
Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

author:Onigiri says things

Tang King Li Yuan has a poem: "Young Luo Fu bud Tho is haggard, thousands of miles of clouds and empty Wuling Spring." All day long in the upper reaches of the Fusang River, you can't distinguish things and look at you. This poem describes the cruel reality of the fierce war of the Three Kingdoms period. In that turbulent era, countless heroic warriors roamed the battlefield and wrote a legend that can be sung and cried. Among them, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong are undoubtedly the most dazzling stars. They have performed earth-shattering and peerless martial arts, bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield, and won great military might.

But in the smoke of swords and swords, who was the first strong enemy they faced? What is the difficult journey of this matchup? Let's take a look at the first battle legends of these five heroes and see how they grew from rookies to gods of war.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

Speaking of courage and fearlessness, it should be the "Martial Saint" Guan Yu. In the turbulent years of Huaxiong's rebellion, he stepped forward and personally went out to face this murderous and powerful enemy. The two sides confronted each other on the battlefield, and the atmosphere was tense. Guan Yu was full of pride, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and suddenly turned into an invincible killing god, and his sharp knife technique slashed towards Huaxiong like lightning. Hua Xiong was embarrassed, defeated and retreated, and was finally cut to the ground with a knife. Guan Yu's battle not only turned the tide of the battle, but also earned him the reputation of "Maxima" and became an invincible legendary hero.

Alongside Guan Yu is Zhang Fei. Zhang Yide is a monk, strong in martial arts, and is known as "Yide Hero". In the battle with Ji Ling, he showed his true qualities as a warrior. On that day, Zhang Fei scolded Ji Ling: "You thief dare to attack, watch Lao Tzu's bear pounce!" Before the words fell, he raised a heavy spear in his hand and stabbed Ji Ling unstoppably. Ji Ling couldn't resist it, and was shocked by this overwhelming attack, and finally fell under Zhang Fei's heavy blows. This battle not only demonstrated Zhang Fei's amazing martial arts, but also made him win the praise of "Ma Dai Tiger Wolf" and became an invincible legendary general.

For the story of Zhao Yun's first battle, the clansmen must be no stranger. In the Battle of the Boundary Bridge, he confronted the brave Juyi. Zhao Yun was far-sighted, not only relying on force to win, but also using clever strategies. At first, the two sides were evenly matched on the battlefield. But Zhao Yun slowly figured out Ju Yi's flaws, and finally used Ju Yi's recklessness to pierce his vital point with one shot. This victory demonstrated Zhao Yunbing's talent and wisdom, so he was praised as "Protecting the Country's Tiger Might" and became another legendary figure in Xiliang besides Ma Chao.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

Ma Chao, as a fierce general of Xiliang, deserves it. In the battle of Tongguan, he single-handedly blocked Cao Cao's army, single-handedly taking on several fierce generals, and his bravery was admirable. In that battle, Ma Chao held a spear and faced the generals of the Cao army, Wang Fang and Li Tong. The two sides fought on the battlefield and were evenly matched. Gradually, Ma Chao gained the upper hand and stabbed Wang Fang down with one shot. Seeing this, Li Tong pulled himself on the offensive and wanted to avenge his companions. However, Ma Chao's superb marksmanship and clever use of the power of Yitian quickly suppressed Li Tong, and finally pierced him in the chest with a single shot. This thrilling battle made Ma Chao famous in one fell swoop, and he was respected as the "Wizard of a Thousand Miles", becoming an unrivaled legendary military general in Xiliang.

Another old man is Huang Zhong. In the Battle of Hanzhong, he fought Cao Cao's right-hand man Xiahou Yuan alone, and this duel can be described as thrilling. At the beginning of the war, Xiahou Yuan looked down on Huang Zhong, an "old guy", and mocked: "Huang Zhong, you are in your twilight years, what kind of courage do you come to the battlefield to sell?" I'll give you a taste of my awesomeness today!" Before the words fell, the big knife slashed towards Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong was undaunted, holding a steel knife to meet the attack, and the flag was victorious. It turned out that although Huang Zhong was old, his martial arts were still superb, and with his experience, he saw through Xiahou Yuan's flaws on the spot. With a turn, Huang Zhong's knife went straight to Xiahou Yuan's vital point and stabbed him. This victory not only made Huang Zhong famous and praised as "old and strong", but also demonstrated his heroism and courage of "old man and ambition for thousands of miles".

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

The first battle of these five heroes is thrilling and legendary. Not only did they display unparalleled martial arts and resourcefulness, but they also brought their personal courage and conviction to the fullest. These legendary stories, like mirrors, reflect the spiritual outlook of the Three Kingdoms era. To this day, it still shines brightly.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

Entering the legend of Guan Yu, we have to mention his thrilling life-and-death struggle with Hua Xiong. Hua Xiong was a famous brave general of the year, fierce and vicious, invincible. However, Guan Yu, a big general, never took it seriously. One day, the two sides met on the battlefield, and the atmosphere was tense. Guan Yu brandished the Qinglong Glaive Sword, and faced the battle with great vigour: "Thief Cao Huaxiong, you will die at my hands today!" After that, Guan Yu was already murderous, and slashed towards Hua Xiong with a knife. Hua Xiong was embarrassed and embarrassed.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

Finally, under Guan Yu's unrivaled knife technique, Hua Xiong was cut to the ground at the brink of disaster, his body was hideous, and he died with a scream. In this battle, Guan Yu not only won the name of bravery, but also shocked China from then on, and was respected by the world as the martial saint of "Maxima".

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

Looking at Zhang Fei again, the name of this Ma Dai tiger wolf is by no means in vain. The battle with Ji Ling back then could be called a contest between blood and gunsmoke. Zhang Fei personally provoked and choked Ji Ling, "You guy, don't get out and die." The tone is wild and chilling. Although Ji Ling was also a brave general, he was intimidated by Zhang Fei's momentum and couldn't stop being embarrassed. A great battle began in an instant, and the sound of swords clashing one after another. Zhang Fei swung his spear like a tiger descending the mountain, and his unstoppable bravery made the enemy fearful. Ji Ling was overwhelmed, and was finally pierced through the heart by Zhang Fei with a spear, and his body was killed on the spot. This bloody victory not only demonstrated Zhang Fei's extraordinary martial arts, but also established his reputation as a "Ma Dai Tiger Wolf".

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

Although Zhao Yun has the reputation of "Zilong", he also experienced difficult battles of life and death in his early years. That was a decisive battle with Juyi. Ju Yi is a fierce and fierce enemy, and the two sides fought fiercely around the boundary bridge at the beginning. Zhao Yun is brave and fearless, with superb marksmanship, and it is difficult to distinguish for a while. However, as the battle deepened, Zhao Yun slowly figured out Ju Yi's flaws. A divine Taibao order, Ju Yi fanfare, charging and rushing. Zhao Yunqi immediately appeared and immediately saw through this flaw. At the moment when Ju Yi rushed violently, Zhao Yun had already struck directly with the tip of his spear, piercing it alive. In this battle, Zhao Yun not only showed superb marksmanship, but also displayed superb wisdom, which can be called the "brave champion of the three armies" in the book of war. Since then, his "tiger might" has been amazing, and he has become another fierce general after Guan Yu.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

And behind Ma Chao, a thousand-mile genius, there is also a history of hard struggle. In the battle of Tongguan, Ma Chao was alone and singled out several fierce generals of the Cao army. The opponents in the first battle were Wang Fang and Li Tong. At that time, the two sides met each other with swords and halberds on the battlefield, and Ma Chao was holding a spear with sharp marksmanship. Gradually, Ma Chao gained the upper hand and pierced Wang Fang's chest with a single shot, beheading him under the horse. Seeing this, Li Tong mustered up the courage to go out in person, but he was also invincible to Ma Chao's sword. In the end, Ma Chaomiao pressed on and stabbed Li Tong. In this battle, Ma Chao won two fierce generals with the strength of one person, and his prestige suddenly shocked the Quartet. The soldiers of Xiliang were all in awe of Ma Chao, and they were renamed "Wizards of a Thousand Miles".

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, who is the first general to kill each? Who is difficult

Huang Zhong, an old and strong general, also left a strong mark in the Battle of Hanzhong. His opponent was none other than Xiahou Yuan, the powerful and courageous cadre of the Cao army. The two met late on the battlefield, and the two sides faced each other, and the scene was quite thrilling. At the beginning of the war, Xiahou Yuan looked down on General Huang Zhong's old age and directly ridiculed him. Huang Zhong was unexpected, he became strong and strong, and greeted Xiahou Yuan with a big move. Although Xiahou Yuan was a cadre, he was also a little weak, and he soon fell into disadvantage. Huang Zhong made a plan and stabbed Xiahou Yuan with a reflex. This victory not only made Huang Zhong famous, but also convinced Cao Jun of his martial arts and praised him as the world's first fierce general.

For Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong, the five fierce generals of the Three Kingdoms, the legend of their first battle in the early years can be called the most important stroke in the opening of the martial arts. Through these battles, Guan Yu relied on bravery, Zhang Fei relied on brute force, Zhao Yun relied on both wisdom and bravery, Ma Chao was brave and unparalleled, and Huang Zhong was old and strong, all of them were famous, which terrified the enemies of the Quartet. These five legendary stories not only show the shocking martial arts of these characters, but also demonstrate their perseverance and heroism. It is precisely on the basis of these praiseworthy spiritual qualities that the five fierce generals were able to emerge in that turbulent era, and finally became warriors and protectors of the country, forever in the annals of history. #头条首发大赛#

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