
He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

author:Hawthorn is a joy to read
He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?
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He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

At the 1994 Asian Games in Hiroshima, an eye-catching table tennis match was underway. On the court, a player wearing the Japanese flag is in a fierce duel with Deng Yaping, the "big devil" of Chinese table tennis.

The score was fixed at 3:1, and surprisingly, it was the Japanese player who won. When she excitedly waved her racket and shouted "Roar West", the audience was in an uproar.

This player, named Zhili Koyama, is actually the former Chinese world champion He Zhili. What was once a national hero is now fighting for another country. Her victory not only shocked the table tennis world, but also caused strong emotional turmoil among the Chinese audience.

What is the reason for a Chinese champion to change nationality? What ups and downs has she experienced in her life? Let's uncover Ho's legendary and controversial life story.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

In 1964, in an ordinary worker's family in Shanghai, He Zhili fell to the ground. Fate seems to have arranged a different life path for this girl.

At the age of 7, He Zhili was discovered by a discerning coach and embarked on the journey of table tennis. She joined the school training team and the Shanghai team and began a long and arduous training career.

At a young age, Ho Chi-ri showed extraordinary talent and amazing perseverance. Training for hours a day is not easy for a child, but Ho enjoys it.

Her progress was astonishing, and she soon made her mark in the national primary and secondary school table tennis competitions, attracting wide attention from industry insiders.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

At the age of 17, He Zhili ushered in a major turning point in her life. With her outstanding performance, she was successfully selected for the national team and opened the glorious years of "national brand" athletes.

Under the strict and systematic training of the national team, He Zhili's skills have improved by leaps and bounds. She quickly stood out in national competitions and became a leader of the new generation of Chinese table tennis.

In 1984, He Zhili won the Asian Cup in one fell swoop, showing the world the strength of China's new generation of table tennis players. The victory not only cemented her position at home, but also made her stand on the international stage.

The following year, she further proved her strength by winning the team championship at the World Table Tennis Championships.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

However, 1987 was the real pinnacle of Ho's career. At the World Table Tennis Championships that year, she defeated all her opponents with an impressive performance to eventually lift the singles title.

The moment she stood on the podium, He Zhili's eyes flashed with tears, which was the pride and joy of the champion.

This series of victories not only made He Zhili the pride of the Chinese table tennis team, but also made her famous in the international table tennis arena. Her style of play is both rigid and soft, and her skills are comprehensive, and she is considered the new hope of Chinese women's table tennis.

However, just when He Zhili's career seemed bright, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her. Who would have thought that it was at the most glorious moment of her career that the seeds of great changes were planted in the future.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

The 1987 World Table Tennis Championships was supposed to be the pinnacle of Ho's career, but it became a turning point in her life. Before the game, the coach formulated a seemingly reasonable strategy: after He Zhili defeated Chen Jing in the first round, Chen Jing will take the initiative to concede the ball in the next round to help He Zhili advance to the semifinals.

In return, Ho needed to concede the ball in the semi-final against teammate Guan Jianhua to support her teammates.

However, when the game really began, He Zhili fell into a fierce conflict in her heart. Years of training and competition have taught her that an athlete's mission is to give it their all and win.

In the end, Ho Zhili chose the latter. She played well on the court, directly defeated Guan Jianhua, successfully advanced to the final and finally won the championship. When she lifted the trophy, her heart was filled with joy and apprehension.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

Sure enough, what awaited He Zhili after the game was not praise and celebration, but harsh criticism from the coach and superiors. Not only did she receive a series of punishments, but she was also coldly treated by her teammates.

Gone is the once-harmonious atmosphere of the team, replaced by a suffocating sense of isolation.

He Zhili felt deeply aggrieved and incomprehensible. She won honor for her country, but was treated as such because she was unwilling to "handlie the ball". This ambivalence tormented her day and night, making it impossible for her to sleep peacefully.

The following year, Ho was disqualified. The once high-spirited world champion can now only sit on the sidelines and watch his teammates play. This gap made He Zhili fall into extreme disappointment and confusion.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

She began to question her choices, about the sport she once loved.

After careful consideration, Ho Zhili made a difficult decision - to quit the national team. The decision pained her, but she felt she had no choice.

He Zhili, who left the arena, didn't know where to go for a while. The once familiar rhythm of training and the tense atmosphere of the game have now become memories.

This experience left a deep psychological shadow on He Zhili. She begins to doubt her own worth and is full of uncertainty about the future. Whenever she thinks back to those years, He Zhili will feel a heartache.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

She once won honor for her country, but she lost everything because she stood up for what she believed in.

However, just when He Zhili fell into a low point in her life, fate brought her an unexpected turn. At her most difficult time, an opportunity from Japan beckoned to her, opening a new door in her life.

This opportunity not only changed the trajectory of He Zhili's life, but also allowed her to rediscover her love for table tennis and hope for life.

Just when He Zhili fell into a low point in her life, the wheel of fate quietly turned. In 1985, at the Sino-Japanese table tennis friendly match held by Ikeda, Ho met Hideyuki Koyama, executive director of the Japan Table Tennis Association.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

This seemingly ordinary encounter has become a key moment that changed the trajectory of He Zhili's life.

Hideyuki Koyama is not only a knowledgeable scholar, but also an experienced table tennis coach. The two met because of their common interests, and as their relationship deepened, they gradually developed a relationship.

With the encouragement and support of Hideyuki Koyama, He Zhili rediscovered her passion for life and slowly walked out of the trough.

In May 1989, despite the opposition of her family, He Zhili resolutely chose to enter the palace of marriage with Hideyuki Koyama. This decision meant a huge change for Ho: a new country, a new culture, a new identity.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

After getting married, she moved to Japan with her husband and started a new chapter in her life.

In Japan, Ho Zhili changed her name to Koyama Zhili and became a Japanese citizen. This decision caused quite a stir at the time, and many people could not understand her choice.

However, for Ho, it was an opportunity for rebirth, an opportunity to start anew.

After becoming a Japanese citizen, Ho returned to the competition and competed in various international competitions as a Japanese player. Her strength was quickly recognized, and she won many gold and silver medals in the Japanese table tennis championships, the Swedish Open and the Asian Table Tennis Championships.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

In 1994, He Zhili ushered in another peak in her career. At the Hiroshima Asian Games, she defeated her former Chinese teammate Deng Yaping, known as the "Great Demon King", with a score of 3:1.

After the game, He Zhili excitedly waved her racket and shouted "Yeongxi". Although this scene caused dissatisfaction among the Chinese audience, it also demonstrated her strength and passion as an athlete.

Ho's achievements in Japan are not limited to the Circle. Her performance has won praise from the Japanese public, and she has even been personally received by the Japanese emperor three times. Her influence continues to this day, and every year on September 30, some websites in Japan still advertise the news that "today is Tomari Koyama's birthday".

However, life is always full of ups and downs. While her career was at its peak, Ho Zhili's personal life was in trouble. Her husband Hideyuki Koyama's infidelity cast a shadow over her married life.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

In addition, at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, He Zhili lost to Qiao Yun of China, a defeat that also marked the end of her illustrious career.

Despite this, Ho did not give up. In the divorce proceedings in 2000, she successfully received a high compensation of 6.5 million yen, showing her strong side.

This experience made He Zhili more determined to be independent.

Looking back on Ho Chi-li's years in Japan, what we see is the story of an athlete who rediscovers himself and shines in the face of adversity. Her experience teaches us that the road in life is not always easy, but as long as we maintain hope and courage, we can always find a new direction.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

He Zhili's years in Japan are not only her personal rebirth, but also write a unique page for China-Japan sports exchanges.

As the years go by, He Zhili, who was once dominant, gradually faded out of the public's sight. In 2005, she returned to her long-lost motherland and appeared at the Shanghai World Table Tennis Championships.

Faced with reporters' questions about the "handicap" turmoil, He Zhili just shook her head lightly and frankly regretted her decision to leave the motherland that year. This trip back to China seems to have given He Zhili new thoughts and insights.

However, in the end, He Zhili chose to stay in Japan. After all, there is the foundation of her years of hard work and the living environment she is already familiar with. He Zhili, who has entered the year of sixtieth year, has chosen a low-key and calm lifestyle.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

She no longer accepts media interviews, stays away from the public eye, and returns to ordinary daily life.

This choice may be a summary and reflection on her past ups and downs in life. The glory and controversy of the past have now turned into memory. He Zhili seems to have found inner peace and sought her own value and meaning in her later life.

Despite being out of the spotlight, Ho's story is still alive and well in the sports world. Her experience has become a topic of conversation for many people thinking about sportsmanship and life choices.

In this peaceful later life, He Zhili may be interpreting the life philosophy of an athlete in her own way.

He Zhili, who became a Japanese citizen after being punished and called Yo Xi after defeating Deng Yaping, is doing now?

He Zhili's life trajectory is like a table tennis game with ups and downs. From the Chinese champion to the Japanese player, from the peak to the trough, and then to the peaceful life of retreat, her experience has left us with deep thoughts.

Her story reminds us that life is not always easy, and sometimes difficult choices need to be made. Whether it is the decision to go against the instructions of "handicap" or the choice to become a Japanese citizen, it reflects the courage of Ho Zhili to pursue herself.

Despite the controversy surrounding some of her decisions, Ho has always stood true to her beliefs and sought new opportunities in the face of adversity. Her experience tells us that the value of life lies not only in achievements, but also in attitudes and choices in the face of challenges.

He Zhili's story may inspire us to pursue our dreams bravely in the arena of life.

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