
What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

author:New science and technology reviews

On June 27th, the warm south wind blew on the banks of the Rhine River in Germany, and the cry of the 2024 European Cup resounded in the sky, when the fans guarded the TV, and enjoyed the football feast, a Hisense laser TV fence advertisement attracted the attention of the world: Hisense laser TV is the first in the world.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

Dare to say that they are"The world's first"There are not many brands,But Hisense laser TV has such confidence,Whether it is as high as 53.4% of the global market share,Or the number of patent applications for the world's first three-color laser display and the number of pioneering technologies,This title is indisputable。

Of course, in order for users to truly perceive the strength of "the world's first", it is necessary to settle on the specific experience of the product, and make it concrete and visualized. Recently,Technology mediaCNMOInteron for Hisense laser TV's new starlight S1 Pro 100Inch conducted an in-depth evaluation of the European Cup theme,Combine technical indicators with the European Cup viewing experience,Reveal Hisense laser TV"World's first"The ultimate experience behind it。

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

The big screen protects the eyes, and the European Cup is more enjoyable

Since the live broadcast of the European Cup is in the middle of the night and early in the morning,If you watch the game for a long time,Eye health problems should not be underestimated,Hisense laser TV starlight with large screen eye protectionS1 Pro,It can just meet the user"Big screen to watch the game"And avoid hurting the eyes of the all-round needs,Completely in the wonderful event。

1. Light source eye protection: obtained the industry's exclusive 0 harmful blue light certification

When it comes to eye protection, you have to beware of harmful blue light,As the industry's exclusive0Harmful blue light Rheinland authoritative certification of TV,The evaluation shows Hisense laser TV starlightS1 ProRGB pure laser light source,Different from traditional TV backlightLED,Narrower spectrum can avoid harmful blue light from the light source415-455nmBand,Truly achieve eye protection from the root。

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

2. Imaging eye protection: reflex imaging is not dazzling

The European Championship is a summer feast, and it is easy to cause eye strain when the game is nearly two hours long.

andCNMOMhe in-depth experience of media100Inch Hisense laser TV starlightS1 Pro,It is reflected imaging,Light enters the eyes through the screen,It is softer and more natural than traditional TV; In addition, the brightness of 410 nits is comfortable and soft, making it not dazzling when looking at 3 meters up.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review
  1. Color eye protection: pure RGB three-color laser light source

The public rarely notices,The performance of color also complements the comfort of viewing,Only a TV that truly restores color,Can you watch more comfortably like watching natural scenes。 CNMO evaluation demonstrates the color performance of Hisense laser TV StarlightS1 ProColor performance when playing different videos,Whether it is the bright red of strawberries,Or the skin of the character,StarlightS1 ProIt can rely on the three-color pure laser light source,Achieve110%BT.2020Color gamut value,Restore real color,Let users look at their eyes for a long time without pressure。

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

4. Screen eye protection: Fresnel passive anti-light screen

In the evaluation video, fans watch the game at night,But there is no glare and reflection on the screen,This is because Hisense laser TV starlightS1 ProEquipped with Fresnel passive anti-light screen,The screen contains8Layers of optical structure,Ambient light occlusion rate reaches 83%,No matter when you watch the game, you won't miss the wonderful moment。 in addition,Hisense laser TV starlightS1 ProThe screen is not energized,It will not produce screen radiation,Let users no longer worry about screen radiation。

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

Cinema homology technology, the texture of film sound and painting is more restored

The European Cup is a sound stadium, where the sound of football, running and shouting comes and goes, and outside of the game, the Starlight S1 Pro can also be transformed into a home theater. Laser TV naturally has the feeling of a cinema giant screen in terms of perception,Hisense laser TV starlightS1 Pro 100Inch adopts cinema homology technology,Complement each other with top-level picture quality performance and custom-made audio,Create a cinema-like viewing experience。

1. It has the same source and color as the cinema light source

The RGB three-color laser light source used in Starlight S1 Pro is the purest light source, and it is also used in high-end cinema projection equipment. And from the evaluation screen, you can see,Hisense laser TV starlightS1 ProThere is a movie-like color texture,This is because it has110%BT.2020Movie industrial-grade color gamut,andless than0.9Ultra-professional monitor color accuracy,It can easily express various tones and rich colors of the movie,Whether it's watching an old movie or the latest Marvel blockbuster,All kinds of movies、Video sources go straight out of the original color of the movie。

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

2. Technology homology: DLP® laser projection technology

DLP projection technology is the only projection technology that can digitally control light, and it is also a recognized expertise in the Oscar and Hollywood film industry. In the CNMO evaluation, when users relive the football movie "The Last Ball", Starlight S1 Pro shows a movie-like picture texture with DLP® laser projection technology, as if they are in Hollywood.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

3. Homologous sound quality: restore the global sound field of the theater

In order to restore the real sound quality effect,Hisense laser TV starlightS1 ProIn technology、Hardware。 Through Dolby DTS dual decoding technology, the sound quality details of the theater are restored losslessly; The 2.1.2 channel provides a three-dimensional stereo experience, while the 3-way high, mid and bass frequencies make the timbre more detailed and smooth.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

As you can see from the CNMO review, the streamer will jump and dance with it when the speaker is playing, because the Starlight S1 Pro's five speakers have a total power of up to 106W. Unlike the sound on the back of an ordinary LCD TV, Starlight S1 Pro's direct sound is more transparent, with a full set of Manhakardon acoustic system, which is more immersive and real in hearing. A Marvel clip was played in the review, as if pulling people's hearts into the plot of a blockbuster.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

The 100-inch fold into the home, the giant screen experience is more worry-free

The wonderful moments of the European Cup are worth seeing every detail,Therefore, the 100-inch large screen is so popular with fans,Compared with the installation of ordinary LCD TVs、It is difficult to enter the household,Hisense laser TV starlightS1 Pro100Inch can be called a model of peace of mind。

  1. Easy to enter: Watching a football game is a thing that requires a sense of immersion, the larger the screen, the stronger the sense of immersion, but the entry of large-screen TVs has always been a problem. Through evaluation and comparison,Hisense laser TV starlightS1 ProThe packaging volume can be much smaller than the 85-inch LCD TV。 Because its screen adopts a newly upgraded fully foldable design, it can be easily folded into the house without breaking the door or opening the window. Put it into a packaging box that covers an area of only 0.18 square meters, which is 90% smaller than the first generation of packaging area, and only takes 28 minutes to install the 100-inch giant screen experience.
What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

2. Don't pick up the wall: It's not easy to make a 100-inch TV light, and it's even rarer to be light and thin. In the evaluation, after the Starlight S1 Pro is installed on the wall, the front is not protruding, and the side is seamless, achieving the industry's thinnest 2cm thickness. In addition, Starlight S1 Pro Compared with LCD TVs of the same size, the screen weight is only 1/5 of the former, so when installing, you don't need to worry about the background wall material, you can easily install it.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

To evaluate an excellent TV product, it is not only necessary to test the hard power of science and technology, but also to test the soft power of functions. The evaluation shows that as long as you shout "small gathering, small gathering", you can free your hands and turn on many smart functions, such as watching games, watching movies, listening to music and other scenes.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

The way to watch movies is also very free, and the remote control also has a built-in NFC function, which only needs to be touched by the mobile phone, and the small screen can be cast to the large screen; Covering iQiyi, Tencent, Huashu, Liyuanxing and other platforms, film and television resources can meet the needs of different family members to watch movies, no matter what kind of film and television resources you like, you can easily find them.

What is it like to be "the first in the world"? The answer comes from Hisense Laser TV Starlight S1 Pro review

In the long run,As the official sponsor of the 2024 European Cup,Various innovations based on user needs,Let Hisense laser TV be"No. 1 in the world",Polishing the new business card of high-end Chinese manufacturing。 Based on the present,If you want to do a European Cup"Midsummer Night's dream",Hisense laser TV starlightS1 Pro,It is undoubtedly the best choice。

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