
Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

author:The king of history
Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article


I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it!

Needless to say, Yu Chengdong, as the managing director of Huawei, is worth a lot, but he is such a boss, but he was met by netizens in economy class, you must know that people like him are generally business class or first class.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

However, do you really think he's just low-key? Maybe he also thought so, but the name of "Yu Dazui" is not groundless, and he will always inadvertently expose Versailles.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

But the problem is that his Versailles not only does not cause people to be offended, but makes people feel like they are listening to a story, which is really cool, so what did he say?

Yu Chengdong returned to his alma mater to speak

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Each school has some well-known alumni, such as Ma Huateng, an alumnus of Shenzhen University, Lei Jun, an alumnus of Wuhan University, and today's protagonist is Yu Chengdong of Northwestern Polytechnical University.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Just the day before yesterday, on June 29, the graduation ceremony of the undergraduates of Northwestern Polytechnical University was held as scheduled.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

He is Huawei's executive chairman - Yu Chengdong, of course, he has more than one label, but this label may be more representative.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

In his speech, Yu Chengdong provided a lot of valuable advice to his younger students, and in his opinion, the most important point is to aspire to the first place.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Of course, ambition is not always ambition but long-term ambition, Yu Chengdong recalled his past, when he was about to graduate from university, he wrote his dream of becoming a chief engineer in his graduation handbook.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

For this dream, Yu Chengdong has been insisting, in his opinion, to do anything, or not to do it, to do the best, because the higher his goal, the worst he gets, will not be very bad.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

The second is lifelong learning, as the saying goes, live to learn, and Yu Chengdong has a deep understanding of this in the decades he has worked at Huawei.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Because the times are always advancing, if you don't follow the learning, it is very likely that you will not be able to grasp the direction of the times and be abandoned by the times.

Then, Yu Chengdong clarified the importance of innovation, in today's ever-changing era, no matter in any field of work, we must maintain the spirit of pioneering and innovative, and dare to break through and innovate.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

And this is also what the school spirit of Northwestern Polytechnical University promotes.

In the end, he told the younger brothers and sisters about the importance of being down-to-earth, no matter what career they do, they can endure loneliness in order to keep the prosperity, and make solid progress, and there will be gains in the future.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Every word is far ahead

Although it is just a few simple suggestions, behind this is Yu Chengdong's own personal life insights, although it sounds a bit Versailles, but it has benefited a lot.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Perhaps Yu Chengdong knew that it was the college entrance examination enrollment season, and in order to support his school, Yu Chengdong said without modesty that applying for Northwestern Polytechnical University was the most correct choice in his life.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Hearing you here, you may think that he is joking, but in fact it is not at all, because with his scores back then, he could have gone to Tsinghua University and Peking University, but if he really made that choice, his life may have opened a different trajectory.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Therefore, if you say that Northwestern Polytechnical University is the most correct choice for yourself, is it also recruiting students for your school?

He said that he was very single-minded, and just came to work at Huawei after graduating from university, no one thought that this would be 31 years, during which he and Huawei shared weal and woe, and they also stepped on the top of the mountain and fell into a deep valley together.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

But the real lead is still Yu Chengdong's excellent classmates at Northwestern Polytechnical University, just like when an outstanding graduate talked about how to be so good, he replied with four words "huddle for warmth".

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

However, each of Yu Chengdong and his classmates is a fire in itself, his classmates are shining in their own fields, and when others are still showing off their wealth, Yu Chengdong silently shows off his classmates.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

In addition, Yu Chengdong was not modest in praising himself, in his speech he said that he had studied undergraduate and graduate courses in three departments, just imagine how many college students are busy for a course today.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

And he studied three subjects in graduate school, is this far ahead?

After the whole text, Yu Chengdong did not mention that he was far ahead, but he was far ahead in every word, and his strength and achievements were enough to support him in Versailles.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

However, the funniest scene in the whole text is Yu Chengdong saying in his speech that he is a very introverted person, if this is really the case, then how did Yu Dazui's title come about?


Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Although some of Yu Chengdong's remarks on the Internet often cause heated discussions among netizens, through this speech, it is undeniable that he is not stingy and sincere in helping future generations.

Yu Chengdong came out of Versailles again: Back to the full text of the speech at the Western University of Technology, it is more refreshing to read than the cool text!

Finally, I hope that Yu Chengdong and Huawei can have a bright future, far ahead, far ahead!

Sources of information in this article:

1. "Yu Chengdong returned to his alma mater to attend the graduation ceremony: 37 years ago, he was admitted to the first place in the county science department, and being admitted to Western University of Technology is the most correct choice in life", Jinan Times, published on June 30, 2024

2. "The Strongest Admissions Advertisement?!" Yu Chengdong: The most correct choice in life! Colleges and universities "fancy enrollment" out of the circle, Tsinghua University, Fudan relay to play stalks", Shangguan News, published on June 30, 2024

3. "Yu Chengdong: Introverted people may not be good at work, but they can eventually stand out", The Paper, published on June 30, 2024

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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