression, everyone wants to laugh when they see it, and supporters think that Wu Yanni has so many small movements, but in fact, it shouldn't be.

But opponents don't think so, they support Wu Yanni instead, and say that if they can run first, they will definitely move more than Wu Yanni.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

Indeed, when Wu Yanni's results were "not ideal", these actions gave people a feeling of adding to the snake, but now Wu Yanni's results are steadily improving, and she is even the 110-meter hurdles champion most of the time, so such actions have begun to be accepted by the vast majority of people.

In fact, not only Wu Yanni had such pre-game actions, but Liu Xiang also had the same type of actions in the finals that year.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

Looking back on the race that year, Liu Xiang kissed his finger before running, then lowered his head to think, and finally stood in front of the starting line.

At that time, people would also think that this set of "pre-game actions" was not harmonious, but then his results were officially released, and he is still ranked among the top in the world.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

In fact, many people think that Xia Sining is not qualified to ridicule Wu Yanni, because in the latest national track and field championships, Wu Yanni won the championship position in 12.74 seconds, and Lin Yuwei only finished fourth.

At the same time, the time of the Paris Olympics is 12.77 seconds, and Wu Yanni's current time is just passing, while Xia Sining's current best time is 13.08 seconds, which is far from the average level of the competition.

Therefore, netizens generally believe that Xia Sining is not qualified to ridicule Wu Yanni.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

But I would like to say that as athletes in the same team, and judging from the close training intervals between the two, the relationship between the two is actually not as "bad" as it is reported on the Internet, on the contrary, it may be better.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

In addition, Xia Sining is only 21 years old, she was born in 2013, she is still a child in track and field, Wu Yanni is 6 years older than her, so Xia Sining's prospects in the future are indeed limitless.

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

In fact, no matter who they are, they can represent the track and field achievements of the mainland, so I hope they can both go further and better!

The long-legged Wu Yanni's pre-game preparation made Xia Sining hold back a smile, netizens: Xia is not qualified to laugh

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