
7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Shangguan News

In the scorching summer, make an appointment with three or two friends, bring children, blue sky and white cloud grass, tent barbecue camping, beef and mutton roast pork, seafood pickled crayfish, so comfortable, not jubilant.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

Summer is a good time to experience outdoor barbecues, and it is also the season of high incidence of foodborne parasitic diseases, where parasites can be hidden in meat, fish, crustaceans, plants, water and other media. There are many types of barbecue ingredients, so make sure the ingredients are cooked thoroughly, otherwise parasitic infections may occur.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

Simplified version

The key to parasite prevention is hygiene.

1. Do not eat raw food, semi-raw food, and do not drink raw water.

2. Wash and peel fruits and vegetables raw.

3. Wash your hands properly and separate the raw and cooked blades.

A common parasite in meat ingredients

With tapeworms

Taenia solium can be divided into T. solium (T. solium) and T. solium (T. obese), which exist in pork and beef in the form of larvae respectively, and its adults are all white band-shaped, proglottids, mainly parasitic in the small intestine of people, which can cause symptoms such as indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, and complications such as anemia and intestinal infarction will occur in severe cases.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods
7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods
7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

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Trichinella can live in a variety of mammals, including humans and pigs. Consumption of undercooked pork and mutton containing live larval cysts can lead to infection, which can be asymptomatic in mild cases, and nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and loss of appetite in severe cases.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

A common parasite in fish and crustaceans

Clonorchis sinensis

Also known as liver fluke, it is parasitic in the bile ducts of humans or mammals, and the eggs are excreted with feces, and are successively swallowed by the freshwater snail of the first intermediate host and the freshwater fish and shrimp of the second intermediate host. Eating undercooked fish, shrimp, snails, etc. containing liver fluke cysts can lead to infection, mild infection can be asymptomatic, severe infection can have indigestion, epigastric pain, diarrhea, lack of energy, hepatomegaly and other clinical manifestations, severe cases can occur cholangitis, gallstones and liver cirrhosis and other complications, and even bile duct cancer.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

Anisakis elegans

Anisakis worm parasitizes marine mammals, and humans are infected by eating raw or semi-raw seafood containing live larvae, such as small yellow croaker, hairtail, etc., and gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain occur after infection.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods
7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

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Also known as lung flukes, adult worms are mainly parasitic in the host's lungs. Eating raw freshwater crabs, crickets, and crayfish containing larval cysts will lead to infection, and the production methods of drunken shrimp, drunken crabs, and raw pickles can not completely kill the cysts, and after eating, the unkilled cysts invade the human body and develop into larvae or adult worms and then parasitize in the lungs, causing paragonimiasis.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods
7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

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Bullfrogs and other food commonly found parasites

Angiostrongylus cantonensis

Mollusks such as Fushou snail and brown cloud agate snail are common intermediate hosts of Angiostrongylus cantonensis, and amphibians, fish, rodents and other organisms will become secondary or definitive hosts due to predation on intermediate hosts. Eating raw or semi-raw snails and frogs containing Angiostrongylus cantoniformis larvae can lead to infection, and then a series of neurological pathologies such as eosinophilic cerebrospinal meningitis can occur.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods
7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

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Common parasites in vegetables and raw water

Fasciola brucei

Referred to as fasciola, it is a large fluke parasitic in the human body and the small intestine of pigs. After the eggs are excreted into the water with the feces, they develop into cercariae in the body of the intermediate host, the snail, and escape, attach to the surface of aquatic plants such as water chestnut, water chestnut and water chestnut or float on the water surface, and remove the tail to form cysts in the infection stage. Infection can be caused by eating raw water chestnut, water chestnut, or water chestnut containing cysts, or drinking raw water contaminated with cysts.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

Three key points to prevent parasitic infections


Do not eat raw food, semi-raw food, do not drink raw water, and cook food thoroughly.


Vegetables and fruits should be cleaned before eating raw, and peeled as much as possible.


Wash your hands before and after handling food. Raw and cooked blades should be separated, and cleaned in time after use.

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods

The theme of the 2024 Food Safety Publicity Week is "Integrity and Thrift, Co-governance and Sharing Food Safety". In addition to popularizing food safety knowledge, CDC has also prepared a prize quiz for everyone, with simple questions and many prizes, come and participate!

Food Safety Week|Q&A

1. Answering rules: There are 5 questions in this round, and only 1 option is correct for each question, and you can enter the lottery page if you answer all of them correctly.

2. Activity time: July 1 to July 5.

3. Number of answers: During the event, each person is limited to 1 answer.

4. Prize settings: The prizes of this issue will be randomly distributed, and will be distributed according to the order of answering the questions, and will be delivered to your home after the event!

The number of prizes is limited, hurry up and share them with your friends, read literature and popular science, and answer questions to win good gifts!

7 types of parasites, all of which are found in these common foods


[1] National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, National Medical Center for Infectious Diseases. Expert consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of foodborne parasitic diseases (2023)[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY AND PARASITIC DISEASES, 41(6): 653-668.

[2] Wang Zhenyu, Wu Huanyu, Jiang Li, et al. Surveillance and analysis of parasitic infections in commercial food in Shanghai from 2015 to 2019[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY AND PARASITIC DISEASES, 2021, 39(3): 347-351.

[3] Dai Simin, Ma Xiaojiang, Zhang Yaoguang, et al. Investigation and analysis of soil-transmitted nematode diseases and key foodborne parasitic diseases in Shanghai from 2016 to 2020[J]. Tropical Diseases and Parasitology, 2021, 19(3): 143-145,159.

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