
Cai Renxiang, an international gold medal coach, visited Shanxian No. 1 Middle School for in-depth exchanges and discussions on the training of top-notch students

author:Shanxian financial media
Cai Renxiang, an international gold medal coach, visited Shanxian No. 1 Middle School for in-depth exchanges and discussions on the training of top-notch students

In order to cultivate students' key learning ability and improve teachers' ability to cultivate top-notch innovative talents, from June 30th to July 1st, Shanxian No. 1 Middle School specially invited Cai Renxiang, vice principal of the Central Plains attached to Hunan Normal University and gold medal coach of the Physics Olympiad, to visit our school for in-depth exchanges and discussions on talent training, and more than 30 school leaders Wang Tengxiang, Shi Peiliang, Zhao Feng, Du Dehua, Liu Jiyou, Olympiad coaches, full-time and part-time teachers participated in the discussion and exchange.

Cai Renxiang, an international gold medal coach, visited Shanxian No. 1 Middle School for in-depth exchanges and discussions on the training of top-notch students

On June 30, Cai Renxiang and the leaders of our school exchanged views on issues such as the curriculum setting of top-notch students' training and the integration of online and offline training.

Cai Renxiang, an international gold medal coach, visited Shanxian No. 1 Middle School for in-depth exchanges and discussions on the training of top-notch students

On July 1, Cai Renxiang focused on the three aspects of the strong foundation plan, Olympiad training, and eugenic training. Cai Renxiang gave professional guidance and case analysis on the scientific implementation path of the Olympiad strong foundation training and the construction of the training system for primary, junior and senior high schools, which provided practical implementation methods for the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents in our school in the future.

Cai Renxiang, an international gold medal coach, visited Shanxian No. 1 Middle School for in-depth exchanges and discussions on the training of top-notch students

Teacher Cai said that habits determine fate, and good study habits determine good learning fate. If a student is diligent and inquisitive, has good self-directed learning, in-depth learning, and inductive and summarizing skills, can improve his speed and attention, and eliminate bad habits such as alteration, he can greatly improve his key learning ability.

Subsequently, Mr. Cai also deeply analyzed many problems in the learning process of students and put forward solutions, which inspired the teachers' thinking well.

Cai Renxiang, an international gold medal coach, visited Shanxian No. 1 Middle School for in-depth exchanges and discussions on the training of top-notch students

In his concluding remarks, President Wang Tengxiang emphasized that the current international situation is severe and complex, and the country is facing unknown challenges. We must not only solve the current difficulties, but also prevent the risks of the future. The mission of Shanxian No. 1 Middle School to cultivate outstanding innovative talents is becoming clearer, which is related to the development of the school, the strength of the country, and the rejuvenation of the nation. To this end, we will elevate the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents to the height of top-level design, and the school will provide a full range of material support and intellectual support. Wang Tengxiang asked every teacher to strengthen their own professional learning, improve their professional quality, continue to learn in their work, continue to practice in learning, carefully study the optimal strategy for the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents, and send more high-quality talents to the country.

This exchange and seminar provided a good learning opportunity for the teachers of Shanxian No. 1 Middle School, and had a deeper understanding of the training mode of top-notch innovative talents, and also made the teachers get further inspiration in thinking.

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