
If there is blood stasis, use the blood stasis pill? Although they are all silting, they cannot be summarized by one side

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Xuefu Zhuyu Pill is a more famous prescription for removing blood stasis, and many people say that they feel that they have blood stasis on their body, and most of them will use Xuefu Zhuyu Pill to regulate. But in fact, there are many kinds of classification of blood stasis, the tongue image is different, the symptoms are different, and the cause must be different! Therefore, the methods of conditioning are also very different, today I will tell you about the three common blood stasis conditioning ideas and conditioning methods.

If there is blood stasis, use the blood stasis pill? Although they are all silting, they cannot be summarized by one side

The first is qi stagnation and stasis. The liver is drained and the operation of the qi machine is smooth. If the liver qi is stagnant and the flow of qi is not smooth, blood stasis will occur, because qi can promote the flow of blood, so qi is stagnant, and the blood flow will be poor, resulting in the formation of blood stasis. This is often accompanied by obvious liver depression and qi blockage, such as irritability, emotional instability, frequent chest tightness, sighing, flank distention, belching, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, indigestion, etc. One look at the tongue, both sides of the tongue are swollen, and the green tendons under the tongue are thick and purple.

If there is blood stasis, use the blood stasis pill? Although they are all silting, they cannot be summarized by one side

Then there's the heat and stasis. The reason why blood stasis occurs is because the blood flow in the body is not smooth and accumulates together. Therefore, when there is heat in our body, whether it is real heat or false heat, the heat will burn the blood, causing the blood to be viscous and not flow smoothly. In this case, blood stasis will occur in the body, and at the same time, you will usually fall in love with fire, swollen and sore gums, always dry mouth and thirst, irritable mood, etc., such people often have red tongues, and green tendons under the tongue are red and purple.

If there is blood stasis, use the blood stasis pill? Although they are all silting, they cannot be summarized by one side

In the end, it is cold condensation and stasis. Blood is warm, so when we have cold in the body, it will also lead to poor blood flow, and there will also be blood stasis, such people usually have obvious symptoms of yang deficiency, such as fear of cold, cold hands and feet, cold waist and knees, cold lower abdomen, stomach ache when eating cold, diarrhea, etc., this kind of tongue will be fat, pale white, and the green tendons under the tongue are thick and purple.

If there is blood stasis, use the blood stasis pill? Although they are all silting, they cannot be summarized by one side

That's all for today's sharing, the above content is just to provide you with a conditioning idea, don't blindly follow the trend of medication, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, and we'll see you next time!