
The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

For us Chinese, a lot of things are edible, if it is a little dangerous, then take water high-temperature disinfection to ensure safety.

However, in some foods, even if they are sterilized at high temperatures, there will be parasites in them, so we also need to pay special attention when eating some foods, and the following five foods contain a lot of parasites......

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less


Snail meat

For many people, snails can definitely be regarded as a delicious dish, and people pickle the snails through some techniques and then become a delicacy.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

When eating, people generally take a small bamboo skewer to pick out the meat in the snail, although the process is a little troublesome, but eat in the mouth, it is really enjoyable, and it is even more enjoyable to eat when chatting with friends.

In the case of ordinary snails, through the means of high-temperature sterilization, it is indeed possible to kill some parasites in the snails, but now there is a kind of snail, which is difficult for us to distinguish, this kind of snail is "Fushou snail".

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

There are a lot of parasites in the body of Fushou snails, the most common of which is Angiostrongyloides cantonensis, and Fushou snails are also very difficult to clean, if Fushou snails are not cooked, it is very easy to cause human discomfort.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less


If the situation is not serious, it is generally a headache and brain fever, and if the situation is serious, the brain will also be affected, and even worse, it may endanger people's lives.

However, if the snail is cooked thoroughly, it will greatly affect the taste of the snail meat, so on the whole, the harm of eating the snail is still quite great.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

However, the reproductive ability of Fushou snails is very strong, which has led some merchants to see the opportunity and sell Fushou snails as snails.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less


The shape of this plant is very strange, the two ends are pointy, like cow horns, this plant grows in silt, so this food is also a relatively cold food.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

When people eat water chestnut, they generally eat it by boiling, stir-frying or raw, no matter which one it is, the taste is very good, and many of them will choose to eat it raw.

Water chestnut is very crisp and refreshing after being eaten raw, and its aftertaste is also very sweet, but it is indeed dangerous to eat it raw.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

Because this plant grows in water, it is also very likely to have parasites, among which fasciola ginger is the most common.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

After being infected with fasciola ginger, it usually manifests as stomach pain, diarrhea, and if it is severe, it can also cause malnutrition or developmental disabilities.

Therefore, when eating water chestnut, it is better to clean it and cook it safely......

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less


When eating hot pot, many people will choose to order a plate of bullfrogs to eat, and there is more than one way to eat bullfrogs, it can also be fried and eaten.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

The treated bullfrog will be very tender and tasty, but the number of parasites in the body of the bullfrog is also very large, there can be 129 species, such as flukes, tapeworms and nematodes, etc., but the most common in the bullfrog is the schizocephalic larvae.

However, the larvae did not survive in the body of the bullfrog at first, but because the bullfrog often preyed on daphnia, the larvae were present in the body of the bullfrog.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

When people eat bullfrogs, the parasites on the bullfrogs will parasitize in the human body through the bullfrogs, and they are infected with Schizocephalus, which may cause inflammation of the liver, and in severe cases, Ken may even die.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

What's more, the parasite is relatively hard, and it is difficult to completely kill this parasite if it is fried alone.

There are a lot of people who are not interested in foods like bullfrogs after they have processed them, because in the process of processing, they may find those parasites, which makes them lose their appetite.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

Yellow eel

Yellow eel is a fish, many people will think it looks like a snake, so seeing the yellow eel will feel a little scary, but these do not affect their appetite at all, as long as it is handled well, they will still eat very fragrant.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

Because the nutritional value of yellow eel is very high, and the meat is delicious and has few spines, it will be very convenient for people to eat yellow eel, so many people like to eat yellow eel, and people in many places will also catch yellow eel in large quantities.

This has also led to a sharp decrease in the number of yellow eels in the wild, and there is a very special phenomenon in the body of yellow eels, that is, "sexual reversal", they are usually mothers at the beginning, and when they reach a certain time, they will become males.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

The parasite on the body of the yellow eel, also reached 15 species, of which the jaw nematode is the most common, this parasite is also more common in the stomach wall of cats and dogs, when it is an adult, the female can reach 5.4 cm, and the length of the male is half of the female.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

After this parasite enters the human body, it will wander around, at this time, people will feel very uncomfortable, and what is even more terrifying is that sometimes such worms can cause bleeding and even perforation of organs.

Houttuynia cordata

People who like Houttuynia cordata are very fond of it, and people who don't like it will feel that this plant smells fishy, and this plant also has a name, that is, "folded ear root".

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

There are many ways to eat the folded ear root, and many people will choose the cold folded ear root, which is relatively simple, just need to clean and add some seasonings.

There are also some people who will choose to fry the folded ear root, and when frying, people will also add something to match the folded ear root, and wait until it is almost fried.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

Generally speaking, there are not too many parasites in the roots of the folded ear, but after all, they are naturally grown, so there are also certain parasites.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less

If you eat the root of the folded ear raw, there is a certain chance of being infected with parasites, and people with weak spleen and stomach are not recommended to eat Houttuynia cordata.

The 5 common foods are simply the "hardest hit area" of parasites, and I would rather not eat them than touch them less



In many foods, there are parasites, in order to kill the parasites, people generally use these foods to kill some bacteria, or eggs.

People who like to eat raw food are much more likely to be infected with parasites than others, and by the time they feel uncomfortable and go to the hospital for treatment, the worms may have been in the body for a long time......


[1] 39 Health Network - "Reminder: 5 Common Foods Hide a Lot of Parasites, I'd Rather Not Eat It, Touch It Less, Don't Be Greedy" 2023.6.30

[2] Guangming Network - "There are as many as 6,000 parasites, and accidental ingestion can cause death!" How to tell the difference? 》2024.6.29。

[3] - "Eat 6,000 parasites in one bite!" These 6 kinds of food, no matter how much you like it, you have to refrain from it! 》2023.5.25。

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