
God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

author:Small entertainment circle
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At 23:20 on June 30, 2024, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old badminton player of the national youth team, passed away after ineffective rescue!

Such a news shocked the entire sports world!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

For a while, countless people felt sorry for it, but more people questioned the relevant behavior of the organizers, so is there a problem with Zhang Zhijie's sudden death?

Reference news: 2024-07-01Cover news - bad news came from the 2024 Badminton Asian Youth Championships, and the talented player fell to the ground and died of ineffective rescue
God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death and the situation at the scene

For a sports organizer, it should make all plans, especially in medical treatment, it is necessary to be cautious, and today's sports will cause some damage to the body!

And Zhang Zhijie is now a typical example!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Zhang Zhijie's sudden death was unacceptable to many netizens, but netizens who were watching the live broadcast at the time questioned what was the cause of Zhang Zhijie's death? And what were the organizers of sports events doing at that time?

According to the organizers of the event, the real cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was cardiac arrest! But the specific reason has not been announced, so netizens are not clear whether Zhang Zhijie himself suffers from related diseases or what happened.

But it is doubtful that at the first time of Zhang Zhi's event, the behavior of the organizers was very dissatisfied!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

It can be seen through the live broadcast that as soon as Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground, his coach wanted to come forward to check the situation and help, but was stopped by the referee.

And there is a very serious problem here, maybe the referee is expecting Zhang Zhijie to stand up on his own! But after waiting for more than ten seconds, Zhang Zhijie never showed any signs of struggling to get up.

The coach couldn't help but rush forward, and observed for a few seconds, found that something was wrong, and urgently called the medical team!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

This also exposes the lack of medical teams in Indonesia, where accidents can happen at any time at sporting events, and in this case, the event organizers should have ordered the medical team to be ready at any time when the athlete has a problem.

But the surprising result was that after the coach shouted for nearly a minute, the medical team was late! You know, when it comes to saving people, a minute is a long time.

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

The golden rescue time for the disease of cardiac arrest itself may only be a few minutes, and just waiting for the medical staff wastes a minute of time, which naturally makes many people feel angry!

The second is another situation, according to the practice of normal medical staff, the patient's condition should be checked as soon as possible, at least to make a preliminary judgment on the problem there, so as to take emergency rescue measures!

But what the medical team of the Indonesian organizer was doing, they didn't check anything, and directly raised Zhang Zhijie to the unit price and took it away!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

It is precisely because of this that netizens have raised doubts about Indonesia and anger at the organizers' slow actions!

In particular, the Indonesian organizers also specifically emphasized in the notice that they completed the treatment in less than two minutes, which is obviously an attempt to shirk responsibility.

You know, this sudden death was a genius boy who was only 17 years old.

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Zhang Zhijie - a genius boy

Since he was very young, Zhang Zhijie has already shown super high athletic ability, especially in badminton, and he has shown a talent far beyond ordinary people! When he was in the third grade of primary school, he was already able to join the Zhejiang Provincial Team for training.

In 2023, he was selected into the national team early, and to put it bluntly, if nothing else, Zhang Zhijie will be one of the leaders of the next generation of badminton sports in the mainland!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

You know, although he is only 17 years old, he has already won many men's singles titles, which has proven that his potential is quite amazing!

This teenager who is in the flowering season is also very strict with himself, and once told his sister that he can return home to reunite with his family after the competition.

But what no one expected was that what my sister was waiting for was not Zhang Zhijie who returned home for reunion, but amazing bad news! For Zhang Zhijie's family, this is no less than a bolt from the blue!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

According to Zhang Zhijie's crying on the Internet, countless netizens cried after watching it.

Zhang Zhijie's sister's cry

According to Zhang Zhijie's sister's crying, we can understand that Zhang Zhijie's performance at home is a well-behaved and sensible child, who is deeply loved by his family, and the child who can buy gifts for his grandparents ends up like this, which is indeed a pity for many people.

According to his sister's crying, the family still planned to go to Indonesia to watch Zhang Zhijie's game in person, but due to various reasons, they could not go in person. This was the reluctant choice to watch his younger brother Zhang Zhijie's live broadcast in front of the TV.

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

At the beginning, Zhang Zhijie's performance made my sister extremely happy, until Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed! This moment directly tugged at my sister's heart.

Seeing her own brother fall on the field and convulse constantly, while as a real sister, she can only sit in front of the TV and watch weakly, this feeling of despair may be difficult to experience except for personal experience.

According to Zhang Zhijie's sister, when Zhang Zhijie had an accident, she kept staring at the screen, and saw that Zhang Zhijie was still twitching at the beginning, and even raised his head, which was obviously sending a distress signal.

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

At that moment, my sister had already called the coach's contact information, but unfortunately it wasn't until half past nine in the evening that the coach told my sister that she needed to be transferred to the hospital, and it wasn't until 11:20 in the evening that the coach unfortunately told my sister the news of Zhang Zhijie's death.

For my sister, it is undoubtedly that the whole sky has fallen!

What she couldn't understand was why the Indonesian medical team was so slow to arrive!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

So she has been questioning whether this would not have happened if the medical team had come faster, and if the medical level in Indonesia had been better, her brother would not have died.

In the face of such a thing, the majority of netizens in the mainland are urgently asking the Indonesian side to give a satisfactory explanation. Whether it is as a potential stock in mainland badminton, or as a Chinese, it is also for teenagers who are only 17 years old.

Indonesia has to give a reasonable explanation! He's only 17 years old! He still has a great youth, and he hasn't enjoyed the world yet!

God is jealous of talents! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

He deserves to bring his glory to the world! And it's all gone! Among them, the most grieved is Zhang Zhijie's family, and we regret the loss of a talented player in badminton.

For Zhang Zhijie's family, it is their relatives who have passed away, and they are the precious sons of their parents! Indonesia, as the organizer, must give a satisfactory answer!


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