
Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"Has your blood pressure been stable lately?" Doctor Wang asked without raising his head, he was measuring Uncle Liu's blood pressure. Uncle Liu is an old acquaintance of our community, he was a middle school history teacher before he retired, and although he is over 70 years old, he is as strong as a person in his early 50s. Today, he happened to meet his neighbor Uncle Zhang, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, at the convenience service center.

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

Uncle Zhang is also an old man, and he has been retired for many years like Uncle Liu. The two old friends reunited after a long absence, so they naturally had to chat for a while, especially when it came to physical health issues, and the two had endless topics to talk about. Uncle Zhang used to be an old Chinese medicine doctor, and he was very good at health care. So, the conversation started with blood pressure and slowly moved to eating habits.

"Lao Liu, I heard that your blood pressure has been a little high recently, did you eat too many jujubes?" Uncle Zhang squinted his eyes and asked.

Uncle Liu was stunned, "Jujube? Can jujube also cause high blood pressure? ”

Uncle Zhang saw that Uncle Liu looked puzzled, so he explained slowly: "Although this jujube nourishes blood and qi, it is easy to get angry if you eat too much, and as soon as the fire rises, your blood pressure will also go up." ”

Uncle Liu didn't seem to understand it, and he wondered in his heart whether this jujube was really a "fuse"?

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

No wonder blood pressure has been unstable lately. So, Uncle Zhang began to tell Uncle Liu about his unique way of health preservation.

"Lao Liu, you have to remember that these three things should be touched less, otherwise it will be difficult to stabilize blood pressure." Uncle Zhang said earnestly.

First, he mentions salt. Uncle Zhang explained: "Salt is an indispensable condiment in our daily diet, but consuming too much salt can lead to water and sodium retention in the body, increase blood volume, and thus raise blood pressure. Studies have shown that long-term high-salt diets can lead to a significant increase in the incidence of high blood pressure. ”

Uncle Liu nodded, he remembered an article he read some time ago, which said that a considerable number of new hypertension patients in the mainland every year are caused by a high-salt diet. He recalled that he usually ate with a heavy mouth, and it seemed that he would have to pay attention in the future.

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

Next, Uncle Zhang mentioned grease. "Animal fats and fats, which are commonly used in our daily cooking, contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, which can cause hardening of the arteries and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Especially those young people who like to eat fried chicken and fried fish should control their fat intake. ”

Uncle Liu nodded again and again when he heard this, he usually likes to eat his daughter-in-law's fried crispy fried fish, but he didn't expect that there is such a big health hidden danger behind this delicious fish.

Finally, Uncle Zhang mentioned some foods with high sugar content. "Diabetes and high blood pressure are relatives, and eating too much sugar not only leads to obesity, but also interferes with the normal secretion of insulin, which in turn affects the stability of blood pressure. Modern people like to drink sweet drinks and eat desserts, which are the invisible killers of high blood pressure. ”

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

After listening to this, Uncle Liu nodded thoughtfully. He usually likes to drink sweet drinks and thinks it tastes good, but he didn't expect it to affect his blood pressure.

Uncle Zhang saw Uncle Liu's pensive face, and said with a smile: "Old Liu, in fact, you should also understand these truths, but you didn't take it to heart." In the future, let's pay more attention to our diet and eat less of these 'fuse' things, and our blood pressure will naturally be stable. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Liu nodded gratefully. He knew that Uncle Zhang was for his good, so he decided to adjust his eating habits after returning home.

After chatting about this, Uncle Zhang mentioned a case he had received before.

"Lao Liu, I remember that there was a patient, surnamed Li, who was also a retired teacher, and he was usually in good health, but his blood pressure was high. Later, I asked him about his eating habits and found that he especially likes to eat pickles and pickled foods, and as a result, his blood pressure has not come down. Later, I asked him to control his salt intake and eat less pickled food, and sure enough, his blood pressure stabilized. ”

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

After listening to this, Uncle Liu thought it was true. He knows that diet has a very big impact on blood pressure, and he must pay more attention to it in the future.

As he was talking, Dr. Wang came over and patted Uncle Liu on the shoulder: "Teacher Liu, your blood pressure is quite stable now, but you still have to pay attention to your diet in the future, you can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in various vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which help lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health." At the same time, try to eat less salty, greasy and sweet foods. Excessive salt intake increases the risk of elevated blood pressure, while greasy and sweet foods tend to be higher in fat and sugar, which can easily lead to weight gain and blood sugar fluctuations, and are not good for blood pressure control. Only by eating a healthy diet can your blood pressure remain stable in the long term. ”

Uncle Liu nodded again and again, and secretly made up his mind that in the future, he must touch these "fuse" things less, maintain a healthy diet, and stabilize his blood pressure.

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

When leaving the convenience service center, Uncle Liu said to Uncle Zhang: "Lao Zhang, I am really thanks to you today, I will definitely pay more attention to these problems in the future." ”

Uncle Zhang smiled and waved his hand: "We are all old friends, and we should say that these are all as they should be." If you have any health problems in the future, feel free to come to me. ”

The two old friends said goodbye at the door of the convenience service center, and Uncle Liu returned home happily. He thought in his heart that health is a priceless treasure, and he must cherish it in the future, follow the advice of Uncle Zhang and the doctor, maintain a healthy diet, and stabilize his blood pressure.

So, why do some people have bad eating habits but have stable blood pressure all the time? In fact, this question involves individual differences and genetic factors.

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

Some people have genes that determine their tolerance to salt, fat, and sugar, so they can maintain their blood pressure within the normal range even if they eat an unhealthy diet. But that doesn't mean they can be unscrupulous and unscrupulous. Long-term unhealthy eating habits can eventually lead to other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet is something that everyone should pay attention to, regardless of whether the blood pressure is stable or not. Everyone's physical condition is different, but a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for all.

To sum up, stable blood pressure is not only a matter of eating habits, but also a combination of individual genetic factors and lifestyle. Controlling your salt, fat, and sugar intake is key to keeping your blood pressure stable, but it should also be adjusted according to your actual situation. Through a reasonable diet, moderate exercise and regular health check-ups, we can truly achieve stable blood pressure and stay away from the health risks caused by high blood pressure.

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[1] Li Yaqiong. Self-management ability of hypertensive patients and its potential category predictors, Hainan Medicine, 2024-06-25

Jujube is the "fuse" of high blood pressure? Warning: If you want to stabilize your blood pressure. These 3 things should be touched less

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