
Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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On a quiet autumn afternoon in Zhengzhou, Uncle Zheng Yu was playing chess with some old friends next to the chessboard in the park. An elderly man suddenly said when talking about health problems: "My son also told me a few days ago that the elderly should stay away from sweet potatoes, saying that eating too much is not good for the body. These words puzzled Uncle Zheng, who has always been willing to explore the essence of things.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

He tapped on the chessboard, thinking in his heart, he often eats sweet potatoes on weekdays, is there really any hidden danger? Thinking of this, he decided to consult Dr. Su by the way the next time he went to the hospital to visit his old friend Uncle Liu, who was hospitalized. Dr. So is a good friend of Uncle Cheng for many years and a well-known nutrition expert in the hospital.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

A few days later, Uncle Zheng came to the hospital ward. Seeing that Uncle Liu was taking a lunch break, he lightly put the fruit on the bedside table and went straight to Dr. Su's office. Dr. Su greeted his old friend with a smile when he saw his old friend visiting, and after the two exchanged a few words, Uncle Zheng couldn't wait to ask his own questions.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

After hearing this, Dr. Su first smiled and shook his head, and then explained seriously: "Sweet potatoes are actually very good ingredients, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. But for the elderly, any food should be a matter of 'moderation'. ”

"The sugar content in sweet potatoes is relatively high, and eating too much can easily cause blood sugar fluctuations, especially for diabetics, and it is really necessary to control the intake. In addition, sweet potatoes also contain more oxides, and excessive consumption may increase the burden on the kidneys and affect health. ”

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Uncle Zheng nodded from time to time. He also asked about other vegetables, and Dr. Su did not hesitate to explain his knowledge one by one. For example, beans, although rich in protein, also contain more purines, and eating too much may lead to an increase in uric acid. Cabbage, spinach, etc. contain a lot of calcium and iron, but you should also be careful not to overdo it, so as not to affect the absorption of other minerals.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Uncle Zheng was overwhelmed with emotion, he thanked Dr. Su for his meticulous answers, and decided to adjust his eating habits when he returned home, and also spread this knowledge to his chess friends. He realizes that a healthy lifestyle is not just as simple as eating less and exercising more, but also an all-round adjustment and management.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

On this day, Uncle Zheng not only gained health knowledge, but also better understood how to use scientific methods to maintain his health as an ordinary retired worker. On the way home from the sunset, his heart was warm, as if he had regained the passion for learning and love for life when he was young.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

When it comes to healthy eating, older people often get some advice, such as "certain vegetables should not be eaten every day". Some of these ideas are based on science, but some of them may be old traditions out of thin air. A few common vegetables and see what they're all about.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Potato. Many people will think that potatoes are a big starch household, and eating too much is putting carbs into the body, especially for diabetics, it seems that they should take a detour. Potatoes are also rich in vitamins C and B6, which are particularly helpful for nervous system health. Potatoes also contain a lot of potassium, which is good for the heart, can help you stabilize blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Tomatoes, tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is beneficial for the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer, but it also contains oxalic acid, which may aggravate the condition if you eat too much for friends with a history of kidney stones. Therefore, it is important to choose ingredients and understand your physical condition.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

When it comes to legumes, the first thing that many people may think of is its protein, and indeed, beans are a treasure trove of protein for vegetarians. But beans also contain phytic acid, which, if too much, can interfere with the body's absorption of minerals. This requires techniques, such as soaking and fermentation, which can reduce the phytic acid content and make the beans a more perfect ingredient.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

For the elderly, eating a healthy diet is not as simple as adding or removing ingredients. Only by eating in moderation and taking into account the characteristics of each food and your own physical condition can you truly achieve a healthy diet.

These seemingly simple knowledge are actually life wisdom that everyone should master, especially for those elderly friends with chronic diseases or special health needs.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

The lifestyle of the elderly requires special attention and adjustment, not only to prolong life, but also to maintain the quality and vitality of life. Of course, everyone's situation is unique, but there are some general principles and tips that, if in place, can really help seniors live more comfortably.

Daily activities. Many elderly people may think that they should rest and move less after retirement, which is actually a big misunderstanding. Moderate exercise can not only enhance physical strength, but also improve immunity. For example, walking, tai chi, yoga, these are all good options.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Diet. Protein is essential to not only help repair body tissues but also promote the production of immune cells. However, the gastrointestinal function of older people may not be as good as when they were younger, so it is important to choose easily digestible protein sources, such as fish, chicken breast, etc.

In addition, moderate amounts of fats are also essential, especially those with unsaturated fatty acids, such as fish oil, which can protect the heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Hydration intake. Many older people tend to neglect to drink water, especially when they are not thirsty. In fact, the elderly are more prone to dehydration due to their reduced ability to retain water and affect the functioning of various body systems, including the kidneys and heart. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day, excluding tea, coffee and other beverages.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Social activities are also a part that cannot be overlooked. In old age, many people may have a smaller social circle due to physical or other reasons, and it is very beneficial to actively participate in some community activities or keep in touch with family and friends through the Internet. It can help the elderly maintain a positive attitude, and can even activate brain function and prevent cognitive decline.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

Through these measures, the elderly can not only maintain good physical health, but more importantly, enjoy spiritual satisfaction and happiness.

Every small change can lead to a big improvement in the quality of life, which is something that each of us should pursue. In short, the life of the elderly can also be very exciting, the key is to know how to adjust and manage scientifically, so that life is full of vitality every day.

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

(All names have been changed)

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Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day



[1] Wang Lijie, Liu Yuxiang, Li Yu, Correlation between dietary habits, lifestyle and dyslipidemia in the elderly, China Medical Herald, 2022-09-25

Should the elderly stay away from sweet potatoes? The doctor warned: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat several vegetables every day

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