
30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

author:Qingdao North Rong Media

"We can also take wedding photos, I can't imagine that I can catch up with fashion once I am old!" The old party members at the event sighed one after another. A few days ago, Yang Congmao, secretary of the Party branch of the Phuket Community Grid in Dagang Street, lamented that it was the party's 103rd birthday soon, and he and his wife would have their wedding anniversary in a few days. Chu Yanni, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Phuket Community, had an idea in her heart: to organize a different kind of July 1st activity, so that those old party members who got married in the era when photography equipment and smartphones were not yet popularized in the past can take a beautiful wedding photo like a young person, so that the love that has been in the same boat for decades will leave no regrets.

30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

In order to pay tribute to the old party members who have witnessed history and grown together with the party, on July 1, the Phuket community of Dagang Street, together with the "red partner" warm sunset elderly service platform, held a "Remembering the original heart through thick and thin" to pay tribute to the old party members - July 1st public welfare wedding photography activity, invited 30 pairs of old party members in the jurisdiction to take wedding photos for them for free, make up for the regrets when they got married, and send a special July 1 gift, reviewing the past of being in the same boat through thick and thin, and also infecting more people with the original intention of the old party members.

Zhao Chengjin, a 68-year-old veteran party member, and 69-year-old Sun Deli, who is also a veteran party member, carefully wore the party emblem on their chests, and the volunteers painted exquisite makeup for the old party members, "Relax, good, smile, three, two......, one" Under the guidance of the volunteers, the uncles and aunts smiled brightly, and the party emblem on the chest shone brightly witnessed their beautiful love, and the flash camera froze their golden years. The old couple has been guarding their partner's original intention of love for decades, and they have made up for the regret that they have not had a wedding commemorative photo for many years, and the two thanked the party organization for their care. Zhao Chengjin talked about his 48 years of joining the party, from Qingdao Railway public security officers to community party member volunteers, retirement does not fade, leave the post does not leave the party, take off the police uniform and put on a red vest, willing to continue to shine for the society. He has always practiced his original mission as a member of the Communist Party, vividly interpreting the persistence of old party members to serve the people.

30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

A couple of old party members and their wives posed in different poses, or snuggled up to each other, or held hands to look at each other, and took the first "wedding commemorative photo" in their lives, and the whole scene was warm and sweet. During the filming process, what I heard most from the old party members was that they never thought that they would have a day to take wedding photos. While being happy and fresh, they couldn't help but recount their struggles and excitedly expressed their deep love for the party and their belief in the bright future of the motherland.

30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

Yang Congmao, who is about to usher in the 46th wedding anniversary, also brought from home a collection of the marriage certificate issued by the old Sifang District more than 40 years ago that he and his wife Dou Xiuzhen, as an old Qingdao man who struggled to grow up in Qingdao, he recalled that he had been in the same boat for decades, "Working and struggling in the old Sifang Machinery Factory for more than 40 years, we have experienced the old generation of Qingdao people over the years, and we have grown and developed together with Qingdao." The party and the country are getting stronger and stronger, and now that life is so good, we have to remember and feel the party's kindness, and we must listen to the party, follow the party, and continue to struggle to live a better life. He lamented the changes from himself to Qingdao in the past few decades, and the days of being together through thick and thin have witnessed the two of them knowing and loving each other, helping each other, sharing weal and woe, witnessing Qingdao's transformation from a small fishing village to an impressive coastal city, and witnessing the historic achievements made by the party and the country from the initial blue thread to the present striving to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades
30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades
30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades
30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

Although the carriages and horses were very slow, the days were hard, there were no wedding dresses and no ceremonies, but being able to stay together with each other and fight for the party and the country is the greatest happiness in the memory of the old party members, and it also made the young people at the scene feel the deep feelings of the old party members who are loyal to the motherland, the people, the cause and the family. Chu Yanni, Secretary of the Party Committee of Phuket Community, Dagang Street, said: "Without the hard work and sweat of the old party members yesterday, there would be no development and changes for us today. Today, although they are no longer at work, they still care about social development at all times, and use their knowledge and experience to contribute to community governance. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the community united with the red partners to send this special gift to our old party members, witnessing their feelings and their eternal original intention of following the party and fulfilling their responsibilities for the party. ”

From the first acquaintance to never get tired of seeing each other, to polishing love into family affection, how many fireworks in the world, how many hard struggles, the vicissitudes of the motherland have been witnessed in the years when the old party members were heart-to-heart and hand-in-hand. Dagang Street will also further help the old party members to integrate into the society, participate in the society, tell the story of the party, carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, guide the young party members and cadres to inherit the red gene, encourage the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members to continue to struggle, take up new missions, show new achievements, strive to create a new situation in the development of various undertakings with a more high-spirited spirit, and write a more gorgeous Dagang chapter in the new era!

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(Source: Shibei District Rong Media Center)

30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

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30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades
30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

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30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

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30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

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30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades
30 pairs of wedding photos of old party members spanning decades

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