
How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

author:Suzhou financial media

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

Uncle Zhang usually pays attention to health, and he goes to the park every morning for a walk, and he also pays attention to his diet.

Recently, Uncle Zhang always felt dizzy, and thought that he hadn't rested well.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

Until one day, he was about to go out, suddenly his eyes were dark, and the whole person fell to the ground, and his wife quickly sent him to the hospital, and after examination, the doctor said that Uncle Zhang had a cerebral infarction.

When my wife heard this, she couldn't believe it: "How is it possible, he usually pays attention, how could he suddenly have a cerebral infarction?" ”

The doctor asked Uncle Zhang about his daily habits, and when he heard the content of his breakfast, he frowned, "Uncle Zhang's breakfast may be the fuse of cerebral infarction." ”

When my wife heard this, she was stunned, is there any secret hidden in the breakfast?

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

Breakfast, which seems to be an ordinary meal, may hide hidden health risks, so what kind of breakfast can cause cerebral infarction? How can we prevent cerebral infarction?

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction


Cerebral infarction, often referred to as "ischemic stroke" in medicine, is a disease caused by a sudden blockage or narrowing of blood vessels in the brain to the limit.

The formation of blood clots is associated with a variety of factors such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension and diabetes, which are often directly related to unhealthy eating habits.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

The following 3 kinds of breakfast are easy to cause cerebral infarction, and it is recommended to eat less:

1. Bread and desserts

Common breakfast options, such as breads, desserts, sweets and pastries, are high in sugar and can not only promote a rapid rise in blood sugar, but may also trigger insulin resistance.

In the long run, this diet may lead to the development of diabetes and increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

2. High-salt food

Although many traditional breakfasts, such as pickles, salted meats and salted fish, can increase the taste of food, high salt intake can easily cause blood pressure to rise, cause damage to blood vessels, and increase the possibility of cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

3. High-fat, high-calorie foods

Fried foods such as fried dough sticks and scallion pancakes are traditional breakfast options that many people enjoy, however, these foods contain a lot of fat and calories, which not only tend to cause weight gain, but also lead to an increase in blood lipids.

Long-term intake of high-fat foods is one of the main causes of dyslipidemia, which is the direct cause of atherosclerosis and increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction


1. Good work and rest habits

Adequate sleep and regular lifestyle habits can greatly reduce the risk of cerebral infarction, avoid staying up late, and ensure at least 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep, which helps maintain brain and cardiovascular health.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

2. Exercise moderately

Regular physical exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc., can enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, and help prevent cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

3. Maintain mental health

Avoiding excessive stress and mood swings is also an important aspect of preventing cerebral infarction, and stress can be managed through meditation, yoga or other relaxation techniques.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction


The following 6 foods with significant health benefits, known as "natural cerebral infarction drugs", play an important role in our daily diet, and we may wish to eat more of them:

1. Asparagus

Asparagus is not only delicious, but also good for health, it can help control blood pressure and blood lipids, and it can also restore the youthful state of blood vessels and keep them elastic.

Regular consumption of asparagus can also help prevent hardening of the arteries and reduce the risk of cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

2. Sanyu

Hawthorn is a highly nutritious food, rich in vitamins and a variety of active ingredients, it is able to soften blood vessels, and has antihypertensive and lipid-lowering effects.

Whether it is drinking by soaking hawthorn water, or eating hawthorn porridge and hawthorn juice, it can effectively activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

3. Citrus

Common citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, are effective in preventing the formation of blood clots due to their high antioxidant and vitamin C content.

These fruits not only help to increase physical vitality but also prevent several cardiovascular diseases.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

4. 枸杞

Goji berries are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to reconcile the body and emotions and prevent sudden illnesses such as cerebral infarction caused by mood swings or anger.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a vitamin-rich food, and the rutin in them has the effect of enhancing the body's oxidative capacity and eliminating free radicals.

Eating tomatoes regularly protects the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, and helps to unclog blood vessels.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

6. Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are rich in nutrients, which can improve the body's immunity, and have the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, which make shiitake mushrooms a good product to protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Reminder: The 3 kinds of breakfast eaten every day are one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

Cerebral infarction is not sudden, but closely related to our lifestyle habits, maintaining a healthy diet and paying attention to every detail of life is the key to preventing cerebral infarction.

I hope that everyone can pay attention to their diet health, start with every meal, and take responsibility for their own body.

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