
Lin Chong has symptoms of wind paralysis on the streets of Tokyo: Is his betrayal of three relatives and friends ruthless or helpless?

author:Half a pot of old wine and half a cigarette

The leopard head Lin Chong has Zhang Fei's majestic appearance, but he does not have Zhang Fei's strong and domineering spirit, so when Shi Nai'an described Lin Chong, he only said that he "has a leopard's head and eyes, a swallow collar and tiger whiskers, and an eight-foot long and short body", but did not say that he "has a sound like a huge thunder, like a galloping horse".

Shi Nai'an didn't cherish ink like gold and refused to give Lin Chong more eight-character comments, but he wrote with a sense of urgency, and deliberately wrote Lin Chong as "different from inside and outside", or "strong and inward".

If we take a closer look at the original work of Water Margin, we will find that Lin Chong's final "wind paralysis" has long been precursorred, at least on the streets of Bianliang, Tokyo, Lin Chong's performance is a bit of wind paralysis: "Lin Chong is about to come over, but he recognizes that he is in charge of Gao Yanei, and he relented first...... Lin Chong's anger did not subside, and he looked at the high yaman with a pair of eyes. ”

Lin Chong has symptoms of wind paralysis on the streets of Tokyo: Is his betrayal of three relatives and friends ruthless or helpless?

Weak hands and straight eyes, this is the early symptom of wind paralysis, it is because of these symptoms that Lin Chong has not been tough for a long time, and between being bound and timid, he has done three things that are sorry for his relatives and friends.

Before answering this question, let's take a look at the three people he is most sorry for in his life: the first is his wife who has been married to him for three years.

Lin Chong has a lush beard, unlike the sick Guan Suo Yang Xiong, "pale yellow skin, with a few thin mustaches", so there should be no big physical problems, he and his wife have been married for three years and failed to give birth to a boy and a girl, which is a very strange thing, and what is even more strange is that before Lin Chong married Cangzhou, he actually wanted to divorce his wife.

In contrast, Lin Chong's father-in-law Zhang Jiaotou is more affectionate and righteous, and he clearly told Lin Chong: "I will take my daughter's house tomorrow, and I will support him for three years and five years (she, the third person in ancient texts does not distinguish between men and women)." and if he is not allowed to come in or out, he will not be able to check (enough) if he wants to see him. Hugh should be worried, it's all on the old man. You are in Cangzhou Prison City, and I have frequently sent books and clothes to you. Hugh had to think crankily and just go with confidence. ”

Lin Chong has symptoms of wind paralysis on the streets of Tokyo: Is his betrayal of three relatives and friends ruthless or helpless?

Although Gao Yanei is a bastard, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, he really doesn't dare to do the thing of breaking into the house and robbing the people's daughters, so as long as Lin Niangzi does not show up, Gao Yanei will slowly extinguish the evil fire and turn to a more accessible target.

Lin Chong divorced his wife, and said in a high-sounding manner at the beginning: "Today, the villain suffers from this tragedy, and he deserves to go to Cangzhou, and his life and death are not guaranteed." The lady is at home, and the villain's heart is unstable, and she is afraid that Gao Yanei will coerce this family affair. In addition, he was young and young, and Hugh missed his future for Lin Chong. ”

Then as soon as the tone of the conversation changed, he confided in his heart: "Lin Chong advocated on his own, not forced by others, understood that he would leave the letter on paper, and let him remarry, and there was no dispute." In this way, Lin Chong's heart is stable, so as not to be framed by Gao Yanei. ”

Lin Chong divorced his wife, because he was afraid that Gao Yanei would continue to frame him, as for Lin Niangzi after becoming the daughter of the divorced, whether it was more convenient for Gao Yanei to "pursue", that was not something Lin Chong considered, his last cruel words, there was a great sense of blaming his wife for causing disaster for himself: "Thank you Taishan for your kindness, but Lin Chong can't rest assured, and he delayed in vain." Taishan pitifully saw Lin Chong, and according to the villain, he died and was dumbfounded. If he didn't agree with the villain, Lin Chong struggled to come back and vowed not to get together with the lady! ”

What does "two-phase delay" mean, the author doesn't explain, readers can also see Lin Chong's resentment, this is the usual mentality of cowardice: he can't afford to provoke Gao Yanei and Gao Yu, Lin Chong can only hate his wife for being too tempting.

Lin Chong has symptoms of wind paralysis on the streets of Tokyo: Is his betrayal of three relatives and friends ruthless or helpless?

Lin Chong's "divorced wife", neither stopped the Gao family father and son from continuing to frame, nor did he keep his wife, he stayed in Liangshan for a long time, until Chao Gai took the throne, Lin Chong remembered the "ex-wife" in the quagmire in the capital, and of course the bad news was waiting for him: "The lady was coerced by Gao Taiwei to marry her relatives, hanged herself, and died for half a year." Zhang Jiaotou was also worried and died half a month ago. ”

Gao Yu dared to "ask for marriage", of course, thanks to Lin Chong's letter of resignation, if Lin Niangzi was not an "abandoned woman", the imperial historians could refer to him, but with Lin Chong's "acquaintance" to divorce his wife, Gao Yu's forced marriage would not be illegal.

Lin Chong is sorry for his wife, and he is sorry for Chao Gai, the king of Tota - Chao Gai can be described as sincere to Lin Chong, when Lin Chong proposed to take over the family, Chao Gai's eagerness was really moving: "The virtuous brother has a treasure in Beijing, why don't you get it to finish the reunion?" If you write a book quickly, you will teach people to go down the mountain, and carry it up the mountain in the starry night, and think about it with no heart, how much is good. ”

Chao Gai's true feelings did not exchange for Lin Chong's loyalty, the battle of Zengtou City Chao Gai was seriously injured and dying, Lin Chong should also withdraw his troops to escort Chao Gai back to the mountain, but Lin Chong actually waited for Song Jiang's order, only let Ruan Sanxiong and Du Qian Song Wan send back to the cottage first, and he was not afraid of being intercepted and killed by Zengtou City on the way.

Lin Chong has symptoms of wind paralysis on the streets of Tokyo: Is his betrayal of three relatives and friends ruthless or helpless?

Before Chao Gai's bones were cold, Lin Chong convened a meeting of Wu Yong Gongsun Sheng and pushed Song Jiang to the top spot - at that time, Wu Yong and Gongsun Sheng were ranked higher than Lin Chong, and Lin Chong should not have taken the lead in this matter.

Lin Chong treated Chao Gai's last words as waste paper, just like he divorced his wife and "completed Gao Yanei", also for self-preservation: everyone knows that Lin Chong has a good relationship with Chao Gai, and now it's time to draw a clear line.

Lin Chong did not investigate where the arrow came from, and what is even more incomprehensible is that the Liangshan army fought Zengtou City for the second time, and Lin Chong actually watched his house on the mountain, and did not take the initiative to ask Ying to avenge the king of heaven - he did this to show Song Jiang that he did not have the intention of capturing Shi Wengong alive and sitting on the top spot.

Lin Chong's careful thinking, Song Jiang must have seen through it, so Song Jiang was both contemptuous and jealous of Lin Chong, which made Dadao Guan Sheng the head of the five tiger generals of the Liangshan Horse Army, and when he was in the big ranks, he also sat on top of Lin Chong. In this way, Lin Chong was not only kicked out of the core decision-making circle of Liangshan, but also in the cavalry, and he was no longer the boss.

People are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden. It's hard to say whether Lin Chong is a good person or a poisonous person, if we take a closer look at the original work of the Water Margin, we will find that after the one hundred and eight generals finished arranging the seats, Lin Chong seemed to have lost his voice like a wind paralysis, Lu Zhishen and Wu Song quarreled with Song Jiang on the Zhongyi Hall, but Lin Chong didn't say a word, he was not as good as the black whirlwind Li Kui, and he was strong and courageous, and expressed clear support for Lu Wu and the two anti-Zhao'an.

Lin Chong has symptoms of wind paralysis on the streets of Tokyo: Is his betrayal of three relatives and friends ruthless or helpless?

According to common sense, Lin Chong should stand up and support Lu Zhishen: Yu Gong, Lin Chong knows that traitors are in charge, and there is a way to kill him; In private, he owes Lu Zhishen the grace of saving his life, and if he does not express his position at this time, he is suspected of ingratitude.

Lin Chong and Taiwei Gao Yu have formed a mortal enmity, and they should know that anyone with one hundred and eight generals in Liangshan can be recruited, only he and Lu Zhishen cannot, but he has illusions, and he also expects the Gao family father and son to "donate their previous suspicions" - in the original work of the Water Margin, Lin Chong did not oppose Zhao'an, nor was he angry with Zhao'an, but became the Liangshan hero with the largest number of generals in the four battles of Zhao'an, breaking the Liao State, fighting Tianhu, destroying Wang Qing, and Zhengfangla.

Lin Chong showed his skills in the battle of breaking Liao for the country, and Qing Fangla, the king of the tiger in the field, was willing to be the eagle dog of the imperial court, because these three people are no different from Song Jiang, and even their character is better.

Lin Chong did not support Lu Zhishen in the battle for Zhao'an, which is very unreasonable, some people say that Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong broke off their friendship when they reunited in Liangshan, which seems to be not unreasonable: in the vegetable garden of Daxingguo Temple, Lin Chong officially worshiped Lu Zhishen as the eldest brother, but after Lu Zhishen went to Liangshan, he no longer refused to call Lin Chong brothers.

After saving Lin Chong in the wild boar forest, Lu Zhishen called Lin Chong brothers at least five or six times, and even scolded Dong Chao and Xue Ba: "You two pinch birds, when you don't look at your brothers, chop them both into meat sauce!" Look at the face of my brother, spare your two lives. ”

Lin Chong has symptoms of wind paralysis on the streets of Tokyo: Is his betrayal of three relatives and friends ruthless or helpless?

Lin Chong is a tragic figure, we can even say that he has a "wind paralysis character": he can't learn Lu Zhishen, he can also learn from Wang Jin, but he doesn't learn both, he just hopes that Gao Yu's father and son will find it with conscience, but he doesn't know that in that era, many high-ranking officials originally had no conscience.

Lin Chong didn't wake up until the end, and his final "wind paralysis" was actually the intensification of the inner contradiction to the extreme, which triggered the chronic illness - on the one hand, he longed to be awarded the title of high-ranking official after returning to Beijing, and on the other hand, he was also worried that Gao Yu would continue to cause harm, and the two villains in his head would fight, and finally Lin Chong's body would not obey the call.

When Lin Chong was bullied by Gao Yanei, it was not that he had no way out, and Gao Yu did not restrict his actions, but Lin Chong actually seemed to have forgotten to be in trouble with Gao Yanei, and actually bought a treasure knife to "slowly compete with him (Gao Yu has a treasure knife, Lin Chong has not borrowed it three times or five times)", and he did not have the idea of leaving Beijing to avoid trouble.

Lin Chong ended miserably in the end, while we mourn his misfortune and anger him, we should also put ourselves in his shoes and think about it: If we sit in Lin Chong's position, once valued by the Taiwei, we can spend a lot of money to buy a treasure knife, and in the face of bullying in the ya, how should we deal with it?


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