
Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"What? Is hawthorn the 'fuse' of stomach problems? Zhao Haiyang frowned, listening to the conversation of people in the corner of the vegetable market, his mood suddenly became complicated.

He has always loved hawthorn, but recently learned from a doctor that something was not quite right with his stomach. Decided to plan his diet well from now on, Zhao Haiyang wanted to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables at the market today to go home, but he didn't expect to hear such news.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

As an ordinary bank clerk, Zhao Haiyang's life is regular and monotonous, leaving early and returning late, and his diet is often irregular, which makes his stomach often restless. This time, he heard that hawthorn may be the source of the problem, and Zhao Haiyang decided not to guess by himself anymore, and went directly to a professional for verification.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

After listening to Zhao Haiyang's narration, Dr. Kang smiled and began to explain to him: "Mr. Zhao, hawthorn is indeed rich in nutrients, such as organic acids, carotene, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other trace elements. These ingredients are very good for improving appetite and aiding digestion. ”

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Dr. Kang picked up a piece of paper and began to list it in detail: "Hawthorn enhances heart function, has a very good cardiovascular support effect, and the organic acids in it can help digestion, especially to help break down meat and greasy foods." Therefore, for the average person, eating hawthorn in moderation is healthy. ”

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

However, Dr. Kang's tone changed to stern: "However, not everyone is suitable for eating hawthorn, for example, if you are the kind of person who is prone to excessive stomach acid, or have a chronic stomach disease, such as gastritis or stomach ulcer, excessive consumption of hawthorn may stimulate gastric acid secretion, which may cause discomfort. ”

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Zhao Haiyang listened very carefully, and he understood that food and people's physique are closely related. Dr. Kang continued, "Also, for people with weak spleen and stomach, although hawthorn can help digestion, its acidic components may be too strong and affect the protective layer of the stomach wall, so this group of people should eat less or avoid it. ”

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

In Dr. Kang's office, Zhao Haiyang got the answer he wanted. Dr. Kang gave him a list of dietary advice detailing the foods that would suit his constitution and those to avoid. Thanks to Dr. Kang's advice, Zhao Haiyang decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future and enjoy each food in moderation, rather than blindly pursuing the so-called benefits of a certain ingredient.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

On the way out of the hospital, Zhao Haiyang's mood suddenly brightened. He knows that the key to health is not to be superstitious about the efficacy of a single food, but to balance and moderate it. Today, he has not only learned about hawthorn, but also how to treat his diet scientifically. Zhao Haiyang took Dr. Kang's advice and a new attitude towards life and embarked on the way home.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

When it comes to stomach health, most people focus on foods that help with digestion or relieve stomach pain. However, few people realize that even seemingly healthy fruits can become "invisible killers" that affect stomach health if not chosen properly or consumed in excess.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are rich in organic acids, and for those with excess stomach acid or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), excessive consumption may exacerbate acid reflux, causing or aggravating chest burning and stomach upset.

The acidic composition of citrus fruits can also erode tooth enamel in some cases, and while this is not directly related to stomach health, it is also worth noting.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Fruits with a higher sugar content, such as grapes, cherries, and mangoes, derive their sweetness from their high fructose content, and too much fructose intake may not only lead to weight gain, but may also burden the stomach, especially on an empty stomach.

When the stomach processes large amounts of fructose, it can trigger stomach gas, abdominal pain, and even diarrhea. High-sugar fruits are also a challenge in terms of blood sugar control, and for diabetics, they need to be chosen carefully.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Tomatoes are a nutritious fruit that is rich in vitamin C, potassium, and other antioxidants, however, tomatoes are also high in acidity, which can cause stomach upset for people with excess stomach acid. In particular, eating raw tomatoes is more likely to cause stomach irritation than cooked food.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Understanding the properties of each fruit and its possible impact on stomach health can help us make more appropriate food choices to keep our stomach comfortable and healthy. Eating a balanced diet of all types of food and avoiding excessive intake of fruits that are high in acidity or sugar will be a smart choice to maintain stomach and overall health.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

After discussing the possible negative effects that certain fruits can have on stomach health, let's take a look at which fruits have a positive effect on stomach health. It's not just about choosing the right fruit, it's also about the right time and way to eat it, which can greatly enhance the benefits of fruit for stomach health.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Bananas are one of the fruits that are perfect for people with sensitive stomachs, they are soft, easy to digest, and rich in potassium, which can help regulate the body's electrolyte balance, and for people who often suffer from stomach acid problems, bananas provide a protective film to soften the direct irritation of stomach acid on the stomach lining.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

However, more than just bananas, kiwi is also an excellent choice, as it contains a lot of vitamin C and natural fiber, which helps promote gut health and prevent constipation, which reduces the pressure and burden on the stomach.

Kiwifruit also contains a unique enzyme, papain, which helps break down proteins and reduces the workload of the stomach, thus reducing the likelihood of stomach upset.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Moreover, pears are also a suitable fruit for people with sensitive stomachs, pears contain a lot of water and fiber, which can effectively help soften stools and reduce constipation symptoms, which is especially beneficial for those who have stomach discomfort due to constipation. Pears have a moderate sweetness, low acidity, and little stomach irritation, making them ideal for people with excessive stomach acid or gastritis symptoms.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

When choosing fruits that are good for the stomach, we also need to pay attention to the fact that fruits are best eaten after meals. Many people are accustomed to eating fruit on an empty stomach, but this can actually cause an extra burden on the stomach. Fruits need to be broken down by stomach acid during digestion, and gastric acid acts directly on the stomach lining when fasting, which may cause discomfort.

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

Choosing the right fruit for your stomach condition, and being mindful of when and how you eat it, is key to ensuring we get the most health benefits from fruit. In this way, we can not only enjoy the delicious taste of the fruit, but also effectively protect our stomach health.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about preventing stomach problems? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits



[1] Wang Bo, On the Effect of Psychological Nursing in Patients with Gastric Problems, Everybody's Health (Academic Edition), 2016-06-10

Is hawthorn the "fuse" of stomach problems? Doctors warn: If you want to have a healthy stomach, you should eat less fruits

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