
Five Grand Slam classes of national table tennis, Deng Yaping has the highest specifications, and Li Xiaoxia was criticized by netizens for having no pattern

author:Sun Yingsha Guardian Group
Five Grand Slam classes of national table tennis, Deng Yaping has the highest specifications, and Li Xiaoxia was criticized by netizens for having no pattern

In the past few days, the editor has surfed the Internet and brushed the news of Li Xiaoxia's visit to the national table tennis team, Li Xiaoxia posted a video and a few photos on social platforms, the content of which is her visit to the Chinese table tennis team. She said in the video: "The familiar venue, the familiar five rings, and the familiar teammates still can't help but go up and pull twice." I wish the Chinese table tennis team in Paris a dream come true. However, these photos and videos of her are not all praise from fans.

Five Grand Slam classes of national table tennis, Deng Yaping has the highest specifications, and Li Xiaoxia was criticized by netizens for having no pattern

Sun Yingsha

In the photos she posted, there were no photos with Sun Yingsha, but mostly with Chen Meng and Manyu. Specifically, there is one one of practicing with Manyu, two are a separate photo with Chen Meng, and one is a group photo with Qiao Yunping, director of the Shandong Provincial Sports Bureau, and Chen Meng, and the other two are what she is talking about, and the last one is a group photo of everyone listening. Some brain-dead fans think she ignored Sun Yingsha.

Five Grand Slam classes of national table tennis, Deng Yaping has the highest specifications, and Li Xiaoxia was criticized by netizens for having no pattern

Some fans proposed in the comment area that Li Xiaoxia should learn from Deng Yaping, Zhang Yining and Wang Nan and show a broader mind. They feel that Sun Yingsha has always proved herself with her strength, and Li Xiaoxia and Chen Meng frequently take photos, which is interpreted by some people as Chen Meng's personal trainer, using the opportunity to visit the class to occupy public resources.

Five Grand Slam classes of national table tennis, Deng Yaping has the highest specifications, and Li Xiaoxia was criticized by netizens for having no pattern

In fact, things are not as complicated as everyone thinks. Li Xiaoxia used to be in the Shandong team and had a good relationship with Chen Meng, and at this time she was also Qiao Yunping's student, so taking a group photo was a normal thing. To mention Grand Slam winners, judging from the situation of the national table tennis exploration class, Deng Yaping, Zhang Yining, and Wang Nan are usually invited alone, while Li Xiaoxia and Ding Ning are invited together, accompanied by Liu Shiwen and Xu Xin. Li Xiaoxia's road to a Grand Slam is full of hardships, and fans compare her to other Grand Slam winners, is this too strict?

Five Grand Slam classes of national table tennis, Deng Yaping has the highest specifications, and Li Xiaoxia was criticized by netizens for having no pattern

Deng Yaping, Zhang Yining and Wang Nan, three famous table tennis players, have extraordinary strength, outstanding talents, brilliant achievements, and unforgettable. Deng Yaping has been ranked No. 1 in the world for eight consecutive years, winning the Olympic table tennis women's singles and women's doubles gold medals, the first time to achieve this achievement. Zhang Yining is a two-lap Grand Slam and has few opponents when he retires. Wang Nan is the three-time winner of the World Table Tennis Championships and the five-time winner of the women's doubles, and everyone has a very significant label. Therefore, they usually occupy the C position when they take a group photo in the national table tennis. And Li Xiaoxia and Liu Shiwen stood at the edge of the group photo, which is also a manifestation of reality.

Five Grand Slam classes of national table tennis, Deng Yaping has the highest specifications, and Li Xiaoxia was criticized by netizens for having no pattern

Li Xiaoxia visited the national table tennis team, and her pattern is not low, compared to other Grand Slam winners. Her interaction with the players is more based on her personal relationship with Chen Meng and her deep affection for the Shandong team. In comparison, Deng Yaping's visit to the national table tennis class this time is indeed higher, not only lived in the team for two days, but also brought her husband Lin Zhigang to be invited. She not only guided the players to play in practice, but also shared her experience through courseware, and combined with her own long rubber play, she explained in detail the essence of particle and anti-arc play, which benefited the players a lot.

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