
Han Yijun: Flag Little Reporter Tooth Defense

On June 30th, my dad took me to the "Little Flag Reporter in Nobaigal" event for a special Sunday.

Han Yijun: Flag Little Reporter Tooth Defense

Teacher Han Qian explained to us the consequences and severity of our bad habits affecting the oral cavity in life, and then I knew that some of our behaviors such as biting our hands, biting our lower lips, and other habits called opening the mouth will affect the normal growth of teeth, and may even endanger our facial defects, which are not beautiful. Knowing this, I won't bite my hands again in the future, and I can't close my mouth when I sleep. We also saw some children who have poor tooth sensation in Nobaikal and often check in, and I hope that they will be normal soon.

Han Yijun: Flag Little Reporter Tooth Defense

Subsequently, Xu Shengli, the director of Nobelgar, explained dental health to us. Among them, circumferential teeth, missing teeth, yellow teeth, spots, large gaps between teeth, etc. will affect the health of teeth and unsightly appearance, so if you detect it early, you must go to the examination. Dean Shengli also said that a big star in our China had his teeth checked in the past, and the star's teeth were broken at that time, and Dean Xu Shengli repaired the big star's teeth in only six hours. He deserves to be the dean of Nobelgar. That's amazing!

Han Yijun: Flag Little Reporter Tooth Defense

Through this activity, I learned not only about the bad habits that affect my teeth, but also about the health of my teeth. Teeth are used to chew food. We can't eat without our teeth, and I realized how important it is to protect your teeth. On a special Sunday, I gained a lot of experience from a different kind of experience.

Editor in charge: Ding Yuan

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