
Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

author:Ta Tu said

On June 28, there was bad news in the Internet celebrity circle, and the Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" account with 8 million followers suddenly released a shocking news.

He suddenly fainted on the 26th, and was admitted to the ICU the next day after being admitted to the hospital, and the doctor had been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, which was a bolt from the blue for Brother Gluten.

Looking at the critical illness notice issued by the doctor, Brother Gluten's girlfriend was helpless, and she also told the secret between the two through her account.

In order to save Brother Gluten's life, his girlfriend and daughter both spoke out on the Internet, hoping to get help from caring people in the society, but in the face of treatment costs of up to 2 million, it is simply astronomical for them.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

Will Brother Gluten survive this time?

The glory and worry of Internet celebrities

Cheng Shulin, an ordinary singer from the street, set off a whirlwind in the online world with a song "Baked Gluten".

His unique voice, down-to-earth performance style, and the catchy phrase "Do you want to have some baked gluten" instantly captured the hearts of countless netizens.

In 2013, Cheng Shulin participated in Dragon TV's talent show "The Voice of the Chinese Dream", although he did not achieve dazzling results in the program, but this experience opened the door to the online world for him.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

Since then, the name "Brother Gluten" has started to spread widely on the Internet.

Over time, Cheng Shulin's follower count continued to climb and eventually broke through the 8 million mark, a number that for many people means success and glory.

Although Cheng Shulin has a huge fan base, this does not mean that he can get a stable and lucrative income, the competition in the Internet celebrity industry is extremely fierce, and the popularity comes and goes quickly.

However, this kind of high-intensity work often brings a huge burden to the body, and long-term staying up late, irregular work and rest, and huge psychological pressure may become hidden health hazards.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

Cheng Shulin is no exception, in the years he has been popular, he may have also experienced such a high-pressure life.

Just when Cheng Shulin's career seemed to be thriving, fate played a cruel joke on him, on June 26, 2024, Cheng Shulin suddenly fainted at home, and his family rushed him to the hospital, but what awaited them was a bolt from the blue, Cheng Shulin was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.

The once energetic "gluten brother" in front of the camera is now lying in the ICU ward, fighting hard against death.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

The diagnosis of advanced liver cancer not only means that Cheng Shulin needs to face the test of life, but also means that he and his family will have to bear huge medical expenses.

It is reported that liver transplantation and follow-up treatment alone will require more than 2 million yuan, which is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for many ordinary families.

When the aura of Internet celebrity fades, when illness and the burden of life hit, how should he deal with it?

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

Girlfriend's persistence

In Cheng Shulin's life journey, there is one person who has always been silently by his side, that is, his girlfriend, although the two are ten years apart, this has not hindered the deep relationship between them.

Cheng Shulin's girlfriend is named Zhai Meijie, she and Cheng Shulin have known each other for many years, and have experienced the ups and downs of their Internet celebrity careers together.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, and just when they were about to step into the marriage hall, Cheng Shulin's condition suddenly deteriorated.

Because of Cheng Shulin's illness, the two have not been able to obtain a marriage certificate, and this seemingly simple ceremony has become their unattainable dream.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

But even without a marriage letter, Zhai Meijie still chooses to guard Cheng Shulin's side unconditionally, her love transcends secular conventions and is particularly precious in the face of the test of life.

In the past few years, in order to treat Cheng Shulin, Zhai Meijie has done almost everything, she did not hesitate to use her own savings, and even emptied her family.

In the eyes of outsiders, Cheng Shulin, as an Internet celebrity with more than 8 million fans, should not be short of money, however, the reality is cruel, and the high medical costs are like a bottomless pit, devouring all the savings of the lovers.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

When Cheng Shulin was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, Zhai Meijie's world seemed to collapse in an instant, and in the face of the sky-high medical expenses of more than 2 million, she felt unprecedented powerlessness and despair.

However, even in such a predicament, she still did not choose to give up, on the contrary, she chose a more courageous way and openly asked for help from the society.

Zhai Meijie posted a video through Cheng Shulin's account, in which she candidly recounted the predicament they are currently facing, saying that she has paid for the treatment in the past few years, and now her home has been almost emptied.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

Doctors said that Cheng Shulin needed a liver transplant, but the cost of treatment of more than 2 million yuan was far beyond their affordability.

As soon as the video was released, it immediately attracted a lot of attention and discussion, with some people heartbroken by what happened to the lovers, and others questioning their public fundraising.

However, no matter how the outside world judges, Zhai Meijie still stands firmly by Cheng Shulin's side and fights for every ray of life for him.

In this race against death, time is of the essence, and Zhai Meijie knows that every minute and every second is precious, and she keeps calling for everyone to lend a hand, hoping to raise enough money for the operation as soon as possible.

However, so far, they have only received more than 90,000 yuan in donations, and they are still a long way from their goal.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

Zhai Meijie's persistence reminds people of the old saying: "Adversity sees true love", in this materialistic era, how many people can be like her, and never leave their lover when they need it most?

The truth

However, along with the voices of sympathy and support, doubts and controversies also followed, and the crowdfunding incident of gluten brother Cheng Shulin became a journey of truth search.

The first issue to spark controversy was the issue of fundraising accounts. Many netizens found that Brother Gluten's original name was Cheng Shulin, but the name of the head of the donation account was Zhai Meijie.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

This seemingly simple inconsistency immediately aroused questions from netizens, some suspected that this account had nothing to do with Brother Gluten himself, and some even speculated that it might be a well-planned scam.

Some attentive netizens found that the name of the head of this donation account is the same as the legal person of an MCN organization, which once again sparked speculation: Does this mean that Brother Gluten has a company behind it?

In the face of the flood of doubts, Brother Gluten's daughter stood up and publicly promised to be transparent about every donation. She said that all donations will be used for her father's treatment, and promised to disclose the use of funds in a timely manner.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

This move, to a certain extent, has alleviated the public's doubts and won the understanding and support of more people.

This crowdfunding turmoil is not only a test for Brother Gluten and his family, but also a test of integrity for the whole society.

Should we also reflect on whether we should also maintain a sense of rationality and empathy while we are anxious to find the truth, and whether we can give some understanding and support in the face of the plight of others?

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

The fragility of life

The experience of gluten brother Cheng Shulin is like a mirror, reflecting the fragility of life and the impermanence of life.

Once upon a time, he was the Internet celebrity who was active on the Internet, bringing joy to millions of fans with his unique voice and humorous performances, however, a medical certificate pushed him to the brink of life and death, and we had to face the fragility of life.

Cheng Shulin's experience is a wake-up call for everyone, reminding us that health is not taken for granted, and we need to pay attention to and maintain it at all times.

Is there any salvation? Millions of Internet celebrities "Brother Gluten" was admitted to the ICU with advanced liver cancer, girlfriend: more than 2 million are needed

In this fast-paced society, many people often ignore their physical condition in order to work and live, staying up late and working overtime, irregular diet, lack of exercise, etc., which may become hidden health hazards.

While pursuing career success, should you also pay more attention to the health of yourself and your family, and how to find a balance in your busy life, so that you can realize your own value and take care of your body?

In the face of the fragility of life, how should we cherish the present and live the wonderful life.

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