
The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

author:History of Cloudscape

In March, five Chinese nationals were killed in an attack on a convoy of mainland engineers in Pakistan's Khyber province.

The mainland immediately joined forces with Pakistan to launch an investigation into the attack, which eventually led to the arrest of several terrorists.

After a Pakistani review, it was determined that the terrorists came from the "Taliban" and were provided with intelligence and financial support by "hostile elements".

And the target of this "hostile" is already clear, that is, the Indian intelligence services.

What happened in the end?

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

India instructed the terrorist attack

On March 26, 2024, a terrorist attack against a Chinese engineer occurred in Pakistan's Cape Province.

A convoy carrying Chinese technicians was attacked on its way to the Dasu hydropower project, killing five Chinese citizens and one Pakistani driver.

This incident has once again raised concerns about the security of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland strongly condemned the incident and demanded that the Pakistani side find out the truth as soon as possible and bring the perpetrators to justice.

At the same time, the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan also reminded Chinese citizens and enterprises in Pakistan to be vigilant and strengthen security precautions.

According to the confessions of the arrested terrorists, the attacks were backed by Indian funds.

India's intelligence agency, the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (RAW), maintains liaison with groups such as the Pakistani Taliban (TPP) and the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) through its embassy in Afghanistan.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

The general purpose of these actions is five aspects:

First, by attacking Chinese technicians and engineers working in Pakistan, they tried to create panic among Chinese citizens and undermine the confidence of Chinese to continue working in Pakistan.

The aim is to slow or even halt the progress of the CPEC project.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

Second, these attacks are not only aimed at Chinese citizens, but are also intended to undermine mutual trust between China and Pakistan.

By creating security issues, they hope to create a rift in the relationship between the two countries.

Third, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is an important engine for Pakistan's economic development.

By attacking related projects, these terrorists are trying to slow down Pakistan's economic development process.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

Fourth, in addition to direct acts of violence, these terrorist organizations have also tried to give the international community the impression that "Pakistan has a poor security environment" through kidnappings, bombings, extortion and other activities.

The aim is to hinder Pakistan's economic cooperation with other countries and further isolate Pakistan.

Fifth, these actions are also intended to affect the broader regional situation, in particular to try to disrupt relations between China, Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban, and thus affect the entire South Asian region.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

In the face of Pakistan's relatively weak national strength and complex religious and regional factional relations, the infiltration of external forces is very simple.

Although the Pakistani Taliban have denied the allegations, the frequent attacks still highlight the seriousness of the security situation on the ground.

Faced with this situation, the mainland needs to consider how to provide stronger security guarantees for Chinese citizens and projects in Pakistan without directly sending troops.

Possible options include the deployment of a force of armed police, while working closely with the Pakistani side to strengthen security measures.

This is not only related to the safety of Chinese citizens, but also to the smooth progress of this important cooperation project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

India and China and Pakistan are not dealing with each other

Why would India do this, as a big country in South Asia, to collude with terrorist groups and instruct them to attack the people on the mainland.

In fact, if we look at the previous relations between China, India and Pakistan, it is not difficult to find out why India has acted in such a bad way.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

First, let's talk about the contradictions between India and Pakistan.

The contradictions between India and Pakistan can be traced back to the partition at the end of British colonial rule in 1947.

At that time, British India was divided into two independent states: India and Pakistan.

This process has been fraught with controversy and violence, resulting in large-scale population movements and bloodshed.

After the partition, serious differences arose between the two countries over issues such as border demarcation and the ownership of Kashmir, sowing the seeds of long-term confrontation.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

In addition, the two countries have different religious beliefs, one is Hinduism and the other is Islam, so the contradiction is even more serious.

For these reasons, the two countries have had many wars, and both sides have won and lost each other.

Therefore, as a big adversary of India, India will never watch Pakistan reap the benefits of the economic corridor, and if Pakistan rises, it will be very difficult for India to accept.

And the mainland has a good relationship with Pakistan, so it has also been recorded.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

Festivals between India and the Continent:

First, India has always seen itself as the dominant force in South Asia.

India's rise has made India uneasy, and close cooperation with Pakistan, especially the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, is seen by India as a challenge to its influence in the region.

India is worried that the mainland will gain a greater strategic advantage in South Asia through cooperation with Pakistan.

The development of the Gwadar port, in particular, could weaken India's economic and strategic position in the Indian Ocean region.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

The project provides China with direct access to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, bypassing Indian-controlled sea routes.

This is unacceptable to India, which has always had a plot of expansion.

In the Belt and Road Initiative, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is one of the flagship projects.

India has been skeptical of the initiative, arguing that it could encroach on India's sovereignty (especially for projects in disputed areas) and increase the mainland's influence in the region.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

Then there is the lack of historical mutual trust, and China and India have been in a long-term conflict since the "counterattack against India".

This has led to a high degree of vigilance in India for cooperation between the mainland and Pakistan.

India fears that this cooperation could be used to "encircle" or "isolate" India.

And being "tough" on the mainland and Pakistan can not only appease this mentality, but also meet the needs of the people at home.

Let those people who love "mouth hi" get satisfaction in these things.

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India


Overall, India's sabotage of China-Pakistan cooperation reflects its anxiety and insecurity in its regional strategy.

To solve this problem, it is necessary for all parties to build mutual trust through dialogue and cooperation and jointly promote regional peace and prosperity.

Only in this way can the South Asian region truly achieve long-term peace and stability and the people of all countries can share the dividends of development.

And not by these shady "intrigues"!

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India


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[1] Guangming Network - "5 Chinese Personnel Killed, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ask Pakistan to Make Every Effort to Arrest the Terrorist Killers!" 》

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

[2] Oriental New Observation - "After the attack on Chinese engineers, Pakistan Railway found out who was behind the scenes, named Afghanistan: hand over the murderer immediately"

The truth is out? The terrorists confessed after interrogation that the attack on Chinese citizens was financed by India

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