
How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

author:Chattering reading circles
How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine
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How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

The fatal temptation of a chess legend

In the Chinese Go world, Nie Weiping is a name that everyone knows. The legend, known as the "Chess Master", has not only conquered countless opponents with his outstanding chess skills, but also attracted widespread attention for his indulgent lifestyle.

At an unforgettable party, Nie Weiping set an astonishing record of eating 13 hairy crabs in one go at the home of literary master Jin Yong, which stunned everyone present.

However, this is only a microcosm of his indulgent life.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

Nie Weiping's love for tobacco and alcohol is almost to the point of obsession. Every meal is inseparable from wine, and it has become a habit for him. What's even more surprising is that he is particularly fond of chilled baijiu, which allows him to drink it as if he were drinking ordinary cold water.

However, it is this invincible master on the chessboard who can hardly resist the temptation of smoking, drinking and food in life. His way of life has sparked many concerns and discussions.

One can't help but wonder how this chess legend managed to reach another important turning point in his life between glory and indulgence. Nie Weiping's story is not only a legend about genius, but also a profound revelation about life choices.

The Rise of Young Geniuses: From the Beginner to the Youth

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

In 1952, Nie Weiping was born in an ordinary family. The gears of fate quietly turned when he was 9 years old, and this seemingly ordinary child stepped into the world of Go.

Surprisingly, Nie Weiping quickly showed extraordinary talent. When he was only 14 years old, he defeated a visiting Japanese player with an impressive record of four wins and one loss, a feat that thrilled the entire Chinese chess world.

However, just as Nie Weiping's chess skills were booming, the torrent of history changed the trajectory of his life. The outbreak of the Cultural Revolution forced the young Nie Weiping to leave his hometown and go to Heilongjiang to become an educated youth.

This sudden change pushed him from the world of chess games he was immersed in every day to the grueling life on the farm. Faced with heavy physical labor and a completely different living environment, Nie Weiping's heart was undoubtedly full of struggle and discomfort.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

However, Nie Weiping did not let adversity crush him. In addition to the heavy farm work, he still insisted on studying chess games and thinking about chess theory. This period of time, which seemed to have nothing to do with Go, honed his will and gave him a deeper understanding of Go.

Looking back on the past many years later, Nie Weiping said with emotion that it was during the difficult years in Heilongjiang that he realized the supreme realm of Go.

In 1973, 21-year-old Nie Weiping finally ended his life as an educated youth and joined the Chinese Chess Academy as he wished. This year, he was in his youth, and his eyes burned with his love for Go and his vision for the future.

At that time, no one could have predicted that this simple young man was about to set off an unprecedented revolution in the Chinese Go world. Nie Weiping's story, like a wonderful chess game, is laid out in difficulties and settled in challenges, and is about to usher in an amazing and wonderful development.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

"Nie Weiping Era": The pinnacle glory of chess legends

After Nie Weiping entered the Chinese Chess Academy, he was like a loose horse, galloping in the Go world. His talent is like a gushing spring, out of control. Winning the Chinese Go Championship five times in a row, this amazing achievement made Nie Weiping's name resounding throughout the chess world.

In domestic competitions, he swept almost all opponents and took the lead. The term "Nie Weiping era" came into being, and his name has become synonymous with Chinese Go.

Nie Weiping's chess style, like his character, is sharp and decisive. Every move seems to carry a thunderous momentum, making the opponent shudder. In the game, Nie Weiping's eyes are always bright, full of desire for victory.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

His opponents often retreated under his sharp attacks, and eventually had to throw in the towel.

However, Nie's influence extends far beyond the country. At that time when Chinese Go was still catching up with Japan, Nie Weiping's rise was like a shot in the arm, giving Chinese chess players hope.

He has made many great achievements against Japanese players, and his opponents have been terrified. The emergence of Nie Weiping made the Chinese Go community begin to reverse the gap with Japan.

In 1988, the Chinese Weiqi Association awarded Nie Weiping the high honor of "Chess Saint". This title is not only a recognition of his personal achievements, but also a symbol that Chinese Go has come to the forefront of the world.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

The rise of Nie Weiping has not only changed the pattern of Chinese Go, but also inspired countless young people who love Go. He became the "Go hero" in the hearts of the people of the whole country, an idol worthy of respect and emulation.

However, while Nie Weiping was enjoying the supreme glory, a hidden crisis was quietly approaching. His success and fame also seem to have brought some unexpected side effects, which will slowly manifest themselves in his life.

An indulgent life beyond the chessboard: tobacco, alcohol, food, and fan life

In the world of Go, Nie Weiping is the undisputed "chess master". However, outside the chessboard, he presents a completely different image - an ordinary person full of fireworks and fireworks, with an indulgent life that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

Nie Weiping's love for tobacco and alcohol is almost to the point of obsession. In his opinion, a meal without wine is like losing a soul. Whenever he sat down, the first thing he did was pour himself a glass of wine.

However, Nie Weiping's way of drinking is very different from ordinary people. He disdained to drink it slowly, preferring to drink it on the rocks. In his words, this is "refreshing enough."

This unique drinking habit allows him to drink as freely as water, but it also invisibly increases his alcohol intake.

At the competition site, Nie Weiping often smoked cigarettes. Heavy smoke shrouded his table, as if adding a bit of mystery to the "chess master". He was tactfully reminded that smoking could affect his health and playing well.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

However, Nie Weiping just smiled faintly, "This is my habit, I can't change it." This stubborn attitude reflects both his personality and his neglect of health risks.

Nie Weiping's eating habits are equally staggering. In a party with Jin Yong, he ate 13 hairy crabs in one go, shocking everyone present. Mr. Jin Yong looked at Nie Weiping's unfinished appearance, and couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Nie's appetite is even more amazing than his chess skills!" This vignette vividly shows Nie Weiping's love for food and his extraordinary appetite.

In addition to food, Nie Weiping is also an avid football fan. In order to watch the ball game, he can stay up until dawn. Once, he stayed up three days in a row to watch the World Cup, only to miss the fourth day of the game due to excessive fatigue.

When asked if he regretted it, Nie Weiping smiled and said, "What is missing a game? As long as you can see the next one. This obsession with football reflects the other side of Nie Weiping outside the chessboard - an ordinary person full of passion.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

Life Alarm Bells: Face cancer head-on and re-examine your life

In 2013, 61-year-old Nie Weiping was struck by shocking news: he had been diagnosed with rectal cancer. Although it was detected in time and it was still in the early stages, the diagnosis still shocked everyone.

This invincible "chess master" on the chessboard is now facing the most difficult game of chess in his life.

In the face of this terrible diagnosis, Nie Weiping showed composure consistent with his chess style. Without the slightest hint of sadness or fear, he shared a meal of shabu mutton with his friends immediately after the operation.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

Behind this seemingly optimistic attitude, there may be a deep reflection on life.

However, the doctor's words were like a hammer, waking up the "chess master": long-term excessive smoking and drinking and irregular lifestyle were the main causes of his cancer.

This cruel fact made Nie Weiping have to re-examine his past lifestyle.

From that moment on, Nie Weiping was forced to distance himself from the tobacco, alcohol, and food he once loved. This is undoubtedly a great challenge for a person who is used to living an indulgent life.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

Sometimes, when he sees others drinking and tasting good food, there is a flash of longing in his eyes, but it is quickly replaced by reason. This inner struggle reflects Nie Weiping's complex psychology in the face of lifestyle changes.

This illness not only changed Nie Weiping's lifestyle, but also made him re-examine his life. He began to realize that health was more precious than any honor.

Despite this, Nie Weiping did not express regrets about his past lifestyle. He often said: "Everyone has their own way of living, and I have no regrets in my life." This sentence not only reflects his free and easy, but also reflects his unique understanding of life.

Nie Weiping's experience has sounded a wake-up call for us: even at the peak of life, we cannot ignore the importance of health. His story reminds us that every choice in life can have a profound impact on our future.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

The legend ends, and a new chapter begins: Nie Weiping's spiritual legacy

After experiencing the test of cancer, Nie Weiping had to say goodbye to the first-line competition. This once dominating the chess world, the "chess saint", now has to face another turning point in his life.

However, for Nie Weiping, this does not mean that his fate with Go is over. Instead, he chose to devote his energy to Go education and cultural promotion, opening a new chapter in his life.

Looking back, Nie Weiping's life is like a wonderful chess game: from a genius boy to a "chess master", and then to a disseminator of Go culture. Every move is firm and powerful, and even in the face of setbacks and illnesses, he has always maintained his love and persistence for Go.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

Although Nie Weiping's lifestyle has been controversial, his love and contribution to Go is unquestionable. His story is not only a legend of talent and indulgence, but also an inspirational story of love and perseverance.

Nie Weiping used his own experience to tell us that the ups and downs of life are a kind of experience, and the important thing is to keep the original intention and never forget your love.

Today, Nie Weiping's name has become a monument in the Chinese Go world. His influence went far beyond the chessboard and became a spiritual symbol in the hearts of many.

Whether it is his brilliant achievements on the chessboard or his ups and downs on the road of life, it is worth pondering and learning from future generations.

How indulgent was Nie Weiping before cancer? Addicted to tobacco and alcohol, he ate 13 crabs in a row and drank top wine

Nie Weiping's story reminds us that success and setback, glory and ordinariness are all part of life. A true winner in life can not only show his talent at the peak, but also maintain his enthusiasm during the trough and pass on his experience and wisdom to future generations.

This is perhaps the most precious spiritual legacy that Nie Weiping left us.

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