
It is recommended to eat more of these home-cooked dishes to reduce heat and dryness, suitable for all ages

author:The delicacy of the sun and rain

Bitter gourd sliced meat soup

It is recommended to eat more of these home-cooked dishes to reduce heat and dryness, suitable for all ages

Clean the bitter gourd and remove the seeds, cut the bitter gourd thin slices with a knife on the cutting board, and salt it in a pot to remove part of the bitterness.

Pork tenderloin cleaning plan: Immediately cut the pork tenderloin slices with a knife and put it in a basin with cooking wine, light soy sauce, starch, marinate.

Put an appropriate amount of water in the saucepan, put the bitter gourd slices to boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for ten minutes, then put the tenderloin slices into the soup, cook over medium heat for five minutes, add a little salt to the meat slices when they change color, pepper to taste, sprinkle some coriander, and the bitter gourd meat slices soup is ready.

Steamed Jinchang fish

It is recommended to eat more of these home-cooked dishes to reduce heat and dryness, suitable for all ages

Clean the Jinchang fish, remove the gills, remove the internal organs of the fish, clean it, and use a knife to change the knife in the best place on the back of the Jinchang fish.

Add a little salt and pepper to the 1:1 ratio of water and steamed fish soy sauce, stir with chopsticks and set aside.

Clean it, put it on the board and cut the ginger shreds with a knife, put the ginger shreds into the Jinchang fish, put the Jinchang fish in the steaming plate, and drizzle the sauce.

Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and bring to a boil, put the Jinchang fish in the steamer over medium heat for 12 minutes, and take out the Jinchang fish. Remove the ginger shreds, pour a spoonful of hot oil and serve.

Chicken stew with clams

It is recommended to eat more of these home-cooked dishes to reduce heat and dryness, suitable for all ages

Clean the three yellow chickens and put them on the board with knives and chicken nuggets. Put pepper, corn starch, light soy sauce, salt, oyster sauce, sugar, cooking oil in a pot, mix evenly with your hands and set aside.

Clean the clams, put salt in clean water, put the clams, and spit out the sand.

Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, put onions, green onions, garlic slices and stir-fry, put the marinated chicken in the stew pot, sprinkle the clams on it, pour a bottle of beer, add a little water to boil and simmer for 25 minutes.

Dried eel stewed with tofu

It is recommended to eat more of these home-cooked dishes to reduce heat and dryness, suitable for all ages

Rinse the dried eels and soak them in clean water for two hours.

Clean the onion and cut the onion cubes with a knife on the cutting board.

Clean the ginger and cut the ginger with a knife on the cutting board.

Clean the tofu and cut the tofu cubes with a knife on the cutting board.

Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, heat the oil, put the eel, stir-fry until slightly golden, stir-fry and put the onion, ginger slices, green onions, stir-fry evenly, put cooking wine, salt, pepper, seasoning, let go of the water, do not slow the fish pieces, put the tofu in, cover the lid and simmer for ten minutes to get out of the pot and serve on a plate. #记录我的2024 #@头条湖北@头条山东@头条上海@头条广东

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