
Learn a Chinese medicine every day - black plum

author:Professor Wang Zhentao of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Learn a Chinese medicine every day - black plum

拼音Wū Méi

Learn a Chinese medicine every day - black plum

Also known as plum ("Benjing"), smoked plum, orange plum flesh ("Modern Practical Chinese Medicine").

Source: "Materia Medica"

The source is the dried unripe fruit of the Rosaceae plant. In May, the ripe green fruits (green plums) are picked and roasted separately by size, and the fire should not be too large, and the temperature is kept at about 40 °C. When the plums are 60% dry, they must be turned up and down (do not break the skin) to dry evenly. Generally, the kang is roasted for 2~3 days and nights, until the flesh is yellow-brown and wrinkled, and then simmered for 2~3 days after baking, and then becomes black.

Learn a Chinese medicine every day - black plum
Learn a Chinese medicine every day - black plum

The original form of plum ("Book of Songs,"), also known as: Chunmei ("Materia Medica").

Small deciduous trees that can reach up to 10 meters in height. The bark is pale gray or pale green, multi-branched. Monophytic leaves; petioles, usually glandulinous; There are 2 linear supporting leaves at the base of the petiole on the young branches, and the edge of the supporting leaves is uneven and sharply serrate; Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, 4~9 cm long, 2.4~4 cm wide, apex long tail pointed, base broadly wedge-shaped, margins with fine serrations, yellowish-brown hairs along the back of the veins. Flowers solitary or in clusters of two, white or pink, aromatic, usually open first, with short peduncles; bracts scaly, brown; calyx bell-shaped, lobes 5, tomb and receptacle combined; petals single or double, usually 5, broadly obovate, stamens numerous, born on the margins of the receptacle; Pistil 1, ovary densely hairy, columella slender, curved. The drupe is spherical, about 2~3 cm in diameter, with a shallow groove on one side, hairy, green, yellow when ripe, hard kernel, and grooved. Flowering period is 1~2 months. The fruiting period is May.

The roots (plum roots), branches (plum stems), leaves (plum leaves), flower buds (white plum blossoms), salted products of unripe fruits (white plum), and seed kernels (plum kernels) are also used for medicinal purposes.

The Habitat Division is cultivated throughout the country. The main products are Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Guizhou. In addition, Guangdong, Hubei, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Henan and other places are also produced.

Learn a Chinese medicine every day - black plum

Character: The dried fruit is oblate or irregular spherical, with a diameter of 1.5~3 cm. The surface is brownish-black to jet-black, wrinkled, uneven. Some of the outer skins are broken and the nuclei are exposed. The fruit has a distinct depression at one end (i.e., where the stalk falls off), and the flesh is soft. The kernel is hard, brownish-yellow, containing 1 pale yellow kernel, and the shape and smell are very similar to almonds. The gas is peculiar and the taste is extremely sour. It is better to be large, thick, small in core, black in skin, unrupture and exposed in core, soft and sour.

Prepare black plum: pick out impurities, sieve off ashes, wash and dry. Plum meat: Take the black plum and moisten it with water to make the meat soft, dry it slightly, crush it, and peel the clean meat. Or put it in a steamer basket and steam it until it is extremely rotten, knead it in a basket, remove the core, take the meat, and dry it. Ume charcoal: Take the net black plum and fry it over a fire until the skin and flesh are bulging, and the scorched spots appear to the degree, spray water to dry, take it out and let it cool.

Sexual taste is sour, warm.

(1) "Benjing": "Sour taste, flat." "

(2) "Don't Record": "Non-toxic." "

(3) "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "Warm, non-toxic. "

(4) "The Origin of Medicine": "The air is cold, the taste is sour." "

It is attributed to the liver, spleen, lungs, and large intestine.

(1) Wang Haogu: "Into the spleen, lungs and two menstrual blood." "

(2) "Lei Gong Cannon Pharmaceutical Solution": "Into the lungs and kidneys. "

(3) "Materia Medica": "Into the liver." "

(4) "The Meaning of Medicine": "Into the lungs, stomach, and large intestine three meridians." "

Function: Indications: Astringent Shengjin, Ann Ascaris deworming. Treatment of prolonged cough, hypothermia and thirst, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, blood in the stool, blood in the urine, blood collapse, ascaris abdominal pain, vomiting, hookworm disease, psoriasis, gium.

(1) "This Sutra": "The Lord is angry, except for heat and annoyance, peace of mind, limb pain, partial dryness, dead muscles, removal of blue and black moles, and evil flesh." "

(2) "Don't Record": "Stop dysentery, good saliva and dry mouth." "Sharpen the muscles and veins, and get rid of the paralysis."

(3) Tao Hongjing: "Typhoid fever is hot, and water stains drink juice." "

(4) Meng Xu: "The stool is not passed, the qi rushes to death, with ten black plums, put them in the soup, and remove the core in a moment, and the pestle is a pill such as a jujube, and the lower part is accepted, and it is passed when it is less." Break through water stains, and quench thirst with little honey. Cholera is restless, and dysentery and malaria prescriptions are often used. "

(5) "Materia Medica": "Remove phlegm, the main malaria miasma, quench thirst and adjust the middle, remove cold and hot dysentery, and stop vomiting." "

(6) "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "Remove labor, cure bone steaming, remove boredom, astringent intestines and stop dysentery, eliminate alcohol and poison, cure partial dry skin paralysis, remove black spots, and make people sleep." Then enter the building tea, dried ginger as pills, stop resting dysentery. "

(7) "The Book of Herbal Illustrations": "The main typhoid fever and cholera irritability ('irritability' is 'dryness'), thirst, fatigue and thinness, maternal dysentery and other prescriptions are mostly used. "

(8) "Medicinal Heart Method": "Collect lung qi." "

(9) "Compendium": "Lung astringency and intestinal astringency, treatment of long-term cough, diarrhea, nausea and diaphragm, ascaris and vomiting, swelling, phlegm, insecticide, antidote to fish poison, horse sweat poison, sulfur poison." "

(10) "Materia Medica": "Treatment of blood, blood, and blood, self-perspiration, dry mouth and throat." "

Dosage and dosage for internal administration: decoction, 0.8~1.5 yuan, or into pills, powder. External use: calcining, dry sprinkling or dressing.

Beware of those who have real evil to avoid.

(1) Meng Xu: "Eat more and damage teeth,"

(2) "Rihuazi Materia Medica": "It hurts the bones, erodes the spleen and stomach, and makes people hot." "

(3) "Materia Medica": "It is not advisable to eat more, and those with toothache and disease should be salty." "

(4) "The Meaning of Medicine": "At the beginning of coughing, shortness of breath, chest and diaphragm tightness, fear of acid to restrain evil spirits, quit it." "

(5) "Debei Materia Medica": "It is forbidden for those who have malaria and dysentery at the beginning. "

Compound (1) to treat long-term cough: black plum meat (slightly fried), poppy husk (fascia, honey fried) in equal parts, for the end. Two dollars per serving, and the honey soup is adjusted down when sleeping. (Compendium)

(2) The treatment of dysentery for a long time is not stopped, and the intestinal scale has come out: 20 black plum meat, one cup of water, fry for six minutes, and before eating, divide into two servings. (Behind the Elbow)

(3) Those who can't eat under dysentery under Tianxing: one liter of Coptis chinensis, twenty black plums (scorching). And have to pound the end, the wax is as big as a chess piece, a liter of honey, combined with a slight fire, so that the pill, the pill is as big as a sycamore. One serving of two pills, three times a day. ("Behind the Elbow", i.e. "Shenghuifang" Ume Pill)

(4) Treatment of dysentery and thirst: Maimendong three taels (to the heart), two large black plums. On the second taste, boil half of the strong with a large liter of water, twist and drain, wait for cooling, swallow it carefully, that is, it is determined, and it is still contained. (Meng Xu)

(5) Treatment of diarrhea, pus and blood: one or two black plums, pitted, and burned for the end. Two dollars per serving, rice drink. (The General Record of the Holy Spirit)

(6) Treat blood in the stool: Wumei three taels (burning), for the end, use good vinegar to hit rice paste pills, such as sycamores, each serving seventy pills, hollow rice drink. ("Jisheng Fang")

(7) Treatment of urine and blood in urine: black plum burning, grinding, vinegar paste pills, sycamore. Forty pills per serving, under wine. (Compendium)

(8) Treatment of women's blood collapse: black plum ashes, for the end, with black plum soup down. (The Woman's Prescription)

(9) Cure thirst and quench boredom: two taels of black plum meat (slightly fried), which is the end. Two coins per serving, two cups of water, decoction of one, go to the drain, into two hundred grains of soy bean, fry to half a cup, go to the trickle, and take it when lying down. (A Brief Recipe)

(10) Treatment of typhoid fever for four or five days, headache and fever, chest pain: 14 black plums, spicy five. One liter of water, decoction half of the serving, spit it out. ("Mei Shi Ji Ji Fang Fang")

(11) Treatment of typhoid fever and dysentery: 300 black plums, 6 taels of fine pungent and 10 taels of dried ginger, 16 taels of Coptis chinensis, 4 taels of angelica, 6 taels of aconite (cannon, peeled), 4 taels of Shu pepper (sweating), 6 taels of cinnamon branches (peeled), 6 taels of ginseng, 6 taels of cork. On the ten flavors, different pounding and sieve, co-curing, with bitter wine stained black plum for a night, to remove the pit, steamed five buckets of rice, rice cooked pounded into puree, and the medicine order to get along, in the inner mortar, with the honey pestle 2,000 times, the pill is as big as the sycamore. Take 10 pills with food and drink first, 3 times a day, and slightly increase to 20 pills. It is forbidden to eat cold and slippery food, stinky food, etc. ("Treatise on Typhoid Fever" Ume Pill)

(12) Treatment of roundworms ascending mouth and nose: black plum meat puffed, or decoction drink from the bottom. (Daily Materia Medica)

(13) Treatment of typhoid fever in the lower part of the sore: two taels of black plum meat, stir-fry to dry, pound fine Luo for the end, refining honey and pills, such as sycamore. Before each serving, take 10 pills with pomegranate root peel soup. ("Grace of God")

(14) Treatment of malaria and the weak: 14 black plums, 2 black beans, 1 peach and willow branch, 3 inches long licorice, and 1 piece of ginger. Take two liters of urine from the child, fry seven he, and serve warmly. (The Book of Sketches)

(15) Cure all sores and flesh: black plum is burned to ashes, the end of the pestle is applied, and the evil flesh is immediately exhausted. ("Liu Juanzi's Ghost Relic")

(16) Treatment of sore throat: one tael of black plum, two taels of double flowers, and four coins of realgar. A total of fine powder, refining honey for pills, each pill for a penny. One pill at a time, swallow slowly, three times a day. (Liaoning "Selected Materials of the New Medical Law of Chinese Herbal Medicine")

(17) Treatment of purulent dactylitis: add an appropriate amount of vinegar to black plum meat and grind it, or use two parts of black plum and one part of petroleum jelly to make black plum ointment and apply it externally, and apply medicine once a day. It is also effective for finger ulcers caused by vasculitis. (Compilation of Simple Herbal Prescriptions)

(18) Treatment of children's head sores, the accumulation of years is not bad: black plum meat, burnt ash finely grinding, with raw oil to coat it. ("Grace of God")

Clinical application: (1) Treatment of bacillary dysentery

Take 18 grams of black plum and crush it, mix 12 grams with incense, add 150 ml of water and simmer to decoction, filter when the liquid medicine is concentrated to 50 ml, and take it in 2 times in the morning and evening. 50 people were treated and 48 were cured. After taking the drug, the stool returns to normal for a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 5 days; Fever, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, tenesmus and other symptoms will disappear within 1~3 days; The shortest dose is 2 days and the longest is 6 days. No toxic reactions were found during the treatment, and the early treatment effect was good. Increasing the dose for individual patients (1 tael each of black plum and 1 tael of incense) can shorten the course of treatment.

(2) Treatment of hookworm disease

Take 0.5~1 tael of black plum, add 500 ml of water, fry into 120 ml, take it once in the morning on an empty stomach, and take it once before lunch for the second decoction. Or use black plum to remove the core, simmer and dry the grinding, water for pills, 1~2 yuan per serving, 3 times a day, before eating. Twenty cases were treated, with a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 23 days, 14 cases were negative for hookworm eggs and 6 cases were positive. According to clinical observation, the efficacy of Wumei decoction seems to be higher than that of pills.

(3) Treatment of psoriasis

Take 5 catties of black plum and decoction, remove the pitting and concentrate it into a paste of about 1 catty, take half a tablespoon (about 3 money) per serving, 3 times a day, treat 12 cases, take medicine for 12~37 days, basically cure 5 cases, and significantly improve 4 cases.

(4) Miscellaneous

Ume has a contractile effect on the gallbladder and can promote bile excretion, and its compound can be used to treat biliary ascariasis.

The above content is excerpted from the Internet, and I would like to express my gratitude to the original author!

Learn a Chinese medicine every day - black plum

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