
Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk

Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk

Ban Yukichi

2024-06-28 13:42Founder and CEO of Xingzhi Online

forced the female supervisor to give birth to a baby for him, slept with a female subordinate, and helped the intern to take the position on the condition of having a relationship, it turned out that Musk was the dandelion in the world.

Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk

An article in the Wall Street Journal interviewed Musk's close friends and colleagues and subordinates in the company, revealing the intimate past of Musk's affair with N female employees.

Several female employees of SpaceX revealed that Musk showed concern about them that was not a normal relationship between their subordinates and even hinted at them that they wanted to have a relationship.

A female executive said that Musk asked her to have a child for him, and after she refused, the relationship between the two deteriorated, and Musk refused to give her a raise, so she chose to leave.

A female subordinate said that after she had a relationship with Musk, she was used by Musk, and Musk refused to pay her salary with Tesla shares.

Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk

Musk is not only a technology tycoon, but also a "fertility ambassador" in people's mouths, according to his ideas, having more children is the best way to save human civilization, so he wants to lead by example, become a dandelion in the world, sowing seeds everywhere, to this day, he has given birth to a total of 11 children, except for the eldest son who died early due to illness, the remaining 10 oldest 18 years old, the youngest is less than 1 year old, as for whether there is a hidden baby, it is unknown.

Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk

Not only does he have to live forever, but he also wants to be a good father in his mind.

He often promotes his parenting scriptures in interviews, such as not instilling gender stereotypes in children, and taking small babies to watch "War Apocalypse" or something.

But in fact, Musk doesn't like raising children at all, he once said: "Babies are machines that can only eat and." ”

In terms of education, he directly handed over his children to an elite school called Ad Astra, and he didn't care about it, and he properly "lost his father's parenting".

Because of his education model, his 18-year-old eldest son wanted to break with him, change his surname, and never see each other again.

Musk wants to be a good father, but in the end he becomes what his son calls "scum", and this tragedy comes half from himself and half from his father.

Musk's father Errol Musk has always been the shadow of his psychology, when he was young, his father often beat his mother in front of him, and humiliated him many times, beating and scolding him at every turn, after his father and mother divorced, he got married 3 times, of which the fourth wife was still the daughter of his second stepmother, and his sister became a stepmother, which made Musk unacceptable.

Musk hated his father, but in the end, he became a madman like his father.

In the face of the family of origin, people's mentality has never been contradictory.

While Musk was deeply victimized by his father, he was also proud of his family's "adventure gene".

Isaacson once said, "He is a man who does not perceive other people's emotions and therefore has a hard time giving."

Keeping control firmly in his own hands is how he ensures a sense of security.

At his newlywed wedding, he would whisper in his wife's ear: I have the final say in this family.

Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk

So while people praise Musk for his instincts and determination, it's hard to stand working with him.

Musk, who coexists with geniuses and madmen, and his relationship with the father of his family of origin, reflects a reality: even with great success, it is difficult for a person to completely get rid of the influence of his family of origin.

The more we try to struggle, the tighter we will be shackled, and if we want to truly reconcile, we need to re-understand what our original family means to us, put ourselves in a correct position, and re-establish a bond with our parents.

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  • Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk
  • Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk
  • Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk
  • Saving the world by having children? How scummy is the "dandelion in the world" Musk

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