
What unit issues the wedding photographer certificate? Is the exam difficult? What are the requirements?

author:The wise man misses it

Wedding photographer is this profession I believe everyone is no stranger, everyone will take a set of wedding photos before and after marriage to keep as a souvenir, it can be said that the market for wedding photography is still relatively large, and the threshold for engaging in the industry is relatively low, there is no educational requirements, knowledge of photography, and relevant photography work experience can start your own wedding photography studio,

What unit issues the wedding photographer certificate? Is the exam difficult? What are the requirements?

As a wedding photographer, you have the freedom to work your hours and don't have to sit on shifts. Having more time and space to pursue their own interests and creations is also the dream of many photographers.

For now, if you want to get a better development in the industry, it may be a good choice to get the corresponding certificate. Students who need to apply for the exam and have questions can go to the WeChat public account [Learning and Thinking Certificate Service] or add Mr. Lin [15617823611] WeChat for more details!

What unit issues the wedding photographer certificate? Is the exam difficult? What are the requirements?

So what unit issued the wedding photographer certificate?

The wedding photographer certificate is obtained through a formal online examination and issued by a public institution in the mainland, which has a high degree of recognition, which can bring more job opportunities and higher professional status to photographers, and can be queried on the official website of the issuing unit, with a certain degree of authenticity and social recognition.

Is the exam difficult?

The exam for the wedding photographer certificate is relatively simple, the content of the exam is mostly the basic knowledge of photography, the history and culture of wedding photography, the use and maintenance of photographic equipment, the use of light, composition principles, color science, post-processing technology and other aspects of knowledge, after the pre-exam review on time, take the online computer-based test on time, and the test score of 60 points and above can be judged to be qualified to get the wedding photographer certificate.

What unit issues the wedding photographer certificate? Is the exam difficult? What are the requirements?

What are the requirements?

The wedding photographer certificate is divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate and high, and the application requirements for different levels of wedding photographer certificates are different. If you meet the basic requirements, you can apply for the exam. Applicants should be 18 years old and above, have no restrictions on academic qualifications, and have knowledge of photography.

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