
The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

"Husband, my parents should be off the plane soon, let's pack up and get ready to go, don't let them wait for us."

"Yes Tina, let's go, don't worry when you come to China, it's very safe here."

It turned out to be a Palestinian girl who married far away to China, and in the third year of marriage, her parents came to China to visit their daughter.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

At this time, the Palestinian area was not peaceful, and Tina was very excited that her parents could arrive in China safely.

What happened to make Tina so nervous, and how did she and the Chinese guy meet?

"My name is Tina and I'm from the Middle East"

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

My name is Tina, I was born in Palestine in the Middle East, and for as long as I can remember, our country doesn't seem to be very peaceful.

Because it was so difficult to live in the local area, my parents took us to a neighboring country, and we were able to breathe.

Although life is much easier, we are not locals, and we can only live in the areas divided by other countries.

It's basically my compatriots here, everyone is trying to make a living, and I'm growing up in this environment.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

The local government has set up a simple education system and a medical system for us to ensure our normal life.

I have lived and grown up in this refugee camp since I was a child, and I have a deep desire for a peaceful life.

The hard life tempered my will, and even if there was no water and electricity for half a month, we did not give up hope of life.

But the only thing that scared me the most was the sound of gunshots, which kept irritating my nerves.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

In this environment, I know that only by studying hard can I have the slightest chance to change my fate.

So I was always and everywhere with books distributed by the school, and I was successfully admitted to the university with excellent grades.

When I was in college, I majored in English, and it was here that I first came into contact with the Internet and saw the outside world.

I majored in English, and I also studied Chinese, Russian, Japanese and other languages in elective classes, and Chinese was the most interesting to me.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

I didn't expect such a complex language to be the most spoken in the world, which made me feel amazing.

Then I started to minor in Chinese, and began to collect Chinese-related learning materials on the Internet to prepare for in-depth study of Chinese.

And after reading the English translation of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", I felt even more novel about this strange country.

In the process of studying, I also had the idea of going to China to have a look, but I never waited for the opportunity.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

During my studies at university, I would share my life on the Internet every once in a while, until one day I saw a strange news.

I didn't expect this stranger to become my husband in the future, let alone that I would live a stable life in China.

His name is Huidong, a young man born in the 00s, and after graduating from junior high school, he came out to work to help his parents share the pressure.

Because of the poor education, I do some hard work, either screwing, moving bricks or repairing cars.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

It wasn't until he attended a baking class and became a baker that his life gradually stabilized.

So Huidong and his friends opened a bakery in a big city, and also cooperated with other hotels to deliver bread and cakes to make breakfast every day.

Because there are often some foreigners in the store, the language barrier is caused, so Huidong bought an English dictionary and prepared to learn it.

But he himself is not the material for studying, otherwise he would not have come out to work in junior high school, which made Huidong feel very headache.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

Later, on the recommendation of a friend, Huidong registered an international version of the English learning software, which was filled with people from different countries.

With only one purpose, to make friends and learn English, two people who were originally unrelated were connected.

That night, when Huidong was browsing his friend's news on the Internet, he saw an article I posted.

Because I didn't understand the meaning of my sentence, I thought I had applied and wanted to ask me what it meant.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

After I received the news, I first clicked on Huidong's homepage and found that this is still a handsome Chinese guy.

于是就耐心的跟他讲,那一句英语是爱与和平(love and peace),象征着美好的向往。

I didn't expect that after I finished calling Huidong and sending a message, he didn't reply to my message, maybe he was busy with something.

So I would chat with him every once in a while, sharing my daily life, hoping to make this Chinese friend.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

He also told me stories about China, and we talked about relationships.

Half a year later, we both have a good impression of each other, because we both have even the hardships of life and society, so we have a lot of common topics.

The seed of love in our hearts is also planted, and we especially want to see it, but it is full of difficulties.

Later, due to the escalation of regional frictions, I told Huidong about the situation around me and solemnly said goodbye.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

After hearing the news, Huidong felt very sad, and after expressing his love to me, he said that he was going to come to me.

My heart was very moved, but I still didn't want him to come, but I didn't expect Huidong to buy a ticket and fly over the next day.

After spending a huge amount of 10,000 yuan on a plane ticket and 19 hours of flight, he arrived at the airport smoothly.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

My parents took me to wait for Huidong outside the airport, and he was integrated into my life for the first time.

Huidong saw my living environment, water outages from time to time, dirty water sources, and high living expenses.

Everyone who lives here has used all their strength to live, which makes Huidong feel very distressed.

"Difficult Road to Marriage"

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

He was also determined to take me away, which touched my heart, but my father was still very sane.

He said that since it is a marriage discussion, then he will follow the normal process, hoping that Huidong can prepare a house locally.

If it is drawn down, it is less than 300,000 yuan, and if the relationship between the two is not in harmony in the future, it can be regarded as a guarantee for her daughter.

On the other hand, it is about Sanjin Hardware, and it is also a guarantee for me, I hope Huidong can understand.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

But this time when I came to visit, the plane tickets were bought by Huidong in advance for 4 months of living expenses, not to mention this house.

However, Huidong promised my father that when he returned to China, he would prepare the gold and hand it all over to me.

I think my father is for my good, but I don't want Huidong to be so embarrassed, and under my persuasion, the two sides quieted down.

I just want to find someone I love to live well in my life, and I don't want to break up because of money.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

In addition, the conditions in Huidong are not bad, and after that, we will work hard, and life will definitely get better.

In this way, my father agreed to my request to marry Huidong, and then we began to go through various procedures.

Eventually, I got a visa as my spouse, and after saying goodbye to my parents, Huidong took me back to China.

After returning to China, I lived a new life, because I had a foundation in Chinese, so communication was not a problem.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

Huidong and I live happily in a rental house, and we don't have to worry about water and electricity cuts here.

What's more, I don't have to worry about the sound of gunfire that goes deep into my bones, and I can sleep peacefully every day.

After I got used to life here, Huidong took me to his bakery and asked me to help with cleaning and stuff.

Hui Dong's hands are very skillful, different pasta, puff pastry and sauces can be combined to create so many pastries.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

When I celebrated the Chinese New Year for the first time, Huidong took me to his hometown, and I met my parents-in-law for the first time.

I was very excited that day, and when I got out of the train station, her mother warmly picked me up, which surprised me.

I also said in Chinese, Mom, Happy New Year, my mother-in-law was very happy and prepared a big red envelope for me.

Later, I learned that Huidong has been out for so many years, and what he is most worried about is marriage, and now he has found a daughter-in-law who loves each other, and the stone in his heart has fallen.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

I also asked my parents back home to tell me about this, so that they don't have to worry about me, China is really safe.

In the days that followed, I was also pregnant with a child, and Huidong also stayed in his hometown to raise the baby with peace of mind, and my parents-in-law were very good to me.

The child was born smoothly, he was a cute mixed-race boy, and his mother-in-law was also very happy, and she was looking forward to her daughter-in-law everywhere.

Three years have passed, and because the situation in my hometown is becoming more and more exciting, I want my parents to come to China to live for a while.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

I also called my parents to ask for their opinions, and they said that they would come to China to accompany me and meet my in-laws here by the way.

They also readily agreed, after all, they have never left the country in their lives, let alone come to China to visit me this time.

I told Huidong about this idea, and he resolutely said that there was no problem, and he also took out his savings to buy a plane ticket.

This touched my heart very much, until I didn't marry the wrong person, and he really cared about my feelings.

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

On the day my parents landed, I urged Huidong to hurry up and pack his things and then go to the airport to pick up his parents and go home.

"Husband, my parents should be off the plane soon, let's pack up and get ready to go, don't let them wait for us."

"Yes Tina, let's go, don't worry when you come to China, it's very safe here."

The Palestinian girl married in China, and three years later, her parents came to visit China and bluntly said: China is too safe

I was very moved, got into my husband's car, and Huidong couldn't wait to drive to the airport.

It's like the phrase we first recognized, love and peace.

I hope that in the future, the situation in my hometown will stabilize as soon as possible, and I also hope that there will be no war in the world as soon as possible.

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

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