
If you don't want one country, two systems, then one country, one system!

author:Wind forests in the distance

Ambassador Lu spoke in France about the island, and many people listened to it with a lot of heart, including Dr. Chua.

If you don't want one country, two systems, then one country, one system!

I usually swipe Dr. Zhengyuan's video in the headlines, and his current affairs commentary is good, focusing on humor, grasping the key points, and being concise and to the point.

Some people feel that he has finally shown his true colors, and I personally think that Dr. Cai still roughly belongs to the unification faction, I have been following his program for more than 2 years, and there is no problem in terms of positivity, but as a senior blue camp politician, he has been in the political arena on the island for decades, even if he laughs and scolds for decades, it can be regarded as half a lifetime, you can attribute him to a Kuomintang establishment.

After all, some are better to engage in confederation, some hope for one country, two systems, some don't mind one country, one system, and some dream of changing the name of the country and reunifying it.

Dr. Cai, I personally think that it is the kind of one who supports reunification but can maintain the existing ecological situation of the island, which is roughly the unity of sovereignty, but the island still manages itself, and the autonomous status and power are much greater than that of Hong Kong Island, and it is better to send less troops.

If you don't want one country, two systems, then one country, one system!

I can usually brush up on a lot of famous videos, and there are a lot of people who support unification, but this is support.

That's the kind of thing, the gap between the relative strength of the two sides is too big, they belong to the fate-accepting faction and the realism faction, you come to unify and I support it, if you don't come, it's good to maintain the status quo.

Ambassador Lu's words, especially the word "rebellion", must have stimulated Brother Zhengyuan.

This is a fact, and there is no way to do it.

As far as Brother Zhengyuan is concerned, after all, they have grown up in a kind of "Three People's Principles" style of education, political context, and environment, and have served the Republic of China for decades, and the two sides of the strait have experienced many ups and downs over the years.

The Ambassador's words punctured a lot of fog, a lot of soap bubbles, including the fog that our long-term goodwill had formed under the perennial distorted indoctrination of the regime on the other side.

It's understandable to break the defense a little, he'll figure it out himself.

There are still a minority of the unification faction who really want to be reunified as soon as possible like Professor Qiu and Huang Zhixian.

If you don't want one country, two systems, then one country, one system!

However, it is not necessary to suggest less criticism of him.

We know very well that there are not many people on the island who support reunification in the first place, especially influential celebrities, who need our unity.

Otherwise, the future is unified, how do you plan to start governing? First, use the power of trust and unity.

After reunification, stability maintenance should be given priority and development should be followed by development.

Back to what Ambassador Lu said.

In his speech at the symposium on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, he made some comments about the island.

First of all, we must understand that Ambassador Lu said these words to Europeans, especially those who do not know history.

What he meant, first of all, is that the current problem of the small island is a legacy of the civil war. In a sense, the regime that fled to the island was a rebel regime within China's territory, and China has the right to expel this regime at any time and take back its governance, but because of the well-being of the people, China does not want to use force, but hopes for peaceful reunification, but now the government on the island continues to collude with beautiful countries, causing long-term tensions in the region.

Therefore, if peaceful reunification is not possible, then use non-peaceful means, and if you do not want one country, two systems, then one country, one system.

We are just telling the Europeans that this is a matter of the continuation of our civil war, and that the island seems to have been in charge of itself for decades, that it is an independent country, and that there are no doors.

If you don't want one country, two systems, then one country, one system!

The history of the Europeans is really not very good, including their elites, not to mention ours, they can't even figure out their own.

For example, the main force that fought against the German Nazis in World War II, they generally only think of the United States, and not many people think of the Soviet Red Army, which wiped out 80% of the German army.

Now that the Europeans are following the United States and running to the western Pacific to stir up trouble, there are some history and truths that should be opened to them to talk about it.

To be honest, in the past, we lowered our posture and gave better policies, and tried to benefit the island as much as possible.

It's a pity that decades of goodwill have not been exchanged for heart-to-heart goodwill, but more hostile and domineering.

It thinks that you don't dare to do anything with it, it thinks that you should compromise everything, and even thinks that it is their investment that feeds the mainland.

Quantitative change to qualitative change, the trigger point is the collision of the ship.

No words or volume can describe the anger on our side.

And the response from there was arrogance and cheers.

Not to mention hooking up with Lao Mei, jumping around, deceiving people too much.

In the past, I took care of Kojima's face, and my words were more tactful.

But now that we've hurt our insides so badly, there's really no room for manoeuvre.

Now I won't give you face, and I will directly tell you some "adult realistic words".

It is undeniable that many people over there broke the defense and jumped their feet,

That means: How dare you say that?

I told you, what can you do, what do you want?

If you don't want one country, two systems, then one country, one system!

Just to make the real situation clear to you, puncturing the illusion, they freaked out.

Swipe it on Douyin, those people's faces are very funny.

The psychological tolerance is so poor, with this little ability, what kind of chicken and dog thief are you doing?

In a word, if you don't want one country, two systems, then one country, one system!