
Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes



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Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes


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Who says there's only sweat and tears on the sports field? Take a look at these two beautiful contestants, they use their strength and personality to interpret what it means to "look is justice"! When Wu Yanni's domineering meets Xia Sining's cuteness, a women's hurdle competition instantly turns into a wonderful comedy.

Let's enjoy this unique "hurdle show" and see how these two beauties interpret sportsmanship in their own ways!

Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

The beauties are in the same frame, and Xia Sining's emoji laughed all over the audience

In the women's hurdles, two golden flowers bloomed at the same time. Wu Yanni and Xia Sining, one is domineering, the other is cute and playful.

These two beautiful contestants are rarely in the same frame, but they unexpectedly staged a hilarious "emoji drama". Who would have thought that serious pre-match preparation would turn into such a joyous spectacle?

Xia Sining's expression management is completely out of control, and her eyes are simply walking emojis! This little girl's eye play is too much, and people can't help but laugh when they see it.

"This look is absolutely amazing! Did Xia Sining secretly practice cross talk? A netizen commented.

Wu Yanni appeared domineeringly, and Xia Sining's inner OS exploded

As soon as Wu Yanni came on the field, she took away the runner that Xia Sining had placed. This domineering move made Xia Sining instantly dumbfounded.

Xia Sining's inner OS is probably this: This is too violent! Sister, you are going to heaven!

Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Wu Yanni's actions can't help but remind people of the famous saying: "I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying that everyone here is rubbish." Although Wu Yanni didn't say such a thing, her actions were domineering enough.

Xia Sining's expression management was completely out of control, and there was both shock and a hint of admiration in her eyes. This little look is almost like saying, "Sister, you're too cool!" "

Sister Wu Ni's warm-up action was full marks, pointing to the sky and shouting at me

Next, Wu Yanni began her warm-up performance. I saw her hands on her hips and her eyes firm, as if announcing to the world: "I'm here, are you ready?" "

Then, suddenly, she pointed to the sky, and this action was literally to say, "Look at me, I'm going to fly!" This signature move can't help but remind people of Liu Xiang, which seems to be a common feature of hurdlers.

Wu Yanni's every action is full of confidence and domineering, as if announcing to the world: I am the best!

Xia Sining, who was on the side, watched Wu Yanni's performance, with both envy and a hint of helplessness in her eyes. The little girl was probably thinking in her heart: Sister, are you really good at being so good?

Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Xia Sining peeked at the afterglow, and her eyes were too full of laughter and turned netizens

Xia Sining's expression management was completely out of control. Her eyes are simply a silent comedy movie!

I saw her sometimes shocked, sometimes envious, sometimes helpless, sometimes adored. This little look is simply a deducing "a thousand changes in expression".

Especially the eyes that secretly glanced at Wu Yanni with the afterglow, it was simply amazing! The scene in his eyes is more than the acting skills of some actors in an entire movie.

When netizens saw Xia Sining's emoji, they burst out laughing:

"I could look at this look all day!"

"Xia Sining, have you secretly practiced cross talk?"

"I give full marks for this expression management! No, a perfect score is not enough, I'm going to give a hundred points! "

Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Fan support: Xiao Xia come on, strive to surpass Sister Ni on the field

Seeing that Xia Sining was shocked by Wu Yanni's domineering, fans cheered for Xiao Xia.

Some fans shouted: "Come on, Xiaoxia, strive to outrun your sister Ni on the field!" This is true, not only encouraging Xia Sining, but also not offending Wu Yanni, what a high emotional intelligence speech!

Some fans said: "Xiao Xia, don't patronize to watch Sister Ni's performance, you also have to warm up!" This is also true, after all, you still have to rely on strength to speak on the field.

However, some fans joked: "Xiao Xia, your emoji has won, you are stable in this competition!" Although this is a joke, it also reflects Xia Sining's cute charm.

Strength is paramount, and athletes are wonderful when they have personality

Some people criticize Wu Yanni for making too many small moves, but we have to look at this issue objectively. From Liu Xiang to Wu Yanni, each athlete has their own characteristics and habits.

As long as you run well, what does it matter if you make a little move? After all, competitive sports is not a place for self-cultivation, but a stage for showing personal strength and charm.

Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

If you have strength, you have to show it, this is the confidence that an athlete should have! Humility is certainly a virtue, but on the field, it is still necessary to rely on strength to speak.

Wu Yanni and Xia Sining, one is confident and domineering, the other is cute and playful, two different styles, but they are both loved. Isn't that the beauty of sports?

Netizens are hotly discussed: The two golden flowers have their own characteristics

This incident quickly caused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and everyone had their own opinions on the performance of these two beautiful contestants.

Some netizens think that Wu Yanni is too domineering:

"Wu Yanni's aura is simply the female version of Liu Xiang! It's so handsome! "

"Sister Ni's self-confidence, I give full marks! Athletes should be like this, if they have strength, they have to show off! "

There are also netizens who are fans of Xia Sining's cute circle:

"Xia Sining's eye drama is too much, is this going to change careers to become an actor?"

"Xiao Xia's emoji, I can laugh all day! It's so cute! "

Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Some netizens expressed their love for the interaction between the two:

"The interaction between these two people is so interesting, one is domineering, the other is cute and playful, it is simply the best partner!"

"When I saw them, I suddenly thought that hurdles can be so much fun!"

Of course, there are also some voices of reason:

"I hope everyone's attention can be on their strength, after all, this is a competitive sport, not a beauty pageant."

"Both of them are very good, I hope they can do well in the field!"

These comments reflect different understandings and expectations of sports. Some people like to watch the excitement, and some people pay attention to strength, which just reflects the diverse charm of sports.

Write at the end

Through this interaction between Wu Yanni and Xia Sining, we saw a different scenery on the sports field. They interpret in their own ways what is confident and what is cute.

Wu Yanni made pre-game preparations, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Sport is not just a confrontation, it is a display of personality. Whether it is Wu Yanni's domineering or Xia Sining's cuteness, they all bring a touch of color to the boring arena.

We look forward to seeing more of these moments and hope that these two beautiful players can do well in the field. After all, beauty and strength do not conflict, and they can shine in the arena.

So, do you prefer Wu Yanni's domineering or Xia Sining's cuteness? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!

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