
Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

author:Onigiri says things

In the classic martial arts novel "Water Margin", the character of Lin Chong is well-known. He is known as the "head of the 800,000 forbidden army", which sounds like a remarkable position that makes people curious about his status. However, Lin Chong, where is this sacred? Let's unravel this mystery together!

Could it really be that as some people say, Lin Chong is just a small sect leader with an insignificant status? Or is he indeed extraordinary, comparable to modern high-ranking officials?

Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

By the way, let's first popularize the concept of "teaching head". In the military system of the Song Dynasty, the "instructor" refers to the officer who trains the soldiers, which is equivalent to the instructor today. Unlike the formal hierarchy of the modern military, there were many heads of religion at that time, large and small, adding up to thousands.

But Lin Chong is a "800,000 forbidden army leader", this is no longer the head of pediatrics! The 800,000 forbidden army refers to the emperor's personal guards, guarding the safety of the royal family. Although Lin Chong's position is called the head of the sect, his status is far ahead of other leaders.

Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

First of all, you can see the clue from his costumes. The color of the Song Dynasty officials' uniforms represents the rank of the official, and Lin Chong wore a green robe and a silver belt, which proved that he was at least a high-ranking officer of the fifth to seventh ranks. How dare the mere head act so recklessly?

Looking at his style of life, he is leisurely and free, and he is not interested in such miscellaneous things as training soldiers. In stark contrast, Xu Ning, another sect leader, was busy training the soldiers every day, and he was worried about being on duty at any time.

Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

You must know that the emperor of the era can hang you up with a decent job with one sentence. For example, Lin Chong's fellow leaders were given official positions such as pro-army commanders and chariot generals, and they directly commanded the army to go out during the war.

Therefore, the head of the 800,000 forbidden army is actually an idle job, and he doesn't have to do anything in normal times, just enjoying a rich life. Lin Chong's generosity of spending 1,000 taels of silver to buy a treasure knife is already staggering. At that time, the prime minister was only 3,600 taels of silver a year, and Lin Chong's knife was almost equivalent to the prime minister's income for three years!

Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

Not only that, but Lin Chong and Taiwei can also talk and laugh with each other, and look at each other's family heirlooms. This kind of "you come and go" posture, where is it like a little leader? It's clear that he is a dignitary in the court.

Looking at Lin Chong's popularity, the society at that time was the same as now, who doesn't know the deeds of celebrities? When he appeared, the three sects and the nine streams all called his name. Even the heroes of Liangshan, thousands of miles away, also remembered the title of "800,000 Forbidden Army Leaders".

Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

You have to say, how can Lin Chong's small status enjoy such a prestigious treatment? This is clearly the one of the emperor's relatives, isn't it?

Therefore, on the whole, Lin Chong's "800,000 Forbidden Army Sect Leader" is actually a special gift from the Song Dynasty to people with strong martial arts. Although the grade is not very high, he is a member of the emperor's forbidden army, enjoying a lot of money and high prestige, comparable to the status of a professor at the National Defense University today, or even better. Defy? Then you can check the historical materials yourself!

Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

Through the above analysis, it is not difficult for us to find the weight of the title of "800,000 Forbidden Army Leader". It not only represents the excellence of martial arts, but also the title of royal reward. Lin Chong, who enjoys such an honor, will naturally not be as simple as a small leader.

Lin Chong is known as the head of the 800,000 forbidden army, what position is equivalent to now? You don't believe it

Judging from his life style, clothing habits, wealth, prestige and status, Lin Chong has shown an extraordinary identity. Compared with the court dignitaries, it is still more than that, and can enjoy an idle life, which can really be described as an ideal career of "less things and more money, decent and comfortable".

No wonder Xu Ning and Lu Zhishen were full of envy for Lin Chong. As the saying goes, "status determines life", Lin Chong, who can get this important task, must be valued by the emperor, not only strong in martial arts, but also loyal. From the ordinary to the pinnacle of life, it is exemplary. His story teaches us that if we work hard, we can all strive for a better future. #头条首发大赛#


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