
Starts July 8th! "People's China" 14 weeks of Japanese translation practice is waiting for you to join!

author:The Japanese Language Community

"Translation can be improved! Let's swim in the ocean of translations"! "People's China" gathers a strong lineup of teachers, and the selection of materials includes a wide range of topics in the fields of Sino-Japanese exchanges, people's livelihood, economy, culture, society, science and technology, current affairs, etc., after three months of practical translation practice, it will help to consciously maintain the output and lay a solid foundation for the career.

1. Display of learning materials

Contains key vocabulary and translation points

Starts July 8th! "People's China" 14 weeks of Japanese translation practice is waiting for you to join!

2. Course details

National key publications for international communication, full coverage of social hotspots and international events

Founded in June 1953, People's China is a national-level comprehensive Japanese monthly magazine for Japan.

1. A wide range of topics and rich corpus, involving various fields such as Sino-Japanese exchanges, people's livelihood, economy, culture, society, science and technology, and current affairs;

2. Report in a timely manner, have clear views, always pay attention to current affairs, and speak out at the first time on the latest major events in China's development, China-Japan relations and international situation;

3. The translation is accurate, authoritative and standardized, and the words are beautiful, relaxed and lively, and it is often used as the standard translation method for Chinese to Japanese.

4. The official authoritative translation of vocabulary that keeps pace with the times, read articles to learn new words, bilingual comparison, and better translation practice!

Keep pace with the times, exclusive cutting-edge professional translation materials

Use the People's China learning material. The content of the selection of materials is especially for various fields of the CATTI test, supplemented by the supporting learning check-in mini-program "Translation Road Companion", and the teaching assistants send exclusive translation materials of "People's China" every week.

The scope covers a wide range of topics in the fields of Sino-Japanese exchanges, people's livelihood, economy, culture, society, science and technology, current affairs, etc., with more than 600 words per article. Assist in the successful landing of the CATTI exam.

Combination of learning and practice, continuous translation practice + teacher's interactive live broadcast

Training period: July 8 to October 27, 2024

Translation practice: Practical practice materials are published every Monday and Wednesday, and reference translations are published on Fridays

Interactive Live: Bi-weekly Tencent Meeting Live (Live Time: Saturday 9:30 to 11:30)

●Dates: July 20, August 17

Teacher Suzuki Gaoqi gave a live lecture (translation skills, translation comments and interactions)

●Dates: August 3rd, October 12th, October 26th

Teacher Lu Miao's live lecture (translation skills, translation comments and interaction)

●Dates: August 30, September 14

Teacher Song Gang's live lecture (translation skills, translation comments and interaction)

Limited-time benefits

After signing up for this internship, during the validity period of the internship, students can learn all the previous materials of the "Translate the Road" Mini Program!

3. Instructors

Starts July 8th! "People's China" 14 weeks of Japanese translation practice is waiting for you to join!

Song Gang

Director of the MTI Teaching and Research Department, Director of the Center for Translation Studies, Associate Professor, and Master's Supervisor of the School of Japanese Language and Chinese, Beijing University of Foreign Affairs. He has published a monograph "A Comparative Study of Modern Chinese and Japanese Literature", translated 25 books such as "Kenji Miyazawa's Fairy Tale Collection" and "Kaneko Misuzu Children's Poetry Picture Book", published nearly 30 academic papers such as CSSCI journals, presided over more than 10 projects at various levels such as the translation of Chinese academic foreign studies in national social sciences, participated in the compilation of a series of textbooks "Understanding Contemporary China", participated in the translation of the Japanese version of the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the government work report of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, and participated in the APEC, G20, China-Japan Third-Party Market Cooperation Forum, and the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, the Belt and Road Summit and other large-scale international conferences have provided simultaneous interpretation for the leaders of China and Japan for many times.

Starts July 8th! "People's China" 14 weeks of Japanese translation practice is waiting for you to join!

Lu Miao

Professor of the School of Japanese Language at Beijing International Chinese University, Master Tutor, Director of the Translation Research Office. His research interests include the theory and practice of Japanese-Chinese translation. He has been a long-term supervisor of the master's thesis in translation and an expert in the evaluation of papers of the Ministry of Education, and has lectured on many MOOCs such as "Training of Chinese and Japanese Interpreting Skills and Skills", "Chinese and Japanese Interpretation and Translation Practice: Theory and Skills", and "Research Methods and Thesis Writing".

Starts July 8th! "People's China" 14 weeks of Japanese translation practice is waiting for you to join!

Takaki Suzuki

Japanese language teacher at the School of Foreign Chinese Language, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. He graduated from Shotoku Gakuen Gifu University of Education with a bachelor's degree in Chinese and a master's degree in international education and culture from the same university's School of International Cultural Studies. He has rich experience in Japanese-Chinese translation, published a monograph, and participated in many projects.

Fourth, suitable objects

1. Young and middle-aged teachers who have an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of translation teaching and methods to improve their translation practice ability;

2. Japanese students who apply for the CATTI exam and study in Japan.

3. Employee authors who improve their translation skills, and students who are studying for a master's degree in Japanese translation;

4. Graduate students who apply for the Japanese Interpretation and Translation Examination, and students who improve their Japanese practical skills.

5. Students who need 14 weeks of internship can get the electronic version of the internship certificate, translation volume, practice report, internship appraisal form and other services issued by the Asia-Pacific Communication Center of CIPG (People's China Magazine and China Report Magazine) free of charge.

6. Students who need to translate practice report materials.

5. Registration details

Training costs

780 yuan/person

Course certificates

At the end of the course, the Asia-Pacific Communication Center of CIPG will issue a certificate of completion (People's China Magazine and China Report Magazine), and you can apply for a 14-week internship certificate with more than 30,000 words of translation.

Calculation of credit hours

There are a total of 93 hours of translation exercises + interactive open classes

6. How to register

1. Press and hold the mini program code below to enter the "Translation Journey" mini program. Click "Courses" on the homepage and select "2024 People's China" Summer Class.

Starts July 8th! "People's China" 14 weeks of Japanese translation practice is waiting for you to join!

2. After entering the registration page, click "Register Now", fill in the registration information, submit and complete the payment.

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