
Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a
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Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

Text: Qingyan Xiaosheng A

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.


On May 14, 2018, an ordinary day, the morning sun sprinkled on the earth, warm and bright. Such weather is a sign that ordinary and ordinary days are about to begin.

However, fate arranged an unexpected turn of events.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

The sudden news made this day different and made it an unforgettable one.

Sudden danger

On that day, Liu Chuanjian and his flight team were very excited about the arrival of the flight mission.

They are about to fly Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8633 over the magnificent route from Chongqing to Lhasa.

After carefully inspecting the aviation equipment to make sure everything was intact, Liu Chuanjian boarded the cockpit.

119 passengers were seated, looking forward to the moment the plane took off.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

They have their own wishes and are ready to face the unknown journey.

The plane pulled away and took off.

At the moment when the plane slowly rose, Liu Chuanjian was immersed in the thrill of controlling the flight, and everything seemed to be so smooth.

However, just ten minutes after the flight, the sudden crisis made him nervous in an instant.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

There was a crack in the glass of the cockpit, small but noticeable, and it gradually expanded.

He tried to stay calm and try to find a solution, however, the rift did not stop spreading.

Suddenly, the crack widened uncontrollably, and the glass under high pressure made a high-pitched popping sound, and shards flew in all directions, with a piercing noise in the ears.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

The entire cockpit was instantly covered in pieces of glass, and there was chaos.

Liu Chuanjian desperately protected his eyes, while trying his best to find a way to deal with it.

He knew that the most important thing right now was to keep the plane stable and land safely.

At that moment, he carried the lives of all the passengers on his back and met the challenges ahead without hesitation.

At that time, Liu Chuanjian himself was in an extremely dangerous state.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

His body was thrown out of the cockpit and suspended at an altitude of 9,800 meters, while the plane was flying at an alarming speed.

Liu Chuanjian felt covered in blood, but he still kept a clear head.

He knew he had to take action to protect the lives of the 128 passengers.

Although the situation was very serious, Liu Chuanjian did not lose his composure.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

He first checked his harness to make sure it was securely fastened to him.

He then began to think of measures to curb this emergency.

In this extremely dangerous situation, Liu Chuanjian knew that he could not act blindly, but must keep a clear head, analyze and think calmly.

By observing the situation around him, Liu Chuanjian began to review the systems and instruments he could control and analyze what impact these systems or instruments had on the safety control of the aircraft.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

He found that the oxygen mask outside the cockpit was still in working condition, which meant that the plane had not yet lost pressure.

Therefore, even if he is physically injured, he can still breathe relatively safely for a limited time.

Liu then noticed that his right arm was still in the cockpit, and he could see the instruments and control systems in the cockpit.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

That's a huge advantage for him.

Liu Chuanjian realized that he could use this advantage to help the plane maintain its balance and stay in flying condition.

At this moment, the co-pilot, who had just been almost sucked out of the plane by the huge air pressure, began to try to move forward, trying to enter the flight cabin to assist Liu Chuanjian in controlling the plane.

With his assistance, Liu Chuanjian constantly adjusted the throttle and the tilt angle of the aircraft to ensure that the flight continued.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

Thanks to his efforts, the plane managed to avoid the danger of collision with the mountains and began to fly upwards.

The sudden accident caused the passengers of Sichuan Airlines 3U8633 to fall into panic.

However, at this critical juncture, a message came from the ground control center, confirming that everything was under control.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

They quickly cleared the obstacles and created the best conditions for the landing of the Sichuan Airlines 3U8633.

During the landing, Liu Chuanjian and the co-pilot tacitly cooperated, using gestures to transmit information and strive to control the aircraft.

Eventually, the plane landed safely on the runway, and a loud sound of the plane rubbing against the ground could be heard throughout the cabin.

Source: China Daily's official Weibo
Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

After Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8633 landed safely, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, there was chaos in the cabin, and some passengers were so emotional that they were frightened and cried incessantly.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

The survivors got off the plane with a lot of emotion.

They knew that the accident was successfully resolved because of the brave struggle of the crew.

Information source: Ping An Mianyang official account
Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

Under the circumstances, the duties of the flight crew were heavy, but they had to show calmness and determination in the face of danger, which was the most solid guarantee of flight safety.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

So what makes them calm?

Behind the heroes

Captain Liu Chuanjian has had a "flying dream" since he was a child, he has participated in the recruitment test twice, experienced setbacks and ups and downs again and again, and finally succeeded in being selected for the second time.

Then, he stepped into the flight academy with a 70% elimination rate, and under the brutal competition and hard training, he chose to grit his teeth and persevere, undaunted.

In an environment full of strong people, he worked hard and studied diligently, and finally stood out from many excellent competitors.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

During his time at the Flight Academy, Liu Chuanjian was piloted and trained in bombers, which, unlike ordinary aircraft, were more demanding, demanding, and technically difficult.

At that time, Liu Chuanjian did not think too far into the future, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.

All the hard work he endured laid an important foundation for the critical moments ahead.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

In 2006, after years of military career, Liu Chuanjian decided to enter a new career field and joined Sichuan Airlines as a civil aviation pilot.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

He has been trained in the military and has accumulated a long period of flying experience to devote himself to new challenges and missions.

Liu Chuanjian's 30-year flying career has accumulated a wealth of experience and skills, which has also allowed him to complete hundreds of flight missions on the route from Chongqing to Lhasa.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

All these experiences enabled Liu Chuanjian to save the lives of the 128 passengers on board in various crisis situations during the 34-minute emergency landing of the plane.

After the incident, the airline carried out several scientific simulations of the accident, and despite the painstaking efforts, each time there was a "crash" ending.

Liu Chuanjian's emergency landing can be imagined, it is really a miracle.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

On February 18, 2019, Liu Chuanjian won the title of "Moving China 2018 Person of the Year".

Because of his courage, sense of responsibility and professionalism, Liu Chuanjian has become a model admired by the people of the whole country.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

His story has attracted widespread public attention and has even been adapted into the movie "Captain China", which touched many audiences after its national release.

Source: Youku official account
Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

But after this incident, although Liu Changjian was in good health, his company did not arrange any flight missions for him for half a year.

Rumor has it that the airline wants Liu Chuanjian and all the crew members to receive psychological treatment to avoid psychological shadows.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

Until November 16, 2018, Liu Chuanjian once again served as the captain under the arrangement of the airline, and he once again led the "hero crew" of the original 3U8633 to carry out the mission of Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8883 from Chengdu to Beijing.

This year, Liu Chuanjian served as a deputy to the second session of the 14th National People's Congress.

Source: Xiaoyang Video
Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing


Liu Chuanjian always believes that honor does not belong to him alone, but to all Chinese civil aviation employees.

This miraculous incident is due to the accumulation of safety work over the years, the hard work of each flight and the tireless efforts of every staff member.

Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who saved 128 people 6 years ago, has not flown again for eight years after landing

The heroic deeds once again prove that China's civil aviation team has an excellent team with high political awareness, excellent skills and rigorous work style.

They have shown the qualities of reliability, determination and courage at critical moments, and have practiced the value concept of "People's Aviation for the People".