
Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

author:Graduate education

In order to help you choose a better school, the new students have compiled the analysis of the Biology 25 Postgraduate Entrance Examination of Southern University of Science and Technology, including the number of enrollments, examination subjects, bibliography, admission scores, national lines, tuition fees, scholarships and grants, adjustment destinations, proposed admission lists and other information, I hope it will be helpful to you!

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!
Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

1. Introduction to the school's major

Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is a national pilot university for comprehensive reform of higher education, a high-level science and engineering university in Guangdong Province, and a key university in Guangdong Province. SUSTech focuses on science, engineering and medicine, as well as some characteristic humanities and social sciences and management disciplines. In May 2018, SUSTech was approved as a doctoral degree-granting institution.

II. Admissions Colleges and Majors (2024)

Southern University of Science and Technology has multiple schools of biology to enroll, the following is the School of Life Sciences, which plans to enroll 22 full-time students, regardless of research directions.

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

3. Biology examination subjects of Southern University of Science and Technology

SUSTech has a master's degree in biology, 101 politics and 201 English I in the public courses, and mathematics in the professional courses, but (614) biochemistry and molecular biology and (811) cell biology.

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

4. Bibliography of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

5. Distribution map of the results to be admitted

The distribution of biology scores in Southern University of Science and Technology was mainly concentrated in the three stages of 290-323 points, 323-356 points and 356-389 points in previous years, and the overall score was higher in 24 years.

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

(The above data are all from the graduate school entrance examination Tianyan+)

6. Analysis of the proposed admission of biology of Southern University of Science and Technology in previous years

The highest score in biology of Southern University of Science and Technology is about 380-420, the lowest score is 290-340 right, and the recommended score is about 330-360.

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

7. Biology score line of Southern University of Science and Technology

The biology score line of Southern University of Science and Technology is self-marked, and the 24-year re-examination line is 331 points.

8. The whereabouts of biology adjustment of Southern University of Science and Technology

The transfer destination is mainly double-non universities, but there are also a small number of 211 universities, indicating that other universities have a high degree of recognition of biology for SUSTech.

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

9. Biology Scholarship and Grant of Southern University of Science and Technology

Southern University of Science and Technology biology lasts for 3 years, and the tuition fee is 8,000 yuan.

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

10. The proposed admission list of the biology part of Southern University of Science and Technology

The school's proposed admission list announced the preliminary examination results and re-examination results, but did not announce the individual subject results, the school's overall score is relatively high, there is no adjustment, there is no pressure score, everyone can rest assured to apply for the examination.

Analysis of the 25 postgraduate entrance examination of Biology of Southern University of Science and Technology, including test subjects, numbers, scores, etc.!

The above data are all from the big data of graduate students, and students who want to know the professional graduate examination data of other colleges and universities can produce and view the graduate school entrance examination Tianyan!

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