
Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

author:Mr. Guo has an idea
Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

Before the beginning of the article, those who flaunt the banner of patriotism all day long can act.

Stop just talking and not practicing! The time has come to test you!!

Tencent released this remark, should you uninstall your WeChat?

On June 29, Tencent issued an announcement on cracking down on "inciting confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalism".

According to the announcement, Tencent has always attached great importance to the governance of the network ecosystem, strictly fulfilled the main responsibilities of the enterprise, and helped build a green, healthy and civilized network ecological environment.

Recently, the incident of knife wounding in Suzhou High-tech Zone has spread on the Internet and attracted the attention of public opinion, and some netizens have incited confrontation between China and Japan on the Internet, instigated extreme nationalism, and concocted all kinds of extreme remarks. The platform resolutely cracked down on such illegal content and accounts, and disposed of a total of 836 pieces of relevant illegal content and 61 related illegal accounts. Depending on the violation and platform rules, measures will be taken, including banning and banning. ”

It also provides a channel for reporting violations.

As soon as the news came out, this angered netizens, and the comment area was more lively than the vegetable market for a while.

Of course, in addition to speaking, they have no actual action, and the people who usually shout to go to the battlefield are reluctant to delete WeChat at this time.


Closed Pony Ma Tencent Game Platform.

Why did Tencent crack down?

It's time for the state to crack down on Tencent, and it's time for a company to crack down on people's righteousness.

Don't just shout slogans, but if you have an uninstall WeChat, I will count you seriously.

Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

Tencent, what are you talking about? We people don't need Tencent.

Who allowed Tencent to do this.

This is Tencent's business, and I have no right to oppose or support it. Because I still have WeChat on my phone

Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

The game is blocked, don't harm the next generation.

Do you want to uninstall WeChat and use ByteDance's Feishu?

Look at what you say, if there is a reply to you, it's really cowardly.

Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

We fed Tencent too much, and he began to forget his roots.

Tencent's position is fine, and it is not lightly infiltrated.

No matter how big a company is, it's better than what you shout on the Internet every day. People don't know how many people they have to feed when they pay taxes a year, isn't it more patriotic than you? Again, if you want to resist, start with yourself

Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

In any case, it is not extreme to treat Japan.

The dominance of ideology should not be handed over to corporate control.

It's you trolls under the banner, one counts as one, and you will only hide behind your back and encourage others. Hu Youping is a heroic act, and she must be praised, but you people are behind the black family.

Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

It's a shame that this company that made a fortune in games, is Japan asking the same for the Japanese?

Is Tencent Chinese?

A Chinese company born and raised.

Crack down on "incitement to Sino-Japanese confrontation, hate speech!" "The people who held high the patriotic banner were gone

Is it reasonable for Tencent to make such an announcement?

If you don't support it, will you not use Tencent's products?

If you have a different point of view, please leave a message in the comment area.


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