
Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

author:Carved liver

On 6.30, Wu Yanni won the championship with a time of 12.74 seconds in the final of the 100-meter hurdles of the 2024 National Track and Field Championships and the National Track and Field Competition and set a new personal record again.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

According to reports, this will be her "last race" in the Paris Olympics.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

In this game, Wu Yanni's competitive pressure is still relatively large, with Lin Yuwei, Xia Sining and others competing with her, but Wu Yanni can still win the championship and set a new personal record, which shows that she has made sufficient preparations before the game.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

However, it is interesting to note that in yesterday's Japan Athletics Championships, Japanese hurdle master Mako Fukube won the championship with a time of 12.75 seconds, and broke Wu Yanni's previous record of No. 1 in Asia at the Asian Athletics Championships.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

But what people didn't expect was that only one day later, Wu Yanni regained the honor of No. 1 in Asia with a good time of 12.74 seconds.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Many netizens commented when they saw Wu Yanni's game: Wu Yanni started too late, but she was able to win the championship, which shows that her hurdling skills are already very powerful.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

thought that this game would come to an end after Wu Yanni won the championship, but I didn't expect that the video of Wu Yanni and Xia Sining warming up before the game appeared on the hot search.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

In the video, Xia Sining is measuring the starting block with her feet, and when she finally measures it after debugging it for a long time, she asks Wu Yanni to start training.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

But she didn't expect Wu Yanni to throw the starting gear that Xia Sining had finally measured behind her as soon as she came on the field, and Xia Sining, who was standing behind her again, could only smile awkwardly.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Then he showed a disdainful expression, but he could only pretend to be calm and pretend to look at the watch on his wrist.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

I guess I'm thinking in my heart: Sister, I measured the starting block for a long time, and you threw it aside as soon as you came up, what do you mean?

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Everyone knows that Wu Yanni has a classic action of "index finger up" before starting, but I didn't expect Wu Yanni to maintain this habit during training.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

But after Xia Sining behind her saw Wu Yanni's action, she showed a mocking expression, and also glanced at Wu Yanni.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

and frequently squinted at Wu Yanni with his eyes, and then laughed at Wu Yanni with the person opposite who frequently made small movements before running.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

After this small clip was posted on the Internet, the comment section fryer:

"Could it be that there was some unpleasant experience between the two? Why does it feel that the relationship between the two is so delicate? ”

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

"As soon as Wu Yanni came up, she threw aside the starting gear that had been measured by others, isn't it a little rude."

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

There are even netizens who think: "Why is Xia Sining so careful?" is still laughing at people behind their backs. ”

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

It can only be said that Wu Yanni is probably the most polarized female athlete in the sports circle, she is often judged by netizens for competition dress and makeup issues, and is even rated as an "Internet celebrity athlete".

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

In yesterday's game, Xia Sining missed the top three, and explained in an interview: He was injured before the game, so his performance was affected.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Many netizens disagreed with Xia Sining's words: every time they lost, they said that they were injured before the game, but they thought a lot in private.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

There are various statements on the Internet, but the two girls are also winning glory for the country, even if the relationship in private is not good, they should not be judged by netizens.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

However, this time Wu Yanni really raised her eyebrows in the game, and used her strength to overturn the controversy on herself.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

As early as before, Wu Yanni's results were canceled in the Hangzhou Asian Games, and at that time, she was crowned by netizens with the title of "Wu Lao Er" who lacked professional ability and could only dress up.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Since then, as long as Wu Yanni plays, there will be a lot of negative voices on the Internet.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Not long ago, when Wu Yanni appeared in the Xiamen Track and Field Championships, there were many spectators waiting for Wu Yanni to make a mistake with a camera with a long gun and a short cannon.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

But when Wu Yanni entered, the audience found that she wore gorgeous makeup and a delicate hairstyle this time.

The eyebrows are painted in the shape of a crescent, the pink eyeshadow is also covered with a five-pointed star diamond sticker, and the mouth is painted in a bright red.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Whether it is wearing conspicuous accessories on her ears or neck, it is estimated that Wu Yanni is the only one in the domestic sports circle who dares to turn the arena into a show.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Before the game, Wu Yanni also interacted with the audience very easily, and made a new action for the camera to "toss a coin to compare hearts".

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

But I didn't expect that after the game in just ten seconds, Wu Yanni's results were shocking.

In this race, although Wu Yanni set a new personal best record with a time of 13.04 seconds, it was also the last place in the race.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Such a result was in stark contrast to her arrogant attitude before the competition, and the previous public opinion was finally calmed down.

was judged by netizens because of his poor results and arrogant attitude this time, and even his well-prepared makeup became the target of public criticism.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Many netizens accused Wu Yanni of doing a bunch of bells and whistles, but she was kicked out in the end, just to be funny.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

There are even many people who complain that Wu Yanni, as an athlete who wins glory for the country, not only does not pay attention to results, but puts her mind on the buttocks outfit, is this really what a national athlete should do?

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

After the game, Wu Yanni also responded to the controversy against herself on the Internet: No matter whether the result of each game is good or bad, I will dress myself up beautifully, which is an act of respecting the fans who came to see me live.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Now it seems that although there is a lot of discussion on the Internet, it has not had much impact on Wu Yanni, after all, she is just a little girl who loves beauty, and she has not done anything to harm the public or fans.

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

Although she did not achieve satisfactory results in some competitions, at least every training session she took seriously, should a child with poor grades be judged by the public?

And as bystanders, we have no right to deprive an athlete of the right to pursue beauty and individuality.

Information sources:

On June 30, 2024, the front line of the track and field marathon released a video about "The 100-meter hurdles final at Rizhao Station is imminent, and the warm-up scenes will gather and the battle is about to start".

Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh
Watch the video released by Yu Hang on April 21, 2023 about "Diamond League Women's 100 Hurdles Wu Yanni Counts First, Responds to Makeup Competition After the Game, Respect the Audience".
Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh
Red Star News released on June 30, 2024 on "Hitting the Olympics, Wu Yanni is ready!" The 12.74 seconds set a new Asian record this year, and she said that she had customized the five rings to cheer herself up."
Wu Yanni's pre-game actions were ridiculed by Xia Sining, she rolled her eyes and held back her laughter, netizens: You are not qualified to laugh

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