
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

author:The mouth of the National Gate

"Hello, car No. 15, 65 border residents participate in carpooling!" In the trade hall of the border people's mutual market, Li Yulong, secretary and director of the general party branch of Manzhang Community, Hekou Town, was busy queuing up to go through the customs clearance procedures for goods. Since the establishment of the Border Residents Mutual Market Mutual Aid Group in the community, the Border Residents Mutual Market Trade Hall has become one of Li Yulong's "offices", and he travels back and forth between the community and the hall every day, and is very busy.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

Li Yulong (second from right) queues up at the trade hall of the border people's mutual market to go through the customs clearance procedures for goods

Manzhang community is located in the area of Hekou County, the community has neither land, nor shops, but also no industry, the road to development is not wide, the collective economic development of the community and the path of residents to increase income and get rich has become Li Yulong's "heart disease".

Rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, rely on the water to eat the water, and eat by the side! After careful consideration, Li Yulong decided to make full use of the geographical advantages of the estuary and do a good job in the "edge" article. With the help of the county party committee and the county government, Manzhang community actively explores the use of the model of "party organizations leading companies to promote border people's mutual trade", transforming the party's political and organizational advantages into a powerful driving force to help the people increase income and promote development. "I thought for a long time, the biggest advantage of our community is 'people', our residents are 'border people', you can enjoy a tax exemption of 8,000 yuan per person per day, this is a favorable policy given by the state and provinces, we must make full use of this policy." Li Yulong said.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

Li Yulong is introducing the model of "party organizations leading companies to promote border people's mutual trade".

To this end, Manzhang community also cooperated with multi-community organizations to establish a mutual market community collective economic organization, and carried out border people's mutual market procurement business under the operation mode of "grassroots party organization + border people's mutual aid group + village (community) collective economic organization + county state-owned enterprise + online comprehensive service platform", which effectively solved the problems of border people's weak purchasing ability, blocked trade information, and single procurement channel, which drove the border people to get rich and increase income, and at the same time reduced costs for enterprises, created a good trade environment for border people, and promoted the normalized development of border people's mutual market trade in an orderly manner.

"Through the establishment of mutual aid groups, we help border residents to declare every day, guide border residents to the secondary market, enterprises through the secondary market to purchase community mutual aid group goods, each car can save more than 600 yuan, community mutual aid group border residents can also profit from 60 to 70 yuan. Now residents in our community only need a mobile phone to participate in the border people's mutual market and increase their income. Li Yulong said happily.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

Li Yulong is explaining the centralized declaration procedure to the border residents

At the beginning, the implementation of the model of "party organizations leading companies to promote trade between border residents" was actually not smooth, and many residents did not understand the policy and did not dare to try it for fear of risks, so Li Yulong worked with community cadres to find out the list of border residents in the entire community who could participate in the border people's mutual market, made phone calls from door to door, patiently explained the policy, and answered questions. It was not easy to do a good job in the propaganda work, and the number of border residents involved in it increased, and new problems were encountered. Many of the residents in the community are elderly and do not know how to operate smartphones. When a problem is solved, new problems come one after another...... and the model of "party organizations leading companies to promote border people's mutual trade" has slowly developed in the process of constantly solving difficult problems.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

Li Yulong is looking at goods purchased from Vietnam

"I know that the road ahead will not be smooth sailing, but I am a member of the Communist Party, is the secretary of the general party branch of the community, as the 'leading goose' of the grassroots branch, no matter how big the difficulties I encounter, I will overcome them, do practical things for the masses, solve problems is what I should do, and it is my responsibility and mission to help the masses and lead the masses to live a good life." Li Yulong said firmly.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

Li Yulong is working

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

A party member is a banner, and a branch is a fortress. It is precisely under the leadership of thousands of Communist Party members like Li Yulong who are willing to dedicate themselves and burn themselves that we have the happy life we have today.

The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨Li Yulong: Be a good leader and let more border people get rich

Photo/text: Liang Yuwen

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