
Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

author:Guan Wen Shi said
Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

Stealing oil and food? Recently, there was such a news report on the Internet:

Every day in Syria, the United States and its Kurdish militants send more than 15-20 military vehicles to harvest local wheat and illegally cross the border.

The news also sparked a lot of heated discussions, after all, Syria, which used to be a wheat exporter, is now suffering from a serious food crisis. [Listen to the song]

01 Food crisis

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

In fact, as early as before, Syria's grain production was still quite considerable, and it also reached an annual output of 6 million tons, which can be regarded as food and clothing for local residents.

Today, however, Syria produces only 500,000 tonnes of food, and according to the United Nations, about 55% of the population is facing food insecurity, and many Syrians are facing a very acute food crisis.

This is due to weather conditions and war, and according to the survey, almost most of Syria's wheat-producing areas are occupied by the United States and the Kurdish forces it supports.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

They would often send large numbers of trucks to harvest and transport local grain out of the country, and according to eyewitnesses:

In order to cover up their theft, the U.S. military will check the mobile phone information of passers-by all the way, and if they find relevant photos, they will detain witnesses.

Under such circumstances, Syria's grain production has now dropped to 500,000 tons, and ordinary families can only survive on two flatbreads a day.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

According to the reporter's interview, Syria is also facing a serious fuel crisis, which of course has a lot to do with the control of oil production areas by the United States and Kurdish forces, as well as the continuous smuggling of oil.

Even so, in order to ensure the food supply of the people, the local government's "flatbread" supply machine will run 24 hours a day, producing a large amount of "flatbread" for the people to eat.

Syrians will have a card in their hands dedicated to buying "flatbread", but in recent years, even such pies have been quoted.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

Some families may only buy once every 2 days, or even once every 3 days, which translates to an adult who only has 2 flatbreads a day at most, and may not even have these when food is more scarce.

The most grain-rich areas are largely controlled by the US military and Kurdish forces, and may not even receive even 10% of the food they received from these areas today, because most of the areas are inaccessible to Syrians.

And in addition to controlling most of the grain producing areas, they will also deliberately steal the food of the local people, causing further aggravation of the problem, and this is exactly what the local US military wants to achieve.

02 Siege of Syria

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

In fact, the US military harvests Syrian grain, on the one hand, the local US military is taking advantage of this method to transport it to the international market at a higher price to obtain benefits.

After all, including oil, grain and other products, are basically plundered from the local area, and these things can be sold on the market at a fairly good price, in the case of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the price of wheat in the international market has risen.

At the same time, the United States has also used this method to control more grain production, after all, much of the world's grain is basically controlled by the four major grain merchants in the United States, and Syria has become part of their hands.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

By using this means, the United States can better grasp the food lifeline of more regions, and in this way, it can obtain huge profits.

On the other hand, the United States has launched a campaign specifically to address the situation in Syria, after all, taking the lead in occupying the main grain producing areas in the region is itself a huge weakening of the region's strength.

According to interviews, the Syrian government often buys grain from some farmers in the surrounding areas at prices much higher than those in Kurdish-occupied areas, but they are afraid to sell it to them.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

The lack of food for the government troops and the people below will naturally have a huge impact on their combat strength, and in the places controlled by the US military, in order to protect their own lives, the locals do not dare to resist.

Then the United States will also send some "aid", of course, the specific amount of this "aid" does not matter for the time being, at least for most people who do not have access to food, this aid is their "life-saving straw".

Therefore, the U.S. military can also use this method to make the people in some areas more dependent on themselves, so as to achieve their own goal of controlling these occupied areas and weaken the enthusiasm of the Syrians to resist.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

As for the so-called waste, cost mismatch, and the like, they are basically not considered by the local US military.

After all, the military expenditure itself is high enough, and the oil is also collected from here, which is not only conducive to its own control, but also uses local grain for its own personal gain, so why not?

But the problem is that these things have been exposed, everyone has seen what the US military is doing on the ground, and the United States may gradually be unable to control the people below.

03 Loss of control

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

As we all know, the United States is the country with the highest military spending today, as well as the country with the largest number of overseas bases, and there are traces of the US military in almost many places, but how to manage these scattered US troops has always been a huge problem.

The United States spends a considerable amount of military spending every year to maintain these bases and direct these areas to carry out designated operations, but in recent years, military spending has been higher and higher, but its control over the lower levels has gradually weakened.

There are many reasons for this, and for these scattered US troops stationed abroad, they don't get as much money now, or they can't get as much money as they want.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

First of all, after the mainland imposed counter-sanctions on the United States, the most obvious point is that the costs of many US military enterprises have risen, so the US military spending can only continue to rise.

Then there is the fact that the U.S. military does not have a clear program of action, which further raises more serious internal corruption and other problems, and these situations are not only not eliminated in time, but are becoming more serious.

Take the US military in Syria this time, such a large-scale smuggling of local grain and oil to the world is definitely a rather humiliating act, but the United States does not care at all.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

On the one hand, it is also in line with many internal interests; On the other hand, they can't control it at all, and even if they say it, there will still be criminals, and many of these smuggling operations are estimated to have fallen into the hands of local US military officials themselves.

Moreover, many US military units have also expanded their business to satisfy their own interests, such as instigating local warlords to grow drugs for trafficking and peddling internal arms and weapons.

Even with such a high military expenditure of the United States, it is now impossible to raise the entire army, and there are even signs of militarism, the internal military-industrial complex has gradually become uncontrollable, and the US troops stationed abroad in various places outside have gradually become the existence of the emperor of the soil.

Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

As a result, the United States is spending more and more on its military, but there are more and more internal loopholes, which simply cannot satisfy the forces behind it, which has an unprecedented impact on the foundation of the United States.

Even now the United States is already being coerced into taking the wrong path, and even if they want to change this situation now, it will be even more difficult.

Sources of information:

[1] CCTV News 2024-06-29 : Why did grain exporting countries fall into famine? The "black hand" behind the disappearance of wheat in Syria
Stealing oil and wheat? U.S. troops in Syria have been exposed to stealing local wheat, and Syria is facing a food crisis

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