
Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Cucumbers can cure kidney disease?" Han Yufei wiped his sweat and looked at the chat of the two aunts in the park in surprise. As an elementary school teacher, Han Yufei is the kind of serious person in the classroom on weekdays, but he is quite curious about the baby's personality in life.

He was diagnosed with a mild kidney disease many years ago because of his indulgent diet, and since then, he has been following various topics related to kidney health, and his family medicine cabinet is always stocked with drugs for kidney disease.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

That afternoon, Hanyufei jogged in the park as usual as a way to relax from the stress of the day's teaching. By chance, he heard two aunts next to him talking about the miraculous effects of cucumbers on kidney disease.

"I heard from my niece, who works in a hospital, that cucumber is a good thing to clear away heat and detoxify, especially for patients with kidney disease." An aunt said it right.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

Han Yufei thought to himself, how can this kind of thing be believed? He decided to stop jogging and went to his kidney doctor, Dr. Lee, the next day for a consultation.

The next day, Han Yufei came to the hospital as promised, and he found Dr. Li and asked straight to the point.

"Dr. Li, yesterday I heard in the park that cucumber has a therapeutic effect on kidney disease, is this true?" Han Yufei asked.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

Dr. Li smiled and nodded, motioned for Han Yufei to sit down, and then began to explain: "Cucumber is indeed a very nutritious food, it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, silicon and other minerals. These ingredients are very helpful in enhancing the body's immunity and physique. ”

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

"Especially for patients with kidney disease, the high moisture and cooling characteristics of cucumber can help clear away heat and detoxification, diuresis and reduce swelling." Dr. Lee went on to explain, holding a study report on food and kidney health in his hand and looking well prepared.

Dr. Li added, with a hint of seriousness in his tone, "Cucumbers are extremely high in water, and if overdosed in patients with renal insufficiency, it may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even aggravated edema due to excessive water intake. Therefore, as a kidney disease patient, it is okay to eat cucumbers, but you must control the amount. ”

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

After hearing this, Han Yufei suddenly realized, and the doubts in his heart also dissipated. He thanked Dr. Li for his meticulous answers, and decided to adjust his diet plan when he returned, not only to increase the number of cucumbers, but more importantly, to balance nutrition and control the quantity and quality of food.

On the way out of the hospital, many questions about food and health came to Han's mind, and he plans to continue to explore more about healthy eating in order to better manage his kidney disease.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

In terms of the protection and conditioning of kidney health, in addition to the cucumber that we often hear about, there are other fruits and vegetables that we often ignore as "little guards" of kidney health. These fruits and vegetables are not only nutritious, but also play a significant role in protecting kidney function. This section will detail several fruits and vegetables that are good for the kidneys and provide a comprehensive dietary recommendation for people with kidney disease.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

Sweet potatoes are considered by many people as a common staple food or snack, but when it comes to kidney health, sweet potatoes are a treasure trove. Sweet potatoes are rich in β-carotene and high in fiber, which can effectively help reduce the burden on the kidneys and promote the elimination of toxins in the body. At the same time, the potassium content in sweet potatoes is moderate, and there is no risk due to high potassium, which is especially important for maintaining kidney health.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

Celery, a seemingly ordinary vegetable, has unique advantages when it comes to maintaining kidney health. Celery is rich in water-soluble fiber, which can help reduce the burden of filtration on the kidneys and promote the excretion of toxins.

The antioxidants, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, help reduce oxidative damage to kidney cells and protect the kidneys from free radical damage, and celery also has a certain diuretic effect, which is extremely beneficial for preventing and alleviating the symptoms of edema in kidney disease.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

Tomatoes are also a good friend for kidney health, especially for patients who often face high uric acid problems, the lycopene in tomatoes can not only improve cardiovascular health, but also reduce the occurrence of kidney disease.

The low sodium and high potassium properties in tomatoes have a positive effect on controlling blood pressure and reducing the risk of kidney disease. Moreover, the diuretic properties of tomatoes can help remove excess sodium from the body and reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

Pumpkin is a nutritious vegetable that also has a positive effect on kidney health, and the β-carotene in pumpkin is a powerful antioxidant that protects kidney cells from oxidative stress. At the same time, the fiber in pumpkin can help regulate blood sugar, making it a great dietary choice for people with diabetic nephropathy.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

These fruits and vegetables may be overlooked in the daily diet, but their protective effect on the kidneys should not be underestimated. The key to kidney health is a balanced diet and proper nutrient intake, and these fruits and vegetables provide a simple and effective way to help us maintain kidney health.

Through reasonable dietary adjustment, it can not only delay the decline of kidney function, but also improve the quality of life, so that patients with kidney disease can enjoy a healthier and more active life.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

When discussing fruits and vegetables that are good for kidney health, we should also not ignore the fact that excessive intake of certain fruits and vegetables may have a negative impact on the kidneys. This effect is especially pronounced in people who already have renal insufficiency or other kidney diseases.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

For healthy people, high-potassium foods can help maintain electrolyte balance and heart health, but for patients with renal insufficiency, excessive potassium intake may lead to abnormally high levels of potassium in the blood, which can trigger irregular heart rhythms and even cardiac arrest.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

Fruits high in sugar are also a challenge to kidney health, and while fruits are a natural source of sugar, excessive consumption of fructose-rich fruits can increase the burden on the kidneys, especially if kidney function problems are already present.

Too much fructose in fruits may lead to elevated uric acid levels, which can exacerbate kidney damage from kidney disease or diabetes, and fruits such as grapes, cherries, and lychees have high sugar content and should be moderately controlled in patients with kidney disease.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

For patients with certain conditions of kidney disease, such as patients with chronic kidney disease, special care should also be taken in sodium intake, high-sodium foods can increase the burden on the kidneys, cause increased blood pressure, and accelerate the damage of kidney function. Therefore, even vegetables and fruits, if they are processed (such as pickled olives, pickles, etc.), should be avoided as much as possible.

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

In daily dietary management, patients with kidney disease need to pay more attention to the choice and quantity control of food, so as to prevent excessive intake of certain components in food and increase the burden on the kidneys. A proper diet can not only help control the disease, but also effectively prevent further damage to the kidneys, which is an important part of maintaining kidney health.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about what is good for people with kidney disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things



[1] Luo Jing. Relationship between changes in IL-13, FGF23 and SOST levels and vascular calcification in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure, Journal of Southwest Medical University, 2024-05-24

Is cucumber the "nemesis" of kidney disease? Doctor reminds: If you want to have healthy kidneys, you might as well eat more of these things

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