
The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

author:Power Vostok-222

Dinosaur Water World broke out of the privacy door

Hunan Yongzhou Dinosaur Water World has recently turned the world upside down. A small camera stunned the entire scenic spot to the forefront. It's weird to say this, it's obviously a parent-child playground, why did you make such an oolong?


On June 29, Ms. Yin took her children to play in Dinosaur Water World for a day. Seeing that it was not early, she led the child to the parent-child shower room to take a shower. Who knew that when you look up, good guy, there's a camera overhead! This can make Ms. Yin angry.

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

The response of the scenic spot is really laughable. At first, the camera was broken, but when I checked the surveillance, the picture was very clear. Later, he changed his words and said that the parent-child shower room is only for children. Is this talking about letting the child bathe himself by himself?

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

The comment area is frying

As soon as this matter spread ten, ten or hundred, the Internet exploded. Netizens, you say a word to me, and you say that the dinosaur water world is like a bloody dog. Someone said: "This is to play 'parent-child' to a new level!" Some people also ridiculed: "It seems that in the future, when you take your child to the water park, you have to take a nursery worker certificate first!" "

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

Ms. Yin is not easy to fool. She launched a "citywide search" on the Internet to find out if anyone else had encountered such bad luck. This trick is really amazing, and it directly makes things bigger. Netizens responded one after another, and some said that this was to form an "anti-candid alliance".

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

The official account fell

The official account of Dinosaur Water World has suffered now. There was a lot of mourning in the comment area: "This is to play 'the customer is God' into 'the customer is the prey'!" "No wonder the job at the water park is so sought-after, it turns out that there is this kind of 'perk'!"

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

In the face of overwhelming doubts, the response of the scenic spot can be described as weak. Although they said they were sorry, they just didn't answer the question that everyone was most concerned about: why do you want to install cameras in the shower? How do you protect your privacy? This attitude is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire.

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

Legal issues surfaced

When this matter became a big problem, some people naturally began to discuss legal issues. Is it legal to install cameras in public places? If it's really for safety, how can you be sure that it won't be abused? These problems cannot be solved by casual talk, and professionals need to study and study them well.

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

Everyone is saying that this is not just a problem of Dinosaur Water World, but a reflection of the fact that society as a whole still has a long way to go in terms of privacy protection. When you go out in the future, you can have more eyes on it, and don't think it's safe everywhere.

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

What to do in the future

This is a lesson for everyone. When you go to the playground in the future, it's not just a matter of playing, you also have to consider security and privacy. If the scenic spot wants to develop for a long time, it must think carefully about how to ensure safety and protect the privacy of tourists.

The women's bathroom was secretly photographed and caught on fire, the dinosaur water world became popular, and the netizen comment area turned upside down

Dinosaur Water World really pitted itself this time. It was originally a good scenic spot, but because of such an incident, its reputation was completely ruined. I hope they can learn a lesson from this incident and reflect on it. But then again, this incident also reminded other scenic spots that you have to be conscientious in doing business, and you can't just ignore it in order to make money.

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