
The registered capital is 1 billion! Changjiang Optoelectronics Production and Investment Company settled in Optics Valley

author:Wuhan headlines

A few days ago, Hubei Changjiang Optoelectronics Industry Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Changjiang Optoelectronics Industry Investment Company") signed a contract and settled in Optics Valley.

The registered capital is 1 billion! Changjiang Optoelectronics Production and Investment Company settled in Optics Valley

The company is jointly funded by Changjiang Industrial Group, Changfei Optical Fiber and other entities, with a registered capital of 1 billion yuan, focusing on the development direction of integrated circuits, optical communications, new displays and lasers, and will be committed to building an optoelectronic information industry investment company with efficient capital operation and national influence.

The registered capital is 1 billion! Changjiang Optoelectronics Production and Investment Company settled in Optics Valley

As the main investor of the province's optoelectronic information industry, the company will fully coordinate with the leading chain main enterprises, new R&D institutions, and industrial public service platforms, and the key tasks include the merger and acquisition of a number of industrial leading enterprises and industrial chain main enterprises; Focusing on the upstream and downstream core links of the industrial chain, we have invested in a number of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises and specialized and new "little giant" enterprises; Relying on supporting elements such as industrial capital, scientific and technological innovation, industrial talents, industrial education, and industrial carriers, we will focus on the key production capacity, key products, and core technologies of the industrial chain, and open up the transformation chain of "source innovation, technology development, achievement transformation, and industrial agglomeration".

At the meeting, Changjiang Optoelectronics Production and Investment Co., Ltd. signed strategic cooperation agreements with Shangsai Optoelectronics, Juxin Microelectronics, Jiufengshan Laboratory, etc.

The registered capital is 1 billion! Changjiang Optoelectronics Production and Investment Company settled in Optics Valley

The relevant person in charge said that the optoelectronic information industry of East Lake High-tech Zone occupies a leading position in the country, and has built the world's largest optical fiber and cable production base, the largest domestic R&D and production base of optoelectronic chips and devices, the largest domestic R&D and production base of small and medium-sized display panels, and the largest domestic high-end laser equipment production base, gathering a large number of domestic leading and internationally renowned research institutions and head enterprises in the field of optoelectronic information. The settlement of Changjiang Optoelectronics Industry and Investment Co., Ltd. in Optics Valley will further couple the industrial resources of the optoelectronic information industry, enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry in the East Lake High-tech Zone, and achieve breakthrough development of the industry.

At the scene, Changjiang Industry Group also cooperated with Wuhan Industrial Innovation and Development Research Institute to jointly establish the "Hubei Yangtze River Optoelectronic Industry Innovation and Development Research Institute".

[Source: China Optics Valley]

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