
Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Really? Onions can't be eaten either? As soon as the topic of Brother Wang Xiaonan came out, a whispered discussion suddenly broke out in the office. Wang Xiaonan, a construction engineer, is usually busy with work but always maintains enthusiasm and attention to life. On this day, he couldn't help but frown when he heard his colleagues discussing the topic of food and heart health.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

His father was diagnosed with myocarditis many years ago, and since then, the family has been extra cautious about their diet. And onions, as a commonly used condiment in his family, if he can't even eat this, it will be really troublesome. He decided to go to the hospital for a doctor's consultation. He went to the big hospital in the center of the city and found Dr. Gu, who specializes in treating heart patients.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

Dr Gu is an experienced cardiologist with in-depth research in the treatment of myocarditis. Wang Xiaonan sat down in the consultation room, looking at Dr. Gu, nervous and expectant.

"Doctor Gu, I heard that myocarditis patients can't eat onions, is it true?" Wang Xiaonan asked.

Dr. Gu smiled slightly, adjusted his glasses, and began to explain in his calm voice: "Onions themselves are a very good food, rich in antioxidants and sulfides, which can help lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health. But for patients with myocarditis, we need to pay more attention to the wholeness of the food and the tolerance of the individual. ”

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

He continued: "The heart of a patient with myocarditis is in a relatively fragile state, and any allergic reaction or discomfort may increase the burden on the heart. Although the health benefits of onions are numerous, if the patient has a history of onion intolerance or allergies, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort or other inflammatory reactions after consumption, which is not good for the heart. ”

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

"So," Dr. Gu concluded, "it's all about observation and individualization. If your father has no history of discomfort from previous onion consumption, he can continue to consume it in moderation. However, if there is any discomfort, it should be stopped immediately. ”

After listening to this, Wang Xiaonan thanked Dr. Gu for his patient explanation. The visit not only solved his doubts about onions, but also made him realize that professional advice and individualized adjustments are just as important when dealing with health issues. With this new understanding, Wang Xiaonan felt more confident and ready to take care of his father's health.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

When exploring dietary modifications for people with myocarditis, we often hear many suggestions about foods to avoid, including misconceptions and oversimplifications about certain foods. To really help myocarditis patients recover faster, we need to analyze several commonly misunderstood foods and their effects from a scientific perspective.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

Red meat. A common belief is that red meat is higher in saturated fat, which can aggravate the condition of people with heart disease. However, it is undeniable that red meat is also a great source of high-quality protein, vitamin B12 and iron.

For people with myocarditis, avoiding red meat altogether can lead to an inadequate intake of protein and other nutrients, which can affect the body's ability to recover. Therefore, it is recommended to choose low-fat red meat, such as lean beef or lamb, and control it to no more than twice a week, no more than 100 grams each time, which can meet nutritional needs while avoiding excessive burden on the heart.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

Dairy intake is also often mentioned in the management of heart health. Full-fat dairy products are considered bad for heart health due to their high saturated fat. But recent studies have shown that moderate intake of dairy products, especially fermented dairy products such as yogurt, can actually help heart health because they contain prebiotics and probiotics that can improve gut health and indirectly support heart function.

For patients with myocarditis, choosing low-fat or fat-free dairy products is a better option to reduce saturated fat intake while ensuring adequate calcium and protein supply.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

Cooking oils, many people will directly choose to avoid all types of oils and fats. However, people with myocarditis do not need to eliminate oil completely, as a certain amount of healthy oil is good for the heart. Olive oil and flaxseed oil are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, healthy fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation and improve heart function.

It is recommended that patients with myocarditis use a small amount of olive oil or flaxseed oil in their daily diet to replace other cooking oils high in saturated fat, which can ensure that the heart gets the necessary healthy fats while controlling the total calorie intake.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

Beverage choice, many heart patients are often advised to avoid sugary drinks and coffee as much as possible. However, moderate consumption of coffee does not have a negative impact on the heart, and the antioxidants in coffee may help protect the heart.

Of course, this is not to say that all people with myocarditis are suitable for drinking coffee, and it should be avoided if the patient is sensitive to coffee or has other health problems. For sugar-sweetened beverages, it is recommended to replace them with naturally sugar-free beverages, such as lemonade or herbal tea, which not only provide water, but also provide some vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for maintaining overall health.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

With these specific food adjustments and choices, myocarditis sufferers are not only able to avoid unnecessary health risks, but also effectively promote the overall recovery of the body. With reasonable food choices and moderate intake, myocarditis patients can enjoy a delicious and healthy life while following the doctor's instructions.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

When discussing dietary considerations for people with myocarditis, we usually focus on the principles of a low-fat, low-salt, high-fiber diet. However, in addition to these general recommendations, there are some lesser-mentioned but equally important dietary strategies that can help people with myocarditis manage their condition more effectively.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

It is extremely important to ensure adequate intake of anti-inflammatory foods. We often know that deep-sea fish such as salmon and salmon, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can reduce the body's inflammatory response and are especially beneficial for heart health. But in addition to these common choices, some less conspicuous foods, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, are also excellent sources of omega-3s.

The great thing about these foods is that they are easy to add to your daily diet, such as sprinkling a handful of flaxseeds on your breakfast oatmeal or adding some chia seeds and walnuts to your salad for added flavor and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

Water intake. Patients with myocarditis need to pay special attention to water balance to avoid increasing the burden on the heart due to edema. It is recommended to drink water in moderation and avoid drinking large amounts of water at one time.

An interesting strategy is to consume more water through food, such as by eating high-water foods like watermelon, cucumber, or celery. This not only increases water intake, but also supports the body's health through other nutrients in the food such as fiber and trace elements.

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

By implementing these unique dietary strategies, myocarditis patients are not only able to manage their condition, but also improve their quality of life through delicious and varied foods, which is both scientific and thoughtful.

(All names have been changed)

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Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food



[1] Li Lan, Liu Shuanghui, Chen Ting. Research progress on ECG characteristics and pathogenesis of severe viral myocarditis, Chinese Journal of Pathogenic Biology, 2024-6

Can people with myocarditis eat onions? Doctor's warning: If you want your body to recover quickly, eat less of 4 kinds of food

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