
Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

author:Zero Krypton player seats

According to the planner, the current Dragon and Tiger Race is version 3.0, and the biggest attraction is the "Seeking Talents" military general function.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

What's the best way to find talent?

1: SP Ma Chao

2: 2-3 season limited generals such as Pang Tong and Jia Xu

3: If you don't have a general, try the effect

4: A tactic you don't have, such as exchanging Cao Zhen for a military strategy

The Dragon and Tiger Race has the greatest benefit.

Trial-and-error function:

If you want to be a good player Pang Tong, Jia Xu, and Ling Tongyi, see if your team is useful, and you will know whether you want to draw the season limit on Double 11 in the future.

Generals such as Cao Zhen and SP Huang Yueying, dismantle them and give them a try, and you will know if your team needs these new tactics.

(You can try the Dragon Tiger Race a few more times, because 1 Dragon Tiger Race will definitely not be able to try so many effects)

Hua Xi looked at the screen, and felt that there were a lot of people who changed SP Ma Chao, after all, he was a military general with a strong tabula rasa.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao
Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao


Seek a SP Ma Chao, try to see if the whiteboard can be played.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao
Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao
Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

Because Hua Xi brought Qingzhou soldiers, many rattan armor soldiers came to fight me, thinking that I was a team like Guan Guan Zhang, and then the enemy was easily cut off.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

There are fan messages, and he also seeks SP Ma Chao, because he didn't solve the annoyance, so he brought Qingzhou soldiers, and as a result, he deceived a lot of rattan armor soldiers.


In the Dragon and Tiger Competition, SP Ma Chao is better to use Qingzhou soldiers, because there are a lot of rattan armor soldiers, and if you bring the annoying guards, the enemy will run away.

[Zuo Ci + Ma Chao]

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao
Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

The SP group bow is worthy of being the nemesis of SP Ma Chao, and the flower mat met the SP group bow several times in a fight, and was beaten to his knees by the opposite side.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

Note: The flower mat uses elephant soldiers, not spearmen, and if the spearmen go to fight the archers, the death will be even worse.

[Dragon and Tiger Competition, what should I do if the team leader is not online? ] 】

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

If your team leader is not online, you can apply to become a team leader from the alliance interface.

This should be considered a better change in the Dragon Tiger Race.

【2 pits of the new Dragon and Tiger Race】

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

Pit 1: The new effect has a bug

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

New Effect: Tilt Balance

When an enemy gains damage over time, damage taken is increased by 10%, up to a maximum of 5 stacks.

It stands to reason that this is an effect that pits the enemy, but in some case there is a bug that will pit the player himself.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

Look at the picture above: Yuan Shao, Zhang Fei, and Zhou Tai obtained the first aid effect of trapping the camp, and they actually triggered the balance effect, which increased the damage they received.


Pit 2: Event tactics

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

When planning the publicity, he said that he could seek Zhuge Liang, and then change the grass boat to borrow arrows to play.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

Result: In the strategy interface, there is no option for event tactics at all, and players cannot redeem event tactics at all.

What are you planning to do?

The planning and publicity are very good, saying that the Dragon and Tiger Race has changed a lot of things, but in fact, it is just like that.

There is only a talent search function, which can barely be regarded as a highlight.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

After entering the game, you don't need to fight the first row of cities, and you can start from the second row of cities.

The third pit point of the game!

Originally, the planner said that the battle could be ended in 60 minutes, but in fact, the battle time is 70 minutes, plus 30 minutes of preparation time, a total of 100 minutes, which saves 20 minutes of time.

Planning, not planning at all!

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

30 minutes of preparation time, meaningless, how good is it to put it directly into the preparation stage?

Prepare for 10 days: Match any of your generals

During the battle: Reserve 60 minutes of fighting time, it is enough.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

New Construction: Outpost

After reading the introduction, Hua Xi realized that there was a little trick to capture the outpost.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

You don't need to connect to the ground to attack the outpost, so the player can attack the outpost at the beginning, and send 3-4 people to occupy 1 outpost, and those who can command can get 4 outposts in the early stage, and they can have a great advantage.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

New Construction: Grain (Grain)

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

Players can surprise the enemy's food and become invisible, and if the enemy is not paying attention, it is indeed possible to succeed in the sneak attack.

Perfect for: Team competitions

Not suitable for: Individual

In the team competition, several people have a chance to succeed in sneaking up together, and no one listens to you in the individual competition, which is a decoration.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

Celebrity Expedition: It is the famous general gameplay of a certain season, where you can command the famous general to fight the enemy city.

Plan to give each person 1 chance to seek talent, and 50% of players will seek talent SP Ma Chao

The full army seems to be 350,000 troops, and it will be gone after a few collisions, so this famous general still needs the player's protection, and the famous general mainly provides a bonus effect for the player.

In general, the new Dragon and Tiger Tournament is also a bit useful for the talent seeking function, allowing players to experience the generals they don't have, and the others are still the same, not much has changed.

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