
Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Lao Liu, how do you feel about your body today?" One morning, Lao Liu's wife, Li Juan, asked at the dining table at home. Recently, Lao Liu felt that something was wrong with his toes, and he always had a dull pain.

On that day, Lao Liu and his family went out to play, resting in a small park on the way. On a nearby bench, several middle-aged men were discussing their weekend plans enthusiastically, including the benefits of mentioning a few beers. After Lao Liu heard this, he was a little apprehensive in his heart. He remembers that the doctor warned him that his uric acid was high during his last check-up, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

Now, the talk of beer is starting to worry him. A few days later, the family plans to go to the hospital for their annual check-up. While waiting, Lao Liu remembered the conversation in the park.

The atmosphere of the hospital was always a little tense, with the white walls, the echoing footsteps in the hallways, and the constant sound of announcements, everything seemed so formal and serious. Lao Liu was called to a consultation room, and a middle-aged doctor greeted him with a smile.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

"I've heard that it's best for people with high uric acid not to drink, is that true?" The doctor began to explain: "Alcohol is an important factor in high uric acid, especially beer, because it contains not only alcohol, but also a large amount of purines, which can be converted into uric acid in the body, which can aggravate the symptoms of gout. "

The doctor continued, "Actually, not only alcohol, but many things in life can affect uric acid levels. For example, high-purine foods, do you usually eat seafood, red meat or offal foods? "

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

Seeing Liu's concerns, the doctor explained in detail how purines in food are converted into uric acid and the potential health effects on his health. "So what should I do?" Lao Liu asked.

"First of all, you need to adjust your eating habits." Doctors give advice and list some low-purine food options, while also emphasizing the importance of exercising properly and drinking plenty of fluids. This consultation was like a lesson for Lao Liu, which gave him a deeper understanding of his physical condition.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

First of all, we have to understand that alcohol itself is an important factor in uric acid metabolism. After drinking, the body needs to break down the alcohol, and a certain amount of lactic acid will be produced in this process.

This is not just a simple process, but a complex biochemical reaction chain with multiple links and multi-factor interactions. Further, alcohol metabolism can also take up the liver's resources and affect the liver's ability to process other substances, including uric acid. The liver is the body's chemical factory, and once its normal function is disturbed, the metabolic balance of the entire body can be disrupted.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

Especially under the influence of alcohol, the burden on the liver increases, and its ability to metabolize uric acid naturally decreases. Alcohol itself is also very high in calories, which is an additional burden for people with high uric acid who need to control their weight. The calories of alcohol are easily absorbed by the body, resulting in excess of total calorie intake, which in turn leads to weight gain and increases the metabolic burden of uric acid.

Now, let's explore how people with high uric acid should deal with alcohol consumption. First of all, the ideal advice is, of course, to abstain from alcohol altogether. This is the safest option for those who already have symptoms of gout or who have poorly controlled uric acid.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

Avoiding alcohol altogether can help them better control their uric acid levels and avoid gout attacks. If it is really difficult to quit drinking, then at least try to avoid high-purine alcohols, such as beer. Not only is the alcohol content in beer enough to cause the above problems, but it also contains a lot of purines, which is worse for the formation of uric acid.

Choosing alcohol with a lower alcohol content is also not a safe strategy because even if the alcohol content is low, frequent intake can still accumulate the risk of elevated uric acid. When it comes to controlling the amount of alcohol you drink, there is a common misconception that people tend to think that drinking a small amount of alcohol is good for their health, but for people with high uric acid, this "small amount" needs to be defined more strictly.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

Even a small amount of alcohol can be enough for some people to trigger a rise in uric acid levels or an attack of gout. In real life, it is best for people with high uric acid to have an individualized assessment when deciding whether to drink alcohol or not.

Everyone's physique, health status, and lifestyle habits are different, so these factors should be taken into account when making decisions about whether and how to drink alcohol to ensure your health. In addition to controlling alcohol consumption, dietary choices are also extremely important to avoid the attack of gout.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

People with high uric acid should stay away from certain foods that are not just regular high-purine foods, but also include some options that may surprise you.

First of all, red meat and processed meat products are foods that people with high uric acid need to avoid. Red meat (e.g., beef, lamb) and processed meat products (e.g., sausages, bacon) are high in purines, which are metabolized in the body to produce large amounts of uric acid. It's not just the purine content that's a matter of saturated fat, which can also exacerbate the inflammatory response, which can worsen the symptoms of gout.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

Then, seafood is also a food category that needs to be treated with caution. While fish and seafood are excellent sources of protein, purine levels such as shrimp, crabs, and certain species of fish (e.g., sardines, eels) are also quite high.

These high-purine seafood can also significantly increase blood uric acid levels after being metabolized in the body. High-purine vegetables commonly found in the diet, such as spinach and asparagus, should also be consumed in moderation. While these vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals and have health benefits, for those with higher levels of uric acid, excessive intake of these vegetables may still lead to short-term increases in uric acid levels.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

It becomes especially important to balance the variety and quantity of vegetables in your diet. Yeast extracts and hops are also to be avoided, especially as they are found in certain condiments and brewed foods. They are not only used to brew beer, but are also often added to broths and seasonings. These ingredients are contraindicated for people with high uric acid due to their high-purine nature.

Sugar-rich beverages and foods, especially soft drinks and fruit juices containing fructose, are also very bad for people with high uric acid. Fructose accelerates the metabolism of purines and increases the production of uric acid, and minimizing the intake of such beverages and foods is an important strategy for the prevention of gout.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

We have discussed this point in detail before, and for people with high uric acid, it is best to quit alcohol completely. Finally, beans and soy products are good sources of plant-based protein, but for people with high uric acid, they also need to be controlled. Although it does not have to be avoided completely, its portion size should be limited in the daily diet to avoid excessive spikes in uric acid levels.

In general, people with high uric acid should follow the principle of low purines in their daily diet and avoid those foods that may cause elevated uric acid. In this way, gout attacks can be effectively prevented and long-term health can be maintained.

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things

Through these detailed analyses and recommendations, we hope to provide a clear dietary guide for people with high uric acid to help them better manage their health conditions.

What do you think about high uric acid? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things


[1] Zhang Shaoshi, Research Progress on the Regulation of Hyperuricemia and Uric Acid Nephropathy by Intestinal Environmental Homeostasis, Journal of Yunnan University for Nationalities (Natural Science Edition), 2024-06-21

Can't drink a sip of high uric acid? Doctor: If you want to avoid gout, you should eat less of these things
