
Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

author:Feng Huanyang

In Chinese sports, most athletes train from an early age, although they also learn cultural courses, but under normal circumstances, they only need to meet the minimum standards in cultural courses, and more importantly, sports performance.

It can even be said that as long as the sports performance is good enough, cultural classes are dispensable, which also makes some athletes weak in cultural classes.

Of course, if you can enter the national team and achieve Olympic champions and world champions, under normal circumstances, after retiring, you will be arranged to study in relevant universities.

For example, the Chinese table tennis team, but under normal circumstances, these athletes study at most a master's degree, because if they go up, it really takes effort and effort.

But in the history of the Chinese table tennis team, there are also some players who have obtained a "doctor" degree, and today let's take stock of the "four doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis:

One: Chen Jing

Chen Jing was born in 1968 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, and is 56 years old this year.

Chen Jing was born in an ordinary working family, because of a chance, Chen Jing, who was in elementary school, was selected by the school's physical education teacher to practice table tennis.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Chen Jing is not a left-hander, but when she first practiced table tennis, because the physical education teacher wanted to train a few "left-handed players", Chen Jing began to play with her left hand, but she still eats and writes with her right hand.

In 1979, 11-year-old Chen Jing was selected by Hubei Province because she won the championship of the Wuhan Youth Table Tennis Competition.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Chen Jing trained in Hubei Province for six or seven years, until 1986, when she represented the Hubei Provincial Team in the National Championships, and she played 13 games in the team competition and only lost once, so she was favored by the national team coaching staff and selected for the national team.

At that time, the number one Chinese women's table tennis team was He Zhili, but in the 1986 Seoul Asian Games table tennis women's team finals, He Zhili, as the first main force, lost two of them, making the Chinese women's table tennis lose the championship.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Therefore, the coaching staff at that time decided to praise the newcomer, and it happened that Chen Jing defeated the main Korean women's table tennis player Xuan Jinghe at the Asian Championships in 1987, so Zhang Xielin, the then head coach of the Chinese women's table tennis, began to personally train Chen Jing.

Not only that, Chen Jing was also selected into the team lineup of the 39th World Table Tennis Championships in 1987, and finally followed Jiao Zhimin, Geng Lijuan and other teammates to successfully take revenge on the Korean women's table tennis team and win the team championship of the World Table Tennis Championships.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

It is worth mentioning that in this World Table Tennis Championships, He Zhili finally did not obey the coach's command and won the women's singles championship, but at the same time lost the trust of the coaching staff and missed the 1988 Seoul Olympics, while Chen Jing won a place.

In the 1988 Seoul Olympics, Chen Jing and teammates Jiao Zhimin and Li Huifen all reached the women's singles semifinals, and the last semi-finalist was the former Czech star Hrakhova.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

The semi-finals were Chen Jing against Hrakhova, Jiao Zhimin against Li Huifen, considering that Hrakhova defeated Jiao Zhimin at the 1987 World Table Tennis Championships, and in case Hrakhova defeated Chen Jing to enter the final, the coaching staff asked Jiao Zhimin to give the ball to Li Huifen.

In the end, Jiao Zhimin obeyed the command and conceded the ball, and Chen Jing easily defeated Hrakhova to enter the final, in which Chen Jing defeated Li Huifen and won the first Olympic women's singles championship in table tennis.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

won the Olympic championship, coupled with the retirement of Jiao Zhimin and He Zhili, and went abroad, Chen Jing naturally became the first sister of the women's team.

However, the good times did not last long, and with the rise of Qiao Hong and Deng Yaping, Chen Jing's position in the women's team was very embarrassing, and she was even directly selected for the Beijing Asian Games in 1990.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

In this way, Chen Jing first chose to study in Japan, and then played on behalf of Taiwan, China, and won the silver medal in women's singles at the Atlanta Olympics and the bronze medal in women's singles at the Sydney Olympics.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

After that, Chen Jing first received a master's degree from Taipei Institute of Physical Education, and then a doctorate in psychology from South China Normal University.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

In 2006, after graduating from South China Normal University, Chen Jing chose to stay on as a teacher and was appointed as an associate professor at the School of Sports Science at South China Normal University, becoming the first Chinese Olympic champion to turn into a scholar with an associate senior title.

Two: Liu Wei

Liu Wei was born in Liaocheng, Shandong Province in 1969 and is 55 years old this year.

Liu Wei's father was engaged in sports when he was young, so Liu Wei inherited his father's sports genes after he was born, and he began practicing table tennis at the age of 6.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

After practicing with her father for a year to lay a solid foundation, her father sent her to a professional sports school for training, which made Liu Wei's strength improve very quickly.

In 1980, at the age of 11, she was selected by the Shandong provincial team and became a professional athlete.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

In 1983, 14-year-old Liu Wei won the women's singles championship of the National Junior Table Tennis Championships, thus successfully being selected for the national team.

After entering the national team, Liu Wei still performed well, for example, in 1984, she not only won the women's singles championship of the Youth Championships, but also helped Shandong women's table tennis to win the fourth place in the women's team of the National Championships.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

In 1986, Liu Wei, who was only 17 years old, also won the women's singles championship of the National Championships when He Zhili and Jiao Zhimin were already at their peak.

Not only that, at the 1987 National Games, 18-year-old Liu Wei also won the mixed doubles championship and the women's team championship.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

It can be said that Liu Wei at that time was definitely one of the best players in the Chinese women's table tennis team, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he was no worse than Chen Jing, but Liu Wei has not been reused by the coaching staff.

The reason is that Liu Wei likes to play petty, and she doesn't have much toughness when she plays, so she gives up directly when she encounters some setbacks, which also makes her state very unstable, a bit like a nerve knife, and the coaching staff naturally dare not use her.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Until the 1991 World Table Tennis Championships, when the coaching staff wanted to find a mixed doubles partner for Wang Tao, Wang Tao chose Liu Wei.

After eight years in the national team, Liu Wei finally won his first world championship title (his partner Wang Tao won the 1991 World Table Tennis Championships mixed doubles championship).

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Despite this, the 1992 Barcelona Olympics still did not have Liu Wei's share, until the 1993 World Table Tennis Championships, Liu Wei was not only partnered with Wang Tao in mixed doubles, but also arranged by the coach to partner with Qiao Yunping in women's doubles.

In the end, Liu Wei not only won the mixed doubles championship with Wang Tao, but also won the women's doubles championship with Qiao Yunping.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

At the 1995 Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships, Liu Wei and Wang Tao won the mixed doubles triple championship at the same time, and they were also selected into the team team for the first time and won the women's team championship with their teammates, but in the women's doubles final, she and Qiao Yunping lost to Deng Yaping and Qiao Hong.

At the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, Liu Wei got the opportunity to participate, but in the women's doubles final, she and Qiao Yunping lost to Deng Yaping and Qiao Hong again.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

After the Atlanta Olympics, Liu Wei first went to play in a Japanese club, and then entered Peking University for further study.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

She received her LL.B., M.A. in Psychology, and Ph.D. in Education from Peking University, and is now an associate professor at the Department of Physical Education and Research at Peking University.

Three: Deng Yaping

Deng Yaping was born in Zhengzhou, Henan Province in 1973 and is 51 years old this year.

Deng Yaping's father was a member of the Henan Provincial Table Tennis Team when he was young, so Deng Yaping began to contact table tennis when he was very young.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

When Deng Yaping was 5 years old, her father began to take her to play, and therefore developed a set of training methods for her that were different from the regular ones.

At first, Deng Yaping practiced straight shooting, but later due to her slow growth and short arms, her father asked her to practice horizontal shooting when she was 6 years old.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Being short is also Deng Yaping's eternal pain when she was a child, and for this reason, she was first rejected by the Henan provincial team, and then disliked by the national team coach.

It wasn't until she led the athletes of the Zhengzhou team to successfully defeat the athletes of the Henan team in the competition that the coach of the provincial team threw an olive branch to her.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

However, Deng Yaping is also bloody, she insisted on not entering the Henan Provincial Team, and she did not enter the Henan Provincial Team until the head coach of the Henan Provincial Team who rejected her was transferred, and she entered the Henan Provincial Team for training.

In the 1986 National Championships, Deng Yaping led the Henan team, which did not have a national team member, and successfully won the women's team championship, when she was only 13 years old.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Deng Yaping's performance made the then women's table tennis head coach Zhang Xielin shine, and he wanted to select Deng Yaping into the national team, but Zhang Xielin's move was opposed by other coaches.

At that time, there were a total of five coaches in Chinese women's table tennis, including Zhang Xielin, and the remaining four coaches were opposed to letting Deng Yaping advance to the national team, because Deng Yaping was too short.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Although Zhang Xielin thinks that Deng Yaping is short is a good thing, so that the balls returned by others are all high balls in her opinion and can be drawn back, but obviously this reason did not convince several other coaches, and in the end Deng Yaping only entered the national youth team first.

It wasn't until 1988 that Deng Yaping successfully won the Asian Cup, and she entered the national team.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

One year after entering the national team, Deng Yaping partnered with Qiao Hong to win the women's doubles championship at the 1989 World Table Tennis Championships, when she was only 16 years old.

In 1990, in addition to winning the first World Cup women's team championship with her teammates, Deng Yaping also won the women's team, women's singles and mixed doubles championships at the North Beijing Asian Games, and the world women's table tennis officially entered the "Deng Yaping era".

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

In the 1991 Chiba World Table Tennis Championships, Deng Yaping won Ji for the first time. Geist Cup, in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Deng Yaping first partnered with Qiao Hong to win the women's doubles championship, and then won the women's singles championship.

At the 1995 World Table Tennis Championships, Deng Yaping won the women's team, women's singles, women's doubles championship, mixed doubles runner-up, and won the women's singles and women's doubles championships at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

In the 1997 World Table Tennis Championships, Deng Yaping won the women's team, women's doubles, and women's singles championships again.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

In addition, Deng Yaping also won the women's singles championship of the National Games, and it can be said that Deng Yaping has won almost all the championships in the field of table tennis.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Therefore, after the 1997 National Games, she faded out of the national team, and after fading out of the national team, Deng Yaping first entered Tsinghua University as a junior college student, and then went to study at the University of Nottingham and Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, and obtained a doctorate in land economics from Cambridge University in 2008.

Four: Chen Xingtong

Chen Xingtong was born on May 27, 1997 in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, and is 27 years old this year.

Chen Xingtong was born in a family of teachers, and her father was an avid table tennis enthusiast, so when Chen Xingtong was 4 years old, her father took her to play table tennis.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

When he reached the age of elementary school, his father sent Chen Xingtong to Shenyang Sports School to continue training table tennis.

Chen Xingtong is particularly able to endure hardships in training, when she is fine, she ponders the serve by herself, and other children practice for an hour, she can practice for three hours.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

The level of some players is higher than Chen Xingtong, so Chen Xingtong took the initiative to find others to learn, and at the same time, he would also study some playing styles.

It is precisely because of such a hard work spirit that Chen Xingtong's level has improved very quickly, and in 2007, she was only 10 years old when she was selected for the Liaoning Provincial Team.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

After entering the Liaoning provincial team, Chen Xingtong still made very rapid progress, she won the women's team championship of the National Championships with her teammates in 2012, and it was also in this year that Chen Xingtong also won the women's singles, women's doubles, and women's team championships at the Chengdu Youth Open.

Such an excellent performance allowed Chen Xingtong to participate in the national "2 out of 16" competition held by the Chinese table tennis team in 2013, and she successfully won the first place in this competition and was successfully selected for the national second team.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

After entering the national second team, Chen Xingtong was even more focused on training, she first won the women's singles championship at the Asian Youth Championships in 2013, and defended the women's singles championship at the Asian Youth Championships in 2014.

At the same time, in 2014, Chen Xingtong also won the women's team, women's doubles, and mixed doubles championships at the World Youth Championships, and won the fifth place in singles at the subsequent National Championships, thus entering the national first team.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

After entering the national first team, Chen Xingtong was one of the best young players at that time, so she was directly assigned to the group of Grand Slam coach Li Falcon.

Li Falcon once brought out Wang Nan, Zhang Yining, and Li Xiaoxia, and his younger disciple Zhu Yuling was also regarded as the next generation of female table tennis at that time.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

Under the tutelage of Li Falcon, Chen Xingtong won the women's singles championship of the National Youth Championships, the runner-up of the women's singles and the women's doubles champion of the National Championships, the mixed doubles and women's doubles champion of the Asian Championships and so on in those two years.

She also defeated Li Xiaoxia and Ding Ning, the main players, and in 2017, Chen Xingtong even became a candidate for the CCTV Sports Personality of the Year Best Newcomer Award.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

In 2018, Chen Xingtong also won the World Cup women's team championship with Ding Zhu Yuling and others, and under normal circumstances, those who can be selected for the World Table Tennis Championships and the World Cup team lineup are regarded as entering the main layer, but Chen Xingtong's main position is not stable, and the team lineup of the World Cup is a little lower than the World Table Tennis Championships team lineup.

In those years, everyone was expecting Chen Xingtong and Gu Yuting to play out, but in the end, it was the younger Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha who took the lead.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

It was not until the end of the Tokyo Olympics that with the retirement of Ding Ning and the fading out of Liu Shiwen, Chen Xingtong and Wang Yidi could be regarded as stabilizing the main position.

It's just that Chen Xingtong and Wang Yidi are just marginal main forces, especially Chen Xingtong did not directly enter the list discussion of the Paris Olympics.

Inventory of the four "doctors" of Chinese women's table tennis: Deng Yaping has the highest gold content, and Chen Xingtong is the only one in active service!

It is understood that Chen Xingtong has been admitted as a doctoral student at Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, and his research direction is physical education and training.

I believe that in the near future, Chen Xingtong will become another female doctor of the Chinese table tennis team.

The above are the four doctors of Chinese women's table tennis, everyone also knows that there are talents who have obtained high academic qualifications after retiring from national table tennis, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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