
Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

author:Tavern brown
Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Our old acquaintance Lao Bi, Bi Fujian, everyone hasn't forgotten it, today her daughter Bi Ling posted some selfies of herself on the Internet, which also reminded people of this more unlucky CCTV host again.

When Lao Bi was still hosting the show on CCTV, although everyone regarded him as a comedian, Lao Bi was not ugly.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Although it has nothing to do with the word handsome, it can be regarded as a middle-aged person, but his daughter Bi Ling's selfie makes people have an expression of an old man looking at his mobile phone.

Her hairstyle, which resembles that of ancient nomads, feels a little dark, and the hair on both sides is almost shaved, not even a short inch has been left, and there are small braids similar to those of the Qing Dynasty at the back.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Coupled with her relatively strong body, she looks like a wrestler from an ethnic minority, so if you get close to her, will you have an over-the-shoulder wrestle?

Her face looks inexplicably and has a very familiar feeling, which is very similar to many stars we have seen, such as Gazi in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", and Mo Xiaobei in "Wulin Gaiden", all of which are a little similar.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

The most ridiculous thing is that some netizens even said that she looks like Yue Yunpeng, at first glance, it will definitely not connect the two of them together, but as long as you take a careful look, you feel that the more you look at it, the more you look like it.

These slender eyes, round face, and a somewhat collapsed nose are half-brothers and sisters if they weren't for their age.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Therefore, this Bi Ling can't be said to be ugly, but it can only be said that the more he looks at it, the more he looks like a young man, and there is a trace of Grandpa Bi's shadow between his eyebrows and eyes.

However, growing up in the direction of his son is probably a thing that worries Grandpa Bi, so why did Bi Ling look like this?

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

This has to be mentioned that Bi Fujian's very mysterious ex-wife, almost no one outside the circle knows what her wife's name is, and she rarely appears in the public eye.

According to rumors, Bi Fujian and his wife were college classmates, and the two were married in the early 90s, and his wife was also a media worker and used to work as a reporter in a news unit in Beijing.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

At the beginning, of course, the two were also very affectionate, and gave birth to their daughter Bi Ling 5 years later, but later we all know that Grandpa Bi's career is going smoothly, and his fame is getting bigger and bigger.

This caused Bi Fujian to be busy every day without touching the ground, and he had little time to spend with his wife and daughter, and this situation lasted for a long time.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

No woman can endure this kind of situation where her lover has no time to care about the family every day, so in 2004, she divorced Bi Fujian.

After the divorce, Bi Fujian's wife took her daughter to live in a foreign country in Canada, and she almost raised her daughter alone.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

After that, there was no news about his wife, but in 2019, Bi Fujian went to Canada to participate in and host a charity event.

To be able to participate in the show in Canada must have a relationship with his wife and daughter, and his daughter Bi Ling also appeared at the scene of the charity event.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Next to Bi Ling, there is also a middle-aged woman who is very similar to her, although no one says that this is her mother, but it must be a lie to say that there is no relationship.

It can be seen from the appearance of this suspected Bi Ling's mother that this genetic power is indeed very strong, and Bi Ling has found the reason for his appearance like this.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

And because she grew up in Canada and received the cultural influence there, she dressed up so "hip-hop", isn't a certain "hip-hop superstar" who is still stepping on the sewing machine in it also from Canada

And the eating habits abroad are not very good, and there are more fried high-calorie things, so it is not surprising that Bi Ling, who has lived there for a long time, has grown strong.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

When she was young, she was also a well-behaved little girl, although she was not very beautiful, but at least she could be seen to be an ordinary girl.

It's because I eat a little more fat here in Canada and dress more neutrally that I have become what I am now.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

However, you can't just look at how you look, in addition to these external factors, Bi Ling is actually a very good person.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

She graduated from the University of Ontario, Canada, a school that anyone who has not heard of might think that this is a "pheasant university", but in fact it is not, this university is a well-known art school, ranked first in Canada, even if all North American countries, including the United States, are also in the top three.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

It is home to some of the world's most famous designers and artists, and it has taken a lot of effort to graduate from here.

And she is also very talented in dancing, don't look at her overweight, she has a lot of flesh on her body, but she can make many difficult movements.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

If he can return to China for development, he may also make a difference in the art circle with Grandpa Bi's "residual warmth".

However, she should not have this idea for the time being, after all, she has lived abroad for so many years and has adapted to life abroad, and it will be difficult for her to get used to life here for a period of time when she returns to China.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Bi Fujian's wife and daughter are doing well, so how is Bi Fujian himself doing now?

Although he no longer appears on TV shows, Bi Fujian himself is estimated to have a lot of money accumulated over the years, and he will not lack food and spend less in the future.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

But in 2023, Grandpa Bi was revealed to make a living by hosting commercial programs and selling words.

It is understandable that the commercial hosting program is still there, after all, Bi Fujian's hosting skills are still there, and most people have not forgotten this famous host who has brought laughter to countless people.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

The appearance fee of hundreds of thousands of games is a match for him, and there are many rich companies now, and it is not impossible to spend some money to invite him to host the show.

But Grandpa Bi makes money by selling words is indeed a bit unexpected, looking at his handwriting, even ordinary people who have no appreciation level can see that his level is very average.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

He himself was constantly bragging about how good his handwriting was, but everyone around him knew in their hearts that it alone was not worth buying.

The reason why people are willing to listen to Grandpa Bi's "flickering" is also because of his former fame, and they don't care how good-looking this word is.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Later, Bi Fujian was exposed to photos of working in the field, wearing clothes similar to ordinary farmers, and the scene of working hard to farm could not be connected with the previous CCTV host.

Of course, who can blame this, it is all their own creation, and the bitter fruit can only be swallowed by themselves.

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?

Information source: Bi Fujian Douyin Encyclopedia

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Online: Why is Bi Fujian's daughter on the hot search? Who is Bi Fujian's daughter, Bi Ling's recent photo

Mobile phone Bi Fujian's daughter posted a travel photo, 27-year-old Bi Ling is strong, and her hair on both sides is shaved and looks more and more like a boy

Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?
Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter took a recent photo, with a strong figure like a boy, netizen: Isn't this Yue Yunpeng?


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