
Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

author:Kaka said ball
Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

In the world of badminton, Zhang Zhijie, who is only 17 years old, is considered a dazzling new star. He is from Zhejiang, handsome, talented, and highly anticipated. However, his athletic career came to an abrupt end in a sudden tragedy. During the Asian Youth Championships, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted during the game, and although he was rushed to the hospital for rescue, he was ultimately unable to save his life, which quickly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions on the Internet.

On social media, Zhang Zhijie's sudden death became a hot topic. Some netizens expressed their regret and condolences to the young athlete, believing that he should have a brighter future. A netizen wrote: "At only 17 years old, there are infinite possibilities, but because of a sudden illness, it is too heart-wrenching. Another commented: "The controversy sparked by this incident is not only about his life, but also about the concern and protection of the health of sports athletes." ”

Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

Talking about the details of the game, some questioned why the rescue measures were not more rapid and effective at the time. A netizen expressed her opinion: "Seeing the video, the coach tried to rush into the field to help, but was stopped by the referee, which really makes people feel heartache and anger. The video quickly spread online, raising more questions about the ability of referees and medical staff to respond to emergencies.

Zhang Zhijie's family, especially his sister, deeply felt the devastation of the tragedy. After receiving this unfortunate news, their hearts were twisted and they could not accept this sudden parting. Zhang Zhijie's sister spoke out on social media, bluntly expressing her dissatisfaction with the speed of the medical staff's response and her infinite thoughts about the future.

Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

"My brother should have a bright future, and he is the pride of our family." Sister wrote. She recalled her feelings when she watched the live broadcast at the time: "I couldn't believe it when I saw my brother suddenly fall to the ground. We have been anxiously waiting for him to be treated quickly. ”

My sister and her family expressed strong dissatisfaction and doubts about the treatment process of the medical staff. "We felt that the ambulance staff was slow to respond when he needed help the most, and that shouldn't have happened." She noted that if CPR and other emergency measures had been performed more quickly, the results might have been different. "We think every day that if there had been better medical conditions and rescue methods, maybe my brother would still be with us."

Faced with the great pain caused by the sudden death of his younger brother, Zhang Zhijie's family decided to go to Indonesia to deal with the aftermath. "We have to go and see for ourselves and deal with the last thing about him." Sister said. This period of time is undoubtedly extremely difficult and challenging for them, but they hope to be able to make the final farewell and arrangements for Zhang Zhijie.

Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

The news of Zhang Zhijie's death at a young age did not only spark mourning within the family, it quickly became the focus of social attention. There is a beginning to rethink the standards of health protection and medical assistance for sports athletes. "This incident has made us realize that the protection of the health and safety of athletes is essential in sporting events." A netizen commented on social platforms. They believe that the regulations and enforcement of safety measures by event organizations should be strengthened to ensure that every athlete can receive timely assistance and support during the competition.

This incident also poses new challenges and demands on the sports world. "We need stricter standards and training in medical care, especially for young athletes." One sports enthusiast expressed hope that similar tragedies could be avoided in the future through improvements.

Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

According to the analysis of professional medical personnel interviewed by The Paper, there may be delays in the first aid process for Zhang Zhijie. Experts point out that the public live situation shows that cardiac arrest should be considered first in the face of non-contact fainting and collapse, especially in high-intensity professional competitions. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be performed immediately even if an automated external defibrillator (AED) does not intervene immediately. In addition, whether the necessary first aid measures were taken during the hospital transfer, such as external defibrillation in the ambulance, has also become the focus of public attention.

On social media, discussions about these professional medical views quickly sparked a reaction from netizens. A netizen said: "Seeing the expert's analysis, I feel that there are indeed many questions about this first aid, why are the rescue measures not faster and more powerful at such a critical moment?" She questioned the speed of the response of medical personnel and suggested that emergency training for athletes should be strengthened.

Another netizen was concerned about the safety measures on the field: "Safety and security in the competition should be the primary consideration, especially in the youth competition, to ensure that athletes can receive timely treatment in any situation." He called on sports event organizations to make stricter regulations and enforcement in terms of stadium safety and rescue preparedness.

Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

Zhang's family and friends also responded to these professional analyses and public discussions. One family member expressed her opinion on social media: "We would like to be able to learn more about the specific measures taken during the first aid at that time, why did CPR or AED not be used in the first place? She hopes to be able to learn more details and reasons through transparent information disclosure so that similar tragedies can be avoided in the future.

As the incident unfolded, the public began to demand higher standards for the health protection and medical assistance of sports athletes. Some commentators argue that sporting event organizations and healthcare providers should work together to strengthen their response capacity and preparedness for athlete emergencies. "Whether it is a teenager or an adult player, the safety and security on the field should be more closely guaranteed, and the rescue delay should not be allowed to become the fuse of the tragedy." So says a sports enthusiast.

Zhang Zhijie's death has become a mirror that has made people pay more attention to and pay attention to safety issues in sports events. His family, friends and people from all walks of life are hoping that through the reflection and discussion of this tragedy, more safeguards and protection measures can be provided for the safety of future sports events.

Badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away! His sister spoke out, questioning the medical team's lack of timely treatment

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