
Can eating crabs during pregnancy cause miscarriage? In fact, the real taboo is these 4 kinds, early understanding and early benefit

author:Dr. Pang Lee Yen

During pregnancy, many expectant mothers will pay special attention to their eating habits, for fear that accidentally eating something that should not be eaten will affect the health of the fetus in the womb. Among them, the saying that "eating crabs during pregnancy will cause miscarriage" is widely spread among the people, which makes many expectant mothers shy away from crabs. However, is this claim really reliable?

Nutritious crabs, rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals, can be eaten in moderation to help pregnant women and their babies health. Given the cold nature of crabs and the potential risk of parasite carriers, the health of pregnant women and fetuses can be negatively affected by excessive intake. However, it is obviously too categorical to say that "eating crabs during pregnancy can cause miscarriage". In fact, miscarriage is a complex process that is affected by a variety of factors, including genetic factors, environmental factors, maternal health, etc., and not just a matter of food. Therefore, when pregnant women eat crabs, as long as they pay attention to the appropriate amount, cook them thoroughly, and avoid allergies, they will generally not cause miscarriages.

Can eating crabs during pregnancy cause miscarriage? In fact, the real taboo is these 4 kinds, early understanding and early benefit

So, what are the foods that really need to be avoided during pregnancy? They may contain ingredients that are not good for the pregnant woman and the fetus. Here are four foods that expectant mothers must pay attention to:

Raw or semi-raw meat, fish and poultry are the first to be avoided during pregnancy, as undercooked foods can carry bacteria or parasites that pose a potential threat to the health of mothers and babies.

Raw or partially cooked meat, fish and poultry are safe to eat with the risk of bacteria and parasites, such as salmonella and toxoplasmosis. Once these pathogens enter the pregnant woman's body, they may have serious effects on the fetus, and even lead to serious consequences such as miscarriage and stillbirth. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to ensure that meat, fish and poultry are cooked thoroughly when they are thoroughly cooked, so as to completely eliminate the possible risks of raw or semi-raw food.

The second point for pregnant women is to avoid unpasteurized dairy products and juices to protect food safety and health.

Unpasteurized dairy products and juices hide the risk of bacteria and viruses such as listeria monocytogenes and E. coli, so pregnant women should be cautious when drinking them. These potential pathogens pose a serious threat to the health of pregnant women and fetuses, and once infected, they may cause serious consequences such as premature birth, miscarriage and even stillbirth, and must be taken seriously. Therefore, pregnant women must choose pasteurized products when purchasing dairy products and juices to ensure food safety.

Can eating crabs during pregnancy cause miscarriage? In fact, the real taboo is these 4 kinds, early understanding and early benefit

3. Pregnant women should be wary of species with high mercury content when choosing fish to ensure safe ingestion and avoid potential health risks.

Mercury is a heavy metal element that is harmful to human health. Some fish, such as sharks and tuna, may accumulate high levels of mercury due to their growing environment and food chain characteristics, so pregnant women should choose to eat them carefully. Long-term ingestion of fish with high mercury content by pregnant women may cause serious damage to the development of the fetal nervous system, which in turn can lead to irreversible health problems such as mental retardation and abnormal behavior. Therefore, pregnant women must choose fish with low mercury content, such as salmon, sea bass, etc., and avoid eating fish with high mercury content.

4. Pregnant women should avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, cola, etc., to reduce the potential effects on the body.

Caffeine is a strong stimulant, and excessive intake can easily cause pregnant women's heartbeat to increase abnormally fast, increase blood pressure, and cause insomnia, anxiety and other adverse conditions. In addition, caffeine may also enter the fetus through the placenta and affect the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, in order to ensure the health of pregnant women and their foetuses, special care should be taken during pregnancy to avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks. If you do need a pick-me-up, opt for some decaf drinks such as lemonade, freshly squeezed juices, etc.

Can eating crabs during pregnancy cause miscarriage? In fact, the real taboo is these 4 kinds, early understanding and early benefit

In addition to the above four foods, pregnant women also need to pay attention to the following points during pregnancy:

Optimizing your diet is crucial: pregnant women need to be nutritionally balanced during pregnancy, eating foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, such as selected lean meats, deep-sea fish, nutritious eggs, and fresh vegetables and fruits. At the same time, pregnant women should also be vigilant and avoid unhealthy eating habits such as overeating and picky eating, so as to maintain a healthy and stable nutritional intake.

Pregnant women must pay close attention to and strive to maintain regular work and rest habits, ensure adequate rest and sleep every day, and resolutely avoid any form of staying up late and overworking to maintain the health and stability of themselves and their fetus. At the same time, pregnant women also need to arrange and carry out physical exercises appropriately, such as walking, yoga for pregnant women, etc., to enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

Balance of mind is crucial: Pregnant women need to maintain a calm mind during pregnancy and avoid negative emotions such as excessive anxiety and nervousness. Pregnant women can relax and relieve stress by immersing themselves in melodious music, reading books, taking leisurely walks and other activities.

Can eating crabs during pregnancy cause miscarriage? In fact, the real taboo is these 4 kinds, early understanding and early benefit

Pregnant women should strictly follow the doctor's advice during pregnancy and have regular prenatal check-ups to ensure that they are aware of the growth and development of the fetus in a timely manner, and monitor their own health status to ensure the safety of the mother and baby. If you have any discomfort or abnormal signs, it is important to seek medical attention quickly and explain your eating habits to your doctor in detail for your reference.

All in all, the dietary choices made by pregnant women during pregnancy are crucial to the health of both mother and baby. Although the claim that "eating crabs during pregnancy will cause miscarriages" is not reliable, pregnant women still need to pay attention to the appropriate amount, cook well and avoid allergies when eating crabs. At the same time, pregnant women should also avoid raw or half-raw meat, fish and poultry, unpasteurized dairy products and juices, fish with high mercury content, and caffeinated beverages during pregnancy. Only by achieving a scientific diet and reasonable collocation can we ensure the health of pregnant women and fetuses.

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