
"Spending the Year of China": Women's "career" is like playing mahjong, to see who can be "all the same"

author:The lone ranger speaks vernacular
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"If you were asked to go back 20 years, wouldn't your choice be different?"

A costume love travel drama, starring Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe. It is "Du Hua Nian", directed by Gao Yijun and written by Rao Jun, which will be broadcast exclusively on Youku on June 26, 2024.

"Spending the Year of China": Women's "career" is like playing mahjong, to see who can be "all the same"

It is said that in that historic place in the Great Xia Dynasty, there is a princess Li Rong (played by Zhao Jinmai) and a powerful first assistant Pei Wenxuan (played by Zhang Linghe), and the story of the two of them can be written as a "love and hate drama through time and space".

In their previous lives, because of a misunderstanding, the happy couple fell into a dead cycle of "you love me, I love you, and then we love and kill each other". As a result, the god of fate slapped his thigh and said, "This scene is too exciting, let's do it again!" So, the two of them returned to their first meeting time as if they were playing a game of "time travel".

In this life, they decided to team up to fight monsters, uncover the "hidden mission" behind those schemes, and vow to change the tragic fate of being "clicked" in their previous life. Time passed day by day, not only did they "whitewash" the misunderstanding of their previous life, but also changed from enemies to "girlfriends", and then upgraded from "girlfriends" to "affectionate" lovers.

"Spending the Year of China": Women's "career" is like playing mahjong, to see who can be "all the same"

From happy enemies to soulmates who "marry first and love later", this pair of "love and kill" partners turn the clouds and rain in troubled times to explore the truth. In the end, they not only reunited, but also achieved a happy ending of "living happily ever after".

At present, the development of the plot is exciting, the hero and heroine not only travel through time and space together, but even the male number two seems to have joined this time-traveling drama, making the plot more complicated. ”

Don't look at these women in the deep palace, they don't just fight in the palace, now they are playing "life and death fighting landlords", which involves a big card game of "life and death"!

In the wonderful content of this issue, let's go deep into the inner drama of these "goddesses of palace fighting", they each have great ambitions, and their methods are as spicy as hot pot bases, and the competition between them is like a "spicy competition" to see who has more spicy eyes!



The queen, the "Iron Lady" in the harem, has infinite scenery on the surface, but in fact, her relationship with the emperor is the same as the chili pepper in Malatang - spicy eyes!

"Spending the Year of China": Women's "career" is like playing mahjong, to see who can be "all the same"

The reason is not because her maiden family --- the Shangguan family, which is a "powerful Internet celebrity" in the capital, and the momentum is so strong that even the imperial power has to wear a suit and tie to dare to patronize.

The emperor is like a detective, staring at the "loopholes" of the crown prince and the Shangguan family all day long, trying to consolidate his throne.

In order to protect her son and family, the queen had to stage a drama of "sacrificing the small self and completing the big self".

In the last life, she gave her daughter Li Rong to a child of a family who was beautiful on the outside but "embroidered pillow" on the inside, just to reassure the emperor.

But in this life, Li Rong is the "king" of rebirth, and when the spring banquet is chosen, everything begins to "overturn".

When the Yang family kidnapped Li Rong, the queen's reaction was like watching an inconsequential TV series, and her mind was all about how to use her daughter's marriage to "make a career".


The eldest princess

After Li Rong came back, the queen directly made a big move and asked her to marry the Yang family, so that the Yang family's military power would not be sent to the prince?

In the face of Li Rong's rejection and confrontation, the queen became a "domineering female president" in a second, and gave her daughter a "love education" - a resounding slap!

This queen mother is the harem version of the "working mother", in order for her son to sit on the throne, even the "user experience" of her husband and daughter can be ignored, she is really the best spokesperson for "ruthlessness"!

The eldest princess Li Rong has a noble status that can blind people's eyes, but in private she is a clear person, and she knows that she has been a little pawn in the power struggle between her father and mother for many years. On the surface, her father spoiled her like something, but in fact, the little abacus in his heart crackled, spoiling her as a willful little princess, just to find a balance in the battle for the throne.

Speaking of marriage, the emperor's procrastination master is really clever, and he waited until Li Rong was eighteen years old, and the queen mother had no strength to intervene, so he picked a horse for her. These four candidates are either in arrears of IQ or performance art, and they are either overflowing with emotions or declining to the point of scum.

"Spending the Year of China": Women's "career" is like playing mahjong, to see who can be "all the same"

In his previous life, Comrade Li Rong was a loyal member of the Appearance Association, and after a glance at the portrait, he chose Pei Wenxuan, who had the highest appearance. As a result, the early days of marriage were sweet, but later misunderstandings and suspicions came up, and the feelings were like a kite with a broken string. Li Rong rescued a person named Su Rongqing, and pulled her directly into the princess's mansion, and the distance between her and Pei Wenxuan was almost the same, "Don't get close to the living".

In the court, Li Rong is an ambitious strong woman, expanding her power and consolidating her position, and she is very busy. Lichu disagreed on the issue, and directly ordered to hunt down and kill the horse, which was also 666.

After being reborn, although Li Rong understood the misunderstanding in her previous life, her ruthlessness still did not change. At the Spring Banquet, it was a little uncomfortable, so he pushed Pei Wenxuan into the lake, and when he checked the account book, he went out in person, and he was not soft on himself and others.

In this life, Li Rong is determined to make up for the regrets of her previous life, not only to help her younger brother ascend to the throne, but also to protect his banner of "governing the country with benevolence". In her eyes, love is all floating clouds, and the great cause of the country is the right thing, and we must go all out!


This Concubine Ning is really a "family marriage salesman", and she is not online to compete for favor, but to pull a "good son-in-law" for the family!

The Yang family is the "security brigade" of the frontier, holding the military power, so that His Majesty the Emperor can't sleep well every day. But Concubine Ning was not ambiguous, and directly slapped the Yang family's "Battle Medal" on the table: "The emperor is big, if you don't give face and give a marriage, we won't guarantee that we won't make trouble!" ”

"Spending the Year of China": Women's "career" is like playing mahjong, to see who can be "all the same"

As a result, His Majesty the Emperor did not give face, and the eldest princess rolled her eyes. Concubine Ning slapped her thigh: "Yes, let my younger brother go out and have a 'princess kidnapping battle'!" This trick was really ruthless, and the reputation of the eldest princess fell down in an instant, so she could only bow her head and marry.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the "wedding", Concubine Ning also threatened the queen: "Don't agree? Then let's expose the prince's 'secret' and let him be unlucky! "This operation is even more exciting than the palace fighting drama!

"Spending the Year of China": Women's "career" is like playing mahjong, to see who can be "all the same"

But just when Concubine Ning was about to "reap the fruits of victory", Pei Wenxuan suddenly "crossed over", not only rescued the eldest princess, but also gave Yang Quan a "fatal blow" with his backhand, and by the way, the Yang family's "treason drama" was revealed.

Concubine Ning was so angry that she jumped to her feet and scolded the emperor in the court: "You have no conscience!" He even wanted to "hack" the eldest princess. However, although this lady is ruthless, after all, "the open is easy to block, and the secret is difficult to prevent", and as soon as she encounters hard stubble, she "collapses in mentality".

And somewhere in the harem, there is also a "careerist" lady who is secretly observing all this, thinking about how to "pocket" the imperial power. The real ruthless character, that is "joy and anger are invisible", ruthless, let's guess who this mysterious lady is! #分享好看的剧评#

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